124 research outputs found

    Deep Multi-task Multi-label CNN for Effective Facial Attribute Classification

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    Facial Attribute Classification (FAC) has attracted increasing attention in computer vision and pattern recognition. However, state-of-the-art FAC methods perform face detection/alignment and FAC independently. The inherent dependencies between these tasks are not fully exploited. In addition, most methods predict all facial attributes using the same CNN network architecture, which ignores the different learning complexities of facial attributes. To address the above problems, we propose a novel deep multi-task multi-label CNN, termed DMM-CNN, for effective FAC. Specifically, DMM-CNN jointly optimizes two closely-related tasks (i.e., facial landmark detection and FAC) to improve the performance of FAC by taking advantage of multi-task learning. To deal with the diverse learning complexities of facial attributes, we divide the attributes into two groups: objective attributes and subjective attributes. Two different network architectures are respectively designed to extract features for two groups of attributes, and a novel dynamic weighting scheme is proposed to automatically assign the loss weight to each facial attribute during training. Furthermore, an adaptive thresholding strategy is developed to effectively alleviate the problem of class imbalance for multi-label learning. Experimental results on the challenging CelebA and LFWA datasets show the superiority of the proposed DMM-CNN method compared with several state-of-the-art FAC methods

    Learning Speech Representation From Contrastive Token-Acoustic Pretraining

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    For fine-grained generation and recognition tasks such as minimally-supervised text-to-speech (TTS), voice conversion (VC), and automatic speech recognition (ASR), the intermediate representations extracted from speech should serve as a "bridge" between text and acoustic information, containing information from both modalities. The semantic content is emphasized, while the paralinguistic information such as speaker identity and acoustic details should be de-emphasized. However, existing methods for extracting fine-grained intermediate representations from speech suffer from issues of excessive redundancy and dimension explosion. Contrastive learning is a good method for modeling intermediate representations from two modalities. However, existing contrastive learning methods in the audio field focus on extracting global descriptive information for downstream audio classification tasks, making them unsuitable for TTS, VC, and ASR tasks. To address these issues, we propose a method named "Contrastive Token-Acoustic Pretraining (CTAP)", which uses two encoders to bring phoneme and speech into a joint multimodal space, learning how to connect phoneme and speech at the frame level. The CTAP model is trained on 210k speech and phoneme text pairs, achieving minimally-supervised TTS, VC, and ASR. The proposed CTAP method offers a promising solution for fine-grained generation and recognition downstream tasks in speech processing

    speech and noise dual-stream spectrogram refine network with speech distortion loss for robust speech recognition

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    In recent years, the joint training of speech enhancement front-end and automatic speech recognition (ASR) back-end has been widely used to improve the robustness of ASR systems. Traditional joint training methods only use enhanced speech as input for the backend. However, it is difficult for speech enhancement systems to directly separate speech from input due to the diverse types of noise with different intensities. Furthermore, speech distortion and residual noise are often observed in enhanced speech, and the distortion of speech and noise is different. Most existing methods focus on fusing enhanced and noisy features to address this issue. In this paper, we propose a dual-stream spectrogram refine network to simultaneously refine the speech and noise and decouple the noise from the noisy input. Our proposed method can achieve better performance with a relative 8.6% CER reduction