12,043 research outputs found

    Semantic Part Segmentation using Compositional Model combining Shape and Appearance

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    In this paper, we study the problem of semantic part segmentation for animals. This is more challenging than standard object detection, object segmentation and pose estimation tasks because semantic parts of animals often have similar appearance and highly varying shapes. To tackle these challenges, we build a mixture of compositional models to represent the object boundary and the boundaries of semantic parts. And we incorporate edge, appearance, and semantic part cues into the compositional model. Given part-level segmentation annotation, we develop a novel algorithm to learn a mixture of compositional models under various poses and viewpoints for certain animal classes. Furthermore, a linear complexity algorithm is offered for efficient inference of the compositional model using dynamic programming. We evaluate our method for horse and cow using a newly annotated dataset on Pascal VOC 2010 which has pixelwise part labels. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of our method

    Semantics-based selection of everyday concepts in visual lifelogging

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    Concept-based indexing, based on identifying various semantic concepts appearing in multimedia, is an attractive option for multimedia retrieval and much research tries to bridge the semantic gap between the media’s low-level features and high-level semantics. Research into concept-based multimedia retrieval has generally focused on detecting concepts from high quality media such as broadcast TV or movies, but it is not well addressed in other domains like lifelogging where the original data is captured with poorer quality. We argue that in noisy domains such as lifelogging, the management of data needs to include semantic reasoning in order to deduce a set of concepts to represent lifelog content for applications like searching, browsing or summarisation. Using semantic concepts to manage lifelog data relies on the fusion of automatically-detected concepts to provide a better understanding of the lifelog data. In this paper, we investigate the selection of semantic concepts for lifelogging which includes reasoning on semantic networks using a density-based approach. In a series of experiments we compare different semantic reasoning approaches and the experimental evaluations we report on lifelog data show the efficacy of our approach

    MAT: A Multimodal Attentive Translator for Image Captioning

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    In this work we formulate the problem of image captioning as a multimodal translation task. Analogous to machine translation, we present a sequence-to-sequence recurrent neural networks (RNN) model for image caption generation. Different from most existing work where the whole image is represented by convolutional neural network (CNN) feature, we propose to represent the input image as a sequence of detected objects which feeds as the source sequence of the RNN model. In this way, the sequential representation of an image can be naturally translated to a sequence of words, as the target sequence of the RNN model. To represent the image in a sequential way, we extract the objects features in the image and arrange them in a order using convolutional neural networks. To further leverage the visual information from the encoded objects, a sequential attention layer is introduced to selectively attend to the objects that are related to generate corresponding words in the sentences. Extensive experiments are conducted to validate the proposed approach on popular benchmark dataset, i.e., MS COCO, and the proposed model surpasses the state-of-the-art methods in all metrics following the dataset splits of previous work. The proposed approach is also evaluated by the evaluation server of MS COCO captioning challenge, and achieves very competitive results, e.g., a CIDEr of 1.029 (c5) and 1.064 (c40)

    Multi-stage Multi-recursive-input Fully Convolutional Networks for Neuronal Boundary Detection

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    In the field of connectomics, neuroscientists seek to identify cortical connectivity comprehensively. Neuronal boundary detection from the Electron Microscopy (EM) images is often done to assist the automatic reconstruction of neuronal circuit. But the segmentation of EM images is a challenging problem, as it requires the detector to be able to detect both filament-like thin and blob-like thick membrane, while suppressing the ambiguous intracellular structure. In this paper, we propose multi-stage multi-recursive-input fully convolutional networks to address this problem. The multiple recursive inputs for one stage, i.e., the multiple side outputs with different receptive field sizes learned from the lower stage, provide multi-scale contextual boundary information for the consecutive learning. This design is biologically-plausible, as it likes a human visual system to compare different possible segmentation solutions to address the ambiguous boundary issue. Our multi-stage networks are trained end-to-end. It achieves promising results on two public available EM segmentation datasets, the mouse piriform cortex dataset and the ISBI 2012 EM dataset.Comment: Accepted by ICCV201