68 research outputs found

    GBHT: Gradient Boosting Histogram Transform for Density Estimation

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    In this paper, we propose a density estimation algorithm called \textit{Gradient Boosting Histogram Transform} (GBHT), where we adopt the \textit{Negative Log Likelihood} as the loss function to make the boosting procedure available for the unsupervised tasks. From a learning theory viewpoint, we first prove fast convergence rates for GBHT with the smoothness assumption that the underlying density function lies in the space C0,αC^{0,\alpha}. Then when the target density function lies in spaces C1,αC^{1,\alpha}, we present an upper bound for GBHT which is smaller than the lower bound of its corresponding base learner, in the sense of convergence rates. To the best of our knowledge, we make the first attempt to theoretically explain why boosting can enhance the performance of its base learners for density estimation problems. In experiments, we not only conduct performance comparisons with the widely used KDE, but also apply GBHT to anomaly detection to showcase a further application of GBHT.Comment: Accepted to ICML2021. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2106.0198

    Centre Stage: Centricity-based Audio-Visual Temporal Action Detection

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    Previous one-stage action detection approaches have modelled temporal dependencies using only the visual modality. In this paper, we explore different strategies to incorporate the audio modality, using multi-scale cross-attention to fuse the two modalities. We also demonstrate the correlation between the distance from the timestep to the action centre and the accuracy of the predicted boundaries. Thus, we propose a novel network head to estimate the closeness of timesteps to the action centre, which we call the centricity score. This leads to increased confidence for proposals that exhibit more precise boundaries. Our method can be integrated with other one-stage anchor-free architectures and we demonstrate this on three recent baselines on the EPIC-Kitchens-100 action detection benchmark where we achieve state-of-the-art performance. Detailed ablation studies showcase the benefits of fusing audio and our proposed centricity scores. Code and models for our proposed method are publicly available at https://github.com/hanielwang/Audio-Visual-TAD.gitComment: Accepted to VUA workshop at BMVC 202

    An Integrative and Applicable Phylogenetic Footprinting Framework for \u3cem\u3ecis\u3c/em\u3e-regulatory Motifs Identification in Prokaryotic Genomes

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    Background: Phylogenetic footprinting is an important computational technique for identifying cis-regulatory motifs in orthologous regulatory regions from multiple genomes, as motifs tend to evolve slower than their surrounding non-functional sequences. Its application, however, has several difficulties for optimizing the selection of orthologous data and reducing the false positives in motif prediction. Results: Here we present an integrative phylogenetic footprinting framework for accurate motif predictions in prokaryotic genomes (MP3 ). The framework includes a new orthologous data preparation procedure, an additional promoter scoring and pruning method and an integration of six existing motif finding algorithms as basic motif search engines. Specifically, we collected orthologous genes from available prokaryotic genomes and built the orthologous regulatory regions based on sequence similarity of promoter regions. This procedure made full use of the large-scale genomic data and taxonomy information and filtered out the promoters with limited contribution to produce a high quality orthologous promoter set. The promoter scoring and pruning is implemented through motif voting by a set of complementary predicting tools that mine as many motif candidates as possible and simultaneously eliminate the effect of random noise. We have applied the framework to Escherichia coli k12 genome and evaluated the prediction performance through comparison with seven existing programs. This evaluation was systematically carried out at the nucleotide and binding site level, and the results showed that MP3 consistently outperformed other popular motif finding tools. We have integrated MP3 into our motif identification and analysis server DMINDA, allowing users to efficiently identify and analyze motifs in 2,072 completely sequenced prokaryotic genomes. Conclusion: The performance evaluation indicated that MP3 is effective for predicting regulatory motifs in prokaryotic genomes. Its application may enhance progress in elucidating transcription regulation mechanism, thus provide benefit to the genomic research community and prokaryotic genome researchers in particular

    DynamiCrafter: Animating Open-domain Images with Video Diffusion Priors

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    Animating a still image offers an engaging visual experience. Traditional image animation techniques mainly focus on animating natural scenes with stochastic dynamics (e.g. clouds and fluid) or domain-specific motions (e.g. human hair or body motions), and thus limits their applicability to more general visual content. To overcome this limitation, we explore the synthesis of dynamic content for open-domain images, converting them into animated videos. The key idea is to utilize the motion prior of text-to-video diffusion models by incorporating the image into the generative process as guidance. Given an image, we first project it into a text-aligned rich context representation space using a query transformer, which facilitates the video model to digest the image content in a compatible fashion. However, some visual details still struggle to be preserved in the resultant videos. To supplement with more precise image information, we further feed the full image to the diffusion model by concatenating it with the initial noises. Experimental results show that our proposed method can produce visually convincing and more logical & natural motions, as well as higher conformity to the input image. Comparative evaluation demonstrates the notable superiority of our approach over existing competitors.Comment: Project page: https://doubiiu.github.io/projects/DynamiCrafte

    EyelashNet: A Dataset and A Baseline Method for Eyelash Matting

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    Eyelashes play a crucial part in the human facial structure and largely affect the facial attractiveness in modern cosmetic design. However, the appearance and structure of eyelashes can easily induce severe artifacts in high-fidelity multi-view 3D face reconstruction. Unfortunately it is highly challenging to remove eyelashes from portrait images using both traditional and learning-based matting methods due to the delicate nature of eyelashes and the lack of eyelash matting dataset. To this end, we present EyelashNet, the first eyelash matting dataset which contains 5,400 high-quality eyelash matting data captured from real world and 5,272 virtual eyelash matting data created by rendering avatars. Our work consists of a capture stage and an inference stage to automatically capture and annotate eyelashes instead of tedious manual efforts. The capture is based on a specifically-designed fluorescent labeling system. By coloring the eyelashes with a safe and invisible fluorescent substance, our system takes paired photos with colored and normal eyelashes by turning the equipped ultraviolet (UVA) flash on and off. We further correct the alignment between each pair of photos and use a novel alpha matte inference network to extract the eyelash alpha matte. As there is no prior eyelash dataset, we propose a progressive training strategy that progressively fuses captured eyelash data with virtual eyelash data to learn the latent semantics of real eyelashes. As a result, our method can accurately extract eyelash alpha mattes from fuzzy and self-shadow regions such as pupils, which is almost impossible by manual annotations. To validate the advantage of EyelashNet, we present a baseline method based on deep learning that achieves state-of-the-art eyelash matting performance with RGB portrait images as input. We also demonstrate that our work can largely benefit important real applications including high-fidelity personalized avatar and cosmetic design