219 research outputs found

    A Dyadic Simulation Approach to Efficient Range-Summability

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    Efficient range-summability (ERS) of a long list of random variables is a fundamental algorithmic problem that has applications to three important database applications, namely, data stream processing, space-efficient histogram maintenance (SEHM), and approximate nearest neighbor searches (ANNS). In this work, we propose a novel dyadic simulation framework and develop three novel ERS solutions, namely Gaussian-dyadic simulation tree (DST), Cauchy-DST and Random Walk-DST, using it. We also propose novel rejection sampling techniques to make these solutions computationally efficient. Furthermore, we develop a novel k-wise independence theory that allows our ERS solutions to have both high computational efficiencies and strong provable independence guarantees

    On Efficient Range-Summability of IID Random Variables in Two or Higher Dimensions

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    d-dimensional (for d > 1) efficient range-summability (dD-ERS) of random variables (RVs) is a fundamental algorithmic problem that has applications to two important families of database problems, namely, fast approximate wavelet tracking (FAWT) on data streams and approximately answering range-sum queries over a data cube. Whether there are efficient solutions to the dD-ERS problem, or to the latter database problem, have been two long-standing open problems. Both are solved in this work. Specifically, we propose a novel solution framework to dD-ERS on RVs that have Gaussian or Poisson distribution. Our dD-ERS solutions are the first ones that have polylogarithmic time complexities. Furthermore, we develop a novel k-wise independence theory that allows our dD-ERS solutions to have both high computational efficiencies and strong provable independence guarantees. Finally, we show that under a sufficient and likely necessary condition, certain existing solutions for 1D-ERS can be generalized to higher dimensions

    Rethinking Similarity Search: Embracing Smarter Mechanisms over Smarter Data

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    In this vision paper, we propose a shift in perspective for improving the effectiveness of similarity search. Rather than focusing solely on enhancing the data quality, particularly machine learning-generated embeddings, we advocate for a more comprehensive approach that also enhances the underpinning search mechanisms. We highlight three novel avenues that call for a redefinition of the similarity search problem: exploiting implicit data structures and distributions, engaging users in an iterative feedback loop, and moving beyond a single query vector. These novel pathways have gained relevance in emerging applications such as large-scale language models, video clip retrieval, and data labeling. We discuss the corresponding research challenges posed by these new problem areas and share insights from our preliminary discoveries
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