4 research outputs found

    Cost-effectiveness ratio (CER) by city in the nutrition & PA combined intervention group.

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    <p><sup>a</sup> For BMI, BAZ and overweight & obesity prevalence, the ‘effect’ means BMI, BAZ and overweight & obesity prevalence reduction (post intervention vs before intervention) in intervention group compared with that of in the control group, respectively. <sup>b</sup> ALL CER was presented in US dollars. <sup>c</sup> O & B means overweight & obesity. <sup>d</sup> Total’ means the average effect of four intervention centers (Jinan, Guangzhou, Harbin, Shanghai), Chongqing was excluded here because the intervention in this city was not effective (p>0.05). </p

    Characteristics of the subjects at baseline by group.

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    <p><sup>a</sup><sup>b</sup>: Percentage shared the different letter means significant difference at baseline among groups in Beijing, p<0.05. <sup>*</sup> Significant difference (p<0.05) between control and Nutrition & PA intervention group. <sup>c</sup> statistical analysis and compare between intervention group with it’s control group. No superscript means no significant difference among groups.</p

    Anthropometric characteristics and obesity prevalence at baseline, after intervention and changes in different groups<b>^</b>.

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    <p><sup>^</sup> Continuous variables were expressed as mean±standard error.</p><p><sup>a, b</sup>: Means shared the different letter means significant difference at baseline among groups in Beijing, p<0.05. </p><p><sup>c, d</sup> : Means shared the different letter means significant difference of changes (post-intervention vs. baseline) among groups in Beijing, p<0.05.</p><p><sup>*</sup> Comparison the mean between post-intervention and baseline in each group, p< 0.05.</p><p><sup>#</sup> Comparison means between combined intervention group and control group at baseline as well as for changes (post-intervention vs. baseline), <sup>#</sup> p<0.05; <sup>##</sup> p<0.01.</p><p><sup>†</sup> OR and 95% CI for overweight & obesity prevalence using generalized linear mixed model, no significantly difference of OR between nutrition or PA individual intervention group with their control group, but a borderline difference between combined intervention group with its’ control group (p=0.06). </p