181 research outputs found

    Does one subgenome become dominant in the formation and evolution of a polyploid?

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    Background Polyploids are common in flowering plants and they tend to have more expanded ranges of distributions than their diploid progenitors. Possible mechanisms underlying polyploid success have been intensively investigated. Previous studies showed that polyploidy generates novel changes and that subgenomes in allopolyploid species often differ in gene number, gene expression levels and levels of epigenetic alteration. It is widely believed that such differences are the results of conflicts among the subgenomes. These differences have been treated by some as subgenome dominance, and it is claimed that the magnitude of subgenome dominance increases in polyploid evolution. Scope In addition to changes which occurred during evolution, differences between subgenomes of a polyploid species may also be affected by differences between the diploid donors and changes which occurred during polyploidization. The variable genome components in many plant species are extensive, which would result in exaggerated differences between a subgenome and its progenitor when a single genotype or a small number of genotypes are used to represent a polyploid or its donors. When artificially resynthesized polyploids are used as surrogates for newly formed genotypes which have not been exposed to evolutionary selection, differences between diploid genotypes available today and those involved in the formation of the natural polyploid genotypes must also be considered. Conclusions Contrary to the now widely held views that subgenome biases in polyploids are the results of conflicts among the subgenomes and that one of the parental subgenomes generally retains more genes which are more highly expressed, available results show that subgenome biases mainly reflect legacy from the progenitors and that they can be detected before the completion of polyploidization events. Further, there is no convincing evidence that the magnitudes of subgenome biases have significantly changed during evolution for any of the allopolyploid species assessed

    Evaluation and Optimization of Rendering Techniques for Autonomous Driving Simulation

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    In order to meet the demand for higher scene rendering quality from some autonomous driving teams (such as those focused on CV), we have decided to use an offline simulation industrial rendering framework instead of real-time rendering in our autonomous driving simulator. Our plan is to generate lower-quality scenes using a game engine, extract them, and then use an IQA algorithm to validate the improvement in scene quality achieved through offline rendering. The improved scenes will then be used for training

    Genome-wide identification of TPS and TPP genes in cultivated peanut (Arachis hypogaea) and functional characterization of AhTPS9 in response to cold stress

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    IntroductionTrehalose is vital for plant metabolism, growth, and stress resilience, relying on Trehalose-6-phosphate synthase (TPS) and Trehalose-6-phosphate phosphatase (TPP) genes. Research on these genes in cultivated peanuts (Arachis hypogaea) is limited.MethodsThis study employed bioinformatics to identify and analyze AhTPS and AhTPP genes in cultivated peanuts, with subsequent experimental validation of AhTPS9’s role in cold tolerance.ResultsIn the cultivated peanut genome, a total of 16 AhTPS and 17 AhTPP genes were identified. AhTPS and AhTPP genes were observed in phylogenetic analysis, closely related to wild diploid peanuts, respectively. The evolutionary patterns of AhTPS and AhTPP genes were predominantly characterized by gene segmental duplication events and robust purifying selection. A variety of hormone-responsive and stress-related cis-elements were unveiled in our analysis of cis-regulatory elements. Distinct expression patterns of AhTPS and AhTPP genes across different peanut tissues, developmental stages, and treatments were revealed, suggesting potential roles in growth, development, and stress responses. Under low-temperature stress, qPCR results showcased upregulation in AhTPS genes (AhTPS2-5, AhTPS9-12, AhTPS14, AhTPS15) and AhTPP genes (AhTPP1, AhTPP6, AhTPP11, AhTPP13). Furthermore, AhTPS9, exhibiting the most significant expression difference under cold stress, was obviously induced by cold stress in cultivated peanut, and AhTPS9-overexpression improved the cold tolerance of Arabidopsis by protect the photosynthetic system of plants, and regulates sugar-related metabolites and genes.DiscussionThis comprehensive study lays the groundwork for understanding the roles of AhTPS and AhTPP gene families in trehalose regulation within cultivated peanuts and provides valuable insights into the mechanisms related to cold stress tolerance

    Genome-wide analysis reveals regulatory mechanisms and expression patterns of TGA genes in peanut under abiotic stress and hormone treatments

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    IntroductionThe TGA transcription factors, plays a crucial role in regulating gene expression. In cultivated peanut (Arachis hypogaea), which faces abiotic stress challenges, understanding the role of TGAs is important.MethodsIn this study, we conducted a comprehensive in analysis of the TGA gene family in peanut to elucidate their regulatory mechanisms and expression patterns under abiotic stress and hormone treatments. Furthermore, functional studies on the representative AhTGA gene in peanut cultivars were conducted using transgenic Arabidopsis and soybean hair roots.ResultsThe genome-wide analysis revealed that a total of 20 AhTGA genes were identified and classified into five subfamilies. Collinearity analysis revealed that AhTGA genes lack tandem duplication, and their amplification in the cultivated peanut genome primarily relies on the whole-genome duplication of the diploid wild peanut to form tetraploid cultivated peanut, as well as segment duplication between the A and B subgenomes. Promoter and Protein-protein interaction analysis identified a wide range of cis-acting elements and potential interacting proteins associated with growth and development, hormones, and stress responses. Expression patterns of AhTGA genes in different tissues, under abiotic stress conditions for low temperature and drought, and in response to hormonal stimuli revealed that seven AhTGA genes from groups I (AhTGA04, AhTGA14 and AhTGA20) and II (AhTGA07, AhTGA11, AhTGA16 and AhTGA18) are involved in the response to abiotic stress and hormonal stimuli. The hormone treatment results indicate that these AhTGA genes primarily respond to the regulation of jasmonic acid and salicylic acid. Overexpressing AhTGA11 in Arabidopsis enhances resistance to cold and drought stress by increasing antioxidant activities and altering endogenous hormone levels, particularly ABA, SA and JA.DiscussionThe AhTGA genes plays a crucial role in hormone regulation and stress response during peanut growth and development. The findings provide insights into peanut's abiotic stress tolerance mechanisms and pave the way for future functional studies

    Expert Consensus on Microtransplant for Acute Myeloid Leukemia in Elderly Patients -Report From the International Microtransplant Interest Group

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    Recent studies have shown that microtransplant (MST) could improve outcome of patients with elderly acute myeloid leukemia (EAML). To further standardize the MST therapy and improve outcomes in EAML patients, based on analysis of the literature on MST, especially MST with EAML from January 1st, 2011 to November 30th, 2022, the International Microtransplant Interest Group provides recommendations and considerations for MST in the treatment of EAML. Four major issues related to MST for treating EAML were addressed: therapeutic principle of MST (1), candidates for MST (2), induction chemotherapy regimens (3), and post-remission therapy based on MST (4). Others included donor screening, infusion of donor cells, laboratory examinations, and complications of treatment

    Structural constraints on learning in the neural network

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