1,212 research outputs found

    De l’université au monde du travail : l’insertion professionnelle des jeunes diplômés chinois du Français Langue Étrangère

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    RÉSUMÉ.  La politique chinoise en matière d’enseignement supérieur des langues étrangères a évolué rapidement au cours des vingt dernières années pour répondre au développement du pays et aux besoins sociétaux. Dans ce contexte, l’enseignement du Français Langue Étrangère (FLE) dans le milieu universitaire répond-il aux besoins de l’insertion professionnelle des jeunes diplômés chinois ? Une étude empirique sur 292 sujets, provenant de 148 universités, travaillant dans les quatre métropoles chinoises (Pékin, Shanghai, Guangzhou et Shenzhen), présente les difficultés rencontrées, les types de compétences demandées dans l’insertion professionnelle et des avis sur l’adéquation entre la formation suivie et l’exigence du marché de l’emploi. Cette étude apporte sa contribution à l’amélioration des pratiques pédagogiques de l’enseignant du FLE et la professionnalisation de la formation en milieu universitaire. Mots-clés : FLE, insertion professionnelle, jeunes diplômés, université chinoise  ABSTRACT.  China’s foreign language higher education policy has evolved rapidly over the past two decades to accommodate the country’s development and societal demand. The aim of this paper is to discover whether the teaching of French as a foreign language (FLE) in the Chinese universities meet the needs of the professional integration of young Chinese graduates. An empirical study on 292 subjects from 148 universities in four Chinese metropolitan cities namely Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen were conducted and the difficulties encountered by the students have been revealed. The investigation found that the French major undergraduates confronted three main difficulties in the job market: the type the skills acquired for occupational integration, the selection of the required educational training provided by the universities and the demand of the labor market. This study contributes to the improvement of the FLE teachers’ pedagogy and the professionalization of training in the university. Keywords: Chinese university, FLE, professional integration, young graduates


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    The purpose of this study was to investigate the adjustment of leg stiffness and the relative electromyography (EMG) magnitude of different phases with shallow and deep drop jump (DJ) in order to understand the neuromuscular and contraction characteristics of different stretch amplitudes of SSC movement. There were 12 subjects tested in this experiment including jumpers and volleyball players whose ages are 20.5±1.93, heights are 181.01±6.23cm and weights are 71.95±4.93Kg. Kistler forceplatform, PEAK high speed video camera and EMG Biovision system were used to record the ground reaction force, kinematics data and the EMG signals of gastrocnemius and rectus femoris. The results of this study were that the leg stiffness between two different drops jump had the significant difference at the concentric and transmission phases in the progressive loads (

    The nature of CuA in cytochrome c oxidase

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    The isolation and purification of yeast cytochrome c oxidase is described. Characterization of the purified protein indicates that it is spectroscopically identical with cytochrome c oxidase isolated from beef heart. Preparations of isotopically substituted yeast cytochrome c oxidase are obtained incorporating [1,3-15N2]histidine or [beta,beta- 2H2]cysteine. Electron paramagnetic resonance and electron nuclear double resonance spectra of the isotopically substituted proteins identify unambiguously at least 1 cysteine and 1 histidine as ligands to CuA and suggest that substantial spin density is delocalized onto a cysteine sulfur in the oxidized protein to render the site Cu(I)-S

    Using Technology-Supported Enrichment Activities to Extend Student Learning in a Chinese as a Foreign Language Classroom

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate whether exposing middle school students to content above their ability level produced significant differences in students’ confidence in their Chinese as a foreign language competence in each of the following four areas: reading, listening, speaking, and learning vocabulary. Participants (N = 30) were sixth and seventh graders. Results of paired t-test analyses indicated that there was no significant difference in student confidence in Chinese reading competence, t(30) = 0.78, p = 0.22; in Chinese speaking competence, t(30) = -0.50, p = 0.31; or to learn Chinese vocabulary, t(30) = -0.80, p = 0.21. However, there was a significant difference in student confidence in ability to learn Chinese listening, t(30) = -1.78, p \u3c 0.05. It is suggested that exposing students to content well above their ability level can increase their confidence in ability to learn Chinese listening

    Pressure Effect on the Boson Peak in Deeply Cooled Confined Water: Evidence of a Liquid-Liquid Transition

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    The boson peak in deeply cooled water confined in nanopores is studied to examine the liquid-liquid transition (LLT). Below ∼180  K, the boson peaks at pressures P higher than ∼3.5  kbar are evidently distinct from those at low pressures by higher mean frequencies and lower heights. Moreover, the higher-P boson peaks can be rescaled to a master curve while the lower-P boson peaks can be rescaled to a different one. These phenomena agree with the existence of two liquid phases with different densities and local structures and the associated LLT in the measured (P, T) region. In addition, the P dependence of the librational band also agrees with the above conclusion.United States. Dept. of Energy (Grant DE-FG02-90ER45429

    Hypolipidemic Effects of Three Purgative Decoctions

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    In traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), purgation is indicated when a person suffers an illness due to the accumulation of evil internal heat. Obese individuals with a large belly, red face, thick and yellow tongue fur, constipation, and avoidance of heat are thought accumulates of evil internal heat, and they are also treated with purgatives such as Ta-Cheng-Chi-Tang (TCCT), Xiao-Chen-Chi-Tang (XCCT), and Tiao-Wei-Chen-Chi-Tang (TWCCT) by TCM doctors. In previous studies, our group found that TCCT has potent anti-inflammatory activity, and that XCCT is an effective antioxidant. Since rhubarb is the principle herb in these three prescriptions, we will first present a thorough review of the literature on the demonstrated effect (or lack of effect) of rhubarb and rhubarb-containing polyherbal preparations on lipid and weight control. We will then continue our research with an investigation of the anti-obesity and lipid-lowering effect of TCCT, XCCT, TWCCT, and rhubarb extracts using two animal models. TWCCT lowered the serum triglyceride concentration as much as fenofibrate in Triton WR-1339-treated mice. Daily supplementation with XCCT and TWCCT significantly attenuated the high-fat-diet-induced hypercholesterolemia in rats. In addition, TWCCT also significantly lowered the high-fat-diet-induced hypertriglycemia. Although feeding high-fat diet rats with these extracts did not cause loose stools or diarrhea or other deleterious effects on renal or hepatic function. None of these extracts lowered the body weight of rats fed on high-fat diet. In conclusion, the results suggest that XCCT and TWCCT might exert beneficial effects in the treatment of hyperlipidemia