8 research outputs found

    A high-resolution quartz OSL chronology of the Talede loess over thepast ~30 ka and its implications for dust accumulation in the Ili Basin,Central Asia

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    Similar to the loess deposits on the Chinese Loess Plateau (CLP), a reliable chronology plays also an important role in revisiting past climate and environment changes recorded by the loess in Central Asia. Previously, a few luminescence and 14C ages, mainly covering the last glacial, were obtained for several loess sections in Central Asia, which are often controversial. Until now, there is still a lack of reliable high-resolution chronologies covering the late Pleistocene, especially the Holocene. Here, the fine-grained (4&ndash;11&nbsp;&mu;m) quartz single-aliquot regenerative-dose (SAR) optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating protocol is used to establish a detailed chronology of the uppermost part (&sim;5&nbsp;m) of Talede loess in the Ili Basin Central Asia. Conventional tests of the SAR protocol and the general luminescence characteristics indicate that this protocol is suitable for dating the Talede loess. Finally, 15 closely-spaced quartz OSL ages, ranging from 0.72&nbsp;&plusmn;&nbsp;0.05 to 28.9&nbsp;&plusmn;&nbsp;2.12&nbsp;ka and with no reversals, were obtained. Consistent with previous studies in the Ili Basin, two of the three 14C ages show discrepancy when compared with quartz OSL ages for the Talede loess section. The constructed OSL chronology of the Talede loess reveals that the dust accumulation is rapid during marine isotope stage (MIS) 2, especially during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM), and is also continuous during the Holocene, with the dust accumulation rate exhibiting a relatively low level and an increasing trend. Comparison of the dust accumulation at Talede with that at other sites in the Ili Basin indicates that the rapid dust accumulation during the LGM is not universal, and the slow dust accumulation during the Holocene is probably true for the entire Ili Basin. Comparison of different grain sized quartz OSL ages from Central Asian loess show characteristics of both consistency and inconsistency, which needs to be further investigated.</p

    Late Miocene episodic lakes in the arid Tarim Basin, western China

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    The Tibetan Plateau uplift and Cenozoic global cooling are thought to induce enhanced aridification in the Asian interior. Although the onset of Asian desertification is proposed to have started in the earliest Miocene, prevailing desert environment in the Tarim Basin, currently providing much of the Asian eolian dust sources, is only a geologically recent phenomenon. Here we report episodic occurrences of lacustrine environments during the Late Miocene and investigate how the episodic lakes vanished in the basin. Our oxygen isotopic (delta O-18) record demonstrates that before the prevailing desert environment, episodic changes frequently alternating between lacustrine and fluvial-eolian environments can be linked to orbital variations. Wetter lacustrine phases generally corresponded to periods of high eccentricity and possibly high obliquity, and vice versa, suggesting a temperature control on the regional moisture level on orbital timescales. Boron isotopic (delta B-11) and delta O-18 records, together with other geochemical indicators, consistently show that the episodic lakes finally dried up at similar to 4.9 million years ago (Ma), permanently and irreversibly. Although the episodic occurrences of lakes appear to be linked to orbitally induced global climatic changes, the plateau (Tibetan, Pamir, and Tianshan) uplift was primarily responsible for the final vanishing of the episodic lakes in the Tarim Basin, occurring at a relatively warm, stable climate period.</p

    Level and source of 129I of environmental samples in Xi'an region, China

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    Iodine-129 is widely used as a tracer in various environmental practices such as monitoring of nuclear environmental safety, seawater exchange and transport, geochemical cycle of stable iodine and dating of geological events. The spatial distribution of (129)I concentration varies significantly on global scale because of anthropogenic input from nuclear activities coupled with scarcity of data on environmental (129)I variability in many parts of the world including Asia. Here we report new data on (129)I and (127)I concentrations in soil, vegetation, river water and precipitation collected from Xi&#39;an area, China. The results indicate values for environmental (129)I/(127)I ratios in the investigated area range from 1.1 x 10(-10) to 43.5 x 10(-10) with a mean of 20.6 x 10(-10), which is 1-3 orders of magnitude lower than the ratios observed in Europe, but comparable with those observed in the locations far from direct effect of point release sources and at similar latitude. The main source of (129)I in the investigated area is attributed to the global fallout of both atmospheric nuclear weapons testing and long distance dispersion of fuel reprocessing releases. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.</p

    Determination of Low Level 129I in Soil Samples Using Coprecipitation Separation of Carrier Free Iodine and Accelerator Mass Spectrometry Measurement

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    The accurate determination of ultra low level (129)I in sample is critical and essential for the application of natural (129)I in geological dating and environmental tracer studies. In this work, iodine was first separated from soil by combustion at high temperature; the released iodine was collected in an alkali trap solution. AgI-AgCl coprecipitaiton was used to separate carrier free iodine from the trap solution and to prepare target. (129)I in the target was then measured using a 3. 0 MV accelerator mass spectrometer. The recovery of iodine during the combustion is higher than 95%. An iodine recovery of about 75%-85% was obtained in the coprecipitation and the total recovery of iodine is above 70%. The developed method has been successfully used to determine (129)I in soil sample with low iodine content. A (129)I/(127)I atomic ratio as low as 10(-11) in the deep soil has been determined. The determination of (129)I/(127)I was ratio down to 10(-12) in solid samples.</p

    Analyse experimentale des mecanismes de coercivite dans les aimants Nd-Fe-B frittes

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    SIGLECNRS T Bordereau / INIST-CNRS - Institut de l'Information Scientifique et TechniqueFRFranc

    Performance of the resistive plate chambers in the ARGO-YBJ experiment

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    The ARGO-YBJ experiment is designed for the detection of Extensive Air Showers (EAS) in the primary energy range 100 GeV–10 TeV. Its full-coverage feature allows to lower the energy threshold about one order of magnitude with respect to sampling EAS detectors. Here the performance of the RPC array is described and the current status of the experiment is presented

    ARGO-YBJ experiment and the Tev gamma astronomy

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    The ARGO-YBJ detector is an extensive air shower array consisting of a carpet of Resistive Plate Chamber (RPCs