3 research outputs found
Perancangan Aplikasi Enkripsi dan Dekripsi File Berbasis Web
In the development of technology that is so advanced today, especially in the field of communication and information, maintaining privacy is something that absolutely must be done for each individual. Rapoport (in Soesilo, 1998) defines privacy as an ability to control the interaction, the ability to acquire options and the ability to achieve the desired interaction. Nowadays, a lot of things that can be done by using the internet, such as selling, social interacting through social media (Social Media) such as Facebook, learn, or just read the news through the portal of electronic media, and so forth. Most of the activities that can be done on the internet, requires personal data of its users, where the issue of privacy is of onsiderableconcern. As the development of information and communication technology in this case the Internet, the technology used to protect all personal data users also grown and will continue to evolve into more sophisticated. For this reason the author took the initiative to create a Endesapp application program, which aims to facilitate a person or agency who frequently exchange data in the form of files through the Internet. With so security in maintaining personal data even be increased as well as the possibility of the spread of sensitive data has been poor. In this study, the method used is to design programs shaped application file encryption and decryption web-based cryptographic techniques to the type of algorithm that is supported is 3DES ( Triple DES ) , AES - 128 ( Advanced encyption Standard) , AES - 192 and AES - 256
Perancangan Media Katalog sebagai Penunjang Informasi dan Promosi pada Cv.zero Store
With the development of computer technology , especially in the field of multimedia enabling competition in the highly competitive retail world . At the present time due to intense competition in the business world , the service and quality of goods is not enough to be able to increase revenue and attract customers who are loyal and inevitably this makes employers think hard to find a way to survive and stable in the business . One way is to use visual communication media can indirectly communicate the expected value of its effectiveness in product marketing programs . CV.Zero Store is a company located in Villa Mutiara Pluit Tangerang which sells a variety of products and a Jersey type shirt screen printing . The problems that exist in the company does not have a means of supporting media promotion of effective programs , this company is already using a media campaign to promote its products as it is used today is the brochures , banners , promotions with clients directly keklien and perceived inadequate for future promotion . Therefore , it takes promosiyang other means such as the media in the desired catalog marketing targets that have been programmed . For media catalog is a masterpiece of design that is packaged in the form of a booklet which is a medium that can be made in the company's assets that can be used to improve an image or the image of the company to establish cooperation relations with companies , institutions and other relevant agencies . Besides the new design is expected to add variants of the media campaign so as to form the image or the image of the company as desired . Therefore dituangkanlah such a design in an article entitled “Designing Catalog For Supporting Information Media and Promotions at CV Zero.Store