3 research outputs found

    Produksi dan Pemasaran Produk Manisan Pala “Ilomata” di Kelurahan Girian Weru, Kota Bitung

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    The purpose of this research is to describe the process of making candied nutmeg by UD Ilomata and describing Ilomata\u27s candied nutmeg marketing. The research carried out start from preparation in the April until preparation of reports in the June 2016. Data used is primary data obtained through interviews by giving questioners to the owner of UD Ilomata, and from direct observation to the production activity and marketing of Ilomata\u27s candied nutmeg. Data analysis used is descriptive analysis. Data analysis in this research is analysing market margin by calculating cost and the price margins on every channel marketing that involved in the marketing of Ilomata\u27s candied nutmeg and also calculate the Break Even Point. The result of this research shows that Ilomata\u27s candied nutmeg packed in three different packages, 3 ounce package, 2.5 ounce package, and 3 ounce package. Ilomata\u27s candied nutmeg marketed on four stores in Bitung City, two stores in Manado City, a store in Gorontalo province and the marketing directly from producer to the consumer in UD Ilomata. Biggest marketing margin is Rp 5.000 with 16% share found in the Gorontalo province\u27s channel marketing from the 2.5 ounce package and with the biggest profit margin is Rp 3.764 found in the Bitung CityMart\u27s channel marketing from the 2 ounce package. All of Ilotama\u27s channel marketing can be said efficient because total cost is small seen from the rotation of sold time product. UD Ilotmata\u27s Candied nutmeg business can hold on and exist till today because theres diligence, curiosity and entrepreneurship from the owner namely Mrs. Renny Umar.*lwths

    Pengaruh Komponen Citra Merek (Brand Image) Terhadap Loyalitas Konsumen Produk Minuman Share Tea Di Kota Manado

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    This study aims to determine the influence of brand image on consumer loyalty Share Tea drink in the city of Manado. In its development, bubble tea drinks into today's drinks with a variety of flavor variants that can attract consumers in all ages. Reach back the market that has declined, and to maintain the market it has gained is a challenge that Share Tea companies must face in creating consumer loyalty. This study uses data obtained from questionnaires, observations and direct interviews with the manager of Tea Share in Manado City. The analysis technique used is multiple regressions. From this research can be concluded that Components of brand image consisting of coorporate image, user image, and product image has a influence on Consumer Loyalty. The components of the brand image together have a positive influence on consumer loyalty. The coorporate image and user image individually does not significantly affect consumer loyalty, while product image individually has a significant effect on consumer loyalty


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    This study aims to determine the influence of brand image on consumer loyalty Share Tea drink in the city of Manado. In its development, bubble tea drinks into today's drinks with a variety of flavor variants that can attract consumers in all ages. Reach back the market that has declined, and to maintain the market it has gained is a challenge that Share Tea companies must face in creating consumer loyalty. This study uses data obtained from questionnaires, observations and direct interviews with the manager of Tea Share in Manado City. The analysis technique used is multiple regressions. From this research can be concluded that Components of brand image consisting of coorporate image, user image, and product image has a influence on Consumer Loyalty. The components of the brand image together have a positive influence on consumer loyalty. The coorporate image and user image individually does not significantly affect consumer loyalty, while product image individually has a significant effect on consumer loyalty