827 research outputs found

    Coordination Demand in Human Control of Heterogeneous Robot

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    Mixed-initiative Multirobot Control in USAR

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    Stationary Measures of Space-Inhomogeneous Three-State Quantum Walks on Line: Revisited

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    Of a quantum walk, its stationary measures play an important role in understanding its evolution behavior. In this paper we investigate stationary measures of two models of space-inhomogeneous three-state quantum walk on the line. By using the method of reduced matrix, we find out stationary measures of the two models under some mild conditions. Our results generalize the corresponding ones existing in the literature

    Molecular Mechanisms of Embryonic Stem Cell Pluripotency

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    Does Housework Help Improve Academic Performance? An Empirical Analysis on the Influence of Participation in Housework on Academic Performance of Primary and Middle School Students

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    At present, even if the education on hard-working spirit has been emphasized increasingly as an important part of practical education in China’s education policy, the reality is still far from satisfactory, because many parents do not provide their children with sufficient opportunities to do housework. Previous studies have indicated that the empirical analysis remains to be improved in terms of the relationship between housework and the development of primary and junior high school students. Based on data from the 2020 Monitoring of Students' Academic Quality in Basic Education in Jiangsu Province Study, this study investigates the influence of primary and secondary school students’ participation in housework on academic performance by using OLS regression and Coarsened Exact Matching (CEM). The results show that the current proportion of primary and junior high school students involved in housework is not high; however, participating in housework frequently will positively affect the academic performance of primary and junior high school students. Participation in housework in primary school has a greater positive impact on academic performance than that in junior high school. In addition, since excessive academic burden is the main factor hindering primary and junior high school students from being involved in housework, it is necessary to strengthen the publicity of education on hard-working spirit to help people know its importance. Also, we suggest the burden on schoolwork should be reduced to in order to promote more diversified housework related educational opportunities for students


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    Advances in robotic technologies and artificial intelligence are allowing robots to emerge fromresearch laboratories into our lives. Experiences with field applications show that we haveunderestimated the importance of human-robot interaction (HRI) and that new problems arise inHRI as robotic technologies expand. This thesis classifies HRI along four dimensions - human,robot, task, and world and illustrates that previous HRI classifications can be successfullyinterpreted as either about one of these elements or about the relationship between two or moreof these elements. Current HRI studies of single-operator single-robot (SOSR) control andsingle-operator multiple-robots (SOMR) control are reviewed using this approach.Human control of multiple robots has been suggested as a way to improve effectiveness inrobot control. Unlike previous studies that investigated human interaction either in low-fidelitysimulations or based on simple tasks, this thesis investigates human interaction with cooperatingrobot teams within a realistically complex environment. USARSim, a high-fidelity game-enginebasedrobot simulator, and MrCS, a distributed multirobot control system, were developed forthis purpose. In the pilot experiment, we studied the impact of autonomy level. Mixed initiativecontrol yielded performance superior to fully autonomous and manual control.To avoid limitation to particular application fields, the present thesis focuses on commonHRI evaluations that enable us to analyze HRI effectiveness and guide HRI design independentlyof the robotic system or application domain. We introduce the interaction episode (IEP), whichwas inspired by our pilot human-multirobot control experiment, to extend the Neglect ToleranceHUMAN CONTROL OF COOPERATING ROBOTSJijun Wang, Ph.D.University of Pittsburgh, 2007vmodel to support general multiple robots control for complex tasks. Cooperation Effort (CE),Cooperation Demand (CD), and Team Attention Demand (TAD) are defined to measure thecooperation in SOMR control. Two validation experiments were conducted to validate the CDmeasurement under tight and weak cooperation conditions in a high-fidelity virtual environment.The results show that CD, as a generic HRI metric, is able to account for the various factors thataffect HRI and can be used in HRI evaluation and analysis
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