23,110 research outputs found

    Optical properties of diamond like carbon films prepared by DC-PECVD

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    Diamond-like carbon (DLC) thin films were deposited at different substrate temperatures using methane and hydrogen gas in DC-PECVD at 2x10-1Torr. From the light transmission using UV-VIS spectroscopy it was found that the optical transition had changed from allowed indirect transition to allowed direct transition as the substrate temperature increased. The Optical gap increased with temperature, highest of 3.034 eV was observed at 573 K, beyond which it dropped. Colour of the film changed from light brownish to a colourless transparent film in the higher temperature. The Urbach energy decreased from 1.25 eV to 0.75 eV with increasing substrate temperature till 573 K and a slight increase after it. This trend is attributed to change in sp3/sp2 ratio or change in structure. The cluster size decreases with temperature, resulting in larger band gap and the structure more ordered. Similar pattern is also witnessed in the emission spectrum of the photoluminescence

    Becoming more sensitive to the source of social exclusion: when self-affirmation and type of social exclusion influences excluded consumers' preferences

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    Session 1.3 Hit Me, Baby, One More Time: The Ups and Downs of Social Exclusion on Consumer Motivation: no. 1This research examines how product recommendations by excluders (vs. non-excluders) influence excluded consumers’ preferences toward a recommended product. Previous work on social exclusion has shown that excluded individuals want to avoid and be disconnected from perpetrators of exclusion (Buckley et al. 2004; Maner et al. 2007). According to this finding, we can simply predict that excluders’ recommendations will negatively impact excluded consumers’ product preferences. However, we suggest that excluders’ recommendations do not always reduce preferences toward products. Rather, the effect of excluders’ recommendation depends 

    Peran Pemerintah Kota Pekanbaru dalam Penyelenggaraan Pendidikan pada Sekolah Menengah Atas Swasta Tahun 2014

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    Education is a major effort in achieving the Indonesian government should a nation that is educating the nation. In the implementation of the education policy of the central government authorizes local governments to dapattercapai policies fairly and equitably. In Riau province, especially the city of Pekanbaru organized by the Department of Education Pekanbaru. Evidence of the implementation of education policy is by increasing the quality of education at all levels of education. On top Middle School should also be. Not only the National High School High School, but also private. Comparable to improving the quality of education, facilities and infrastructure supporting the achievement of quality improvement should also receive attention from the government primarily on Private High School. Therefore, researchers wanted to see and compare the role of the government, especially Pekanbaru City Pekanbaru City Department of Education in the Implementation of facilities and infrastructure of Top Private School puffy in 2014.The purpose of this study is the first, to find out how the government's role in providing education Pekanbaru City on Private High School in 2014. Second, to find out what are the factors that affect the role of Pekanbaru city government in providing education at High School in 2014. Private research this method descriptive qualitative approach. The research location is Private School SMA Santa Maria Pekanbaru, Private High School Youth and Education Office of the city of Pekanbaru. Data collection through interviews as additional data is through observation of researchers, documents, journals, research reports and media / newspaper. Analysis of the data that have been collected using descriptive techniques.Role of Pekanbaru City Department of Education in improving the quality of education in the form of teacher training in cooperation with the Institute for Education Quality Improvement, Provision of Assistance funds Operasioal School, and scholarship. as a coordination center and the center of the spread of information and data collection from any educational institution in the city of Pekanbaru. Limited authority becomes an excuse presented by the Education Office of Pekanbaru. According to the analysis of the author is trasmisi policy failures that caused the policy to be unfair and uneven and occure ketidakmaksimalan in the achievement of policy objectives. As a result the corresponding results of the analysis of all the data collected and interviews to the writer considered the most understand menganai it was discovered that the infrastructure and facilities Private High School in the city of Pekanbaru not be authorized Pekanbaru City Department of Education. The impact of inequality others is happening to the achievement of quality education for benchmarks which can not be equated with one another between the education unit utamnya Private High School in 2014

    Penggunaan Pita Bilangan untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Siswa dalam Belajar Matematika di Sekolah Dasar

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hasil rata-rata siswa setelah guru menggunakan pita bilangan dalam pembelajaran matematika di kelas V Sekolah Dasar Negeri 21 Sungai Pinyuh Kabupaten Pontianak. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode deskriftif dengan pendekatan kualitatif dengan rancangan penelitian tindakan kelas yang dilaksanakan melalui 2 siklus, masing-masing siklus terdiri dari 1 kali pertemuan. Sedangkan subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah guru dan 16 siswa kelas V. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data yang diperoleh yaitu kemampuan guru dalam menyusun RPP mengalami peningkatan 0,33 kategori mendekati baik, kemampuan guru dalam melaksanakan pembelajaran pembelajaran sebesar 0,37 kategori sangat baik. Dan hasil belajar siswa mengalami peningkatan sebesar 1,5 kategori mendekati baik. Kata Kunci : Penggunaan, pita bilangan hasil belajar, matematika. Abstrac: This study aims to determine the average results of students after teachers using tape numbers in mathematics learning in the fifth grade Elementary School District 21 River Pinyuh Pontianak. The method used is descriptive method with qualitative approach to the design of classroom action research conducted through two cycles, each cycle consisting of 1 meeting. While the subjects in this study were teachers and 16 students of class V. Based on the analysis of data obtained by the ability of the teacher in preparing lesson plans increased 0.33 approached either category, the ability of teachers to implement instructional learning was 0.37, very good category. And student learning outcomes increased by 1.5 category approach either

    Geometrically Induced Multiple Coulomb Blockade Gaps

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    We have theoretically investigated the transport properties of a ring-shaped array of small tunnel junctions, which is weakly coupled to the drain electrode. We have found that the long range interaction together with the semi-isolation of the array bring about the formation of stable standing configurations of electrons. The stable configurations break up during each transition from odd to even number of trapped electrons, leading to multiple Coulomb blockade gaps in the the I−VI-V characteristics of the system.Comment: 4 Pages (two-columns), 4 Figures, to be published in Physical Review Letter

    Spin Waves in Random Spin Chains

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    We study quantum spin-1/2 Heisenberg ferromagnetic chains with dilute, random antiferromagnetic impurity bonds with modified spin-wave theory. By describing thermal excitations in the language of spin waves, we successfully observe a low-temperature Curie susceptibility due to formation of large spin clusters first predicted by the real-space renormalization-group approach, as well as a crossover to a pure ferromagnetic spin chain behavior at intermediate and high temperatures. We compare our results of the modified spin-wave theory to quantum Monte Carlo simulations.Comment: 3 pages, 3 eps figures, submitted to the 47th Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Material

    Theory of the "honeycomb chain-channel" reconstruction of Si(111)3x1

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    First-principles electronic-structure methods are used to study a structural model for Ag/Si(111)3x1 recently proposed on the basis of transmission electron diffraction data. The fully relaxed geometry for this model is far more energetically favorable than any previously proposed, partly due to the unusual formation of a Si double bond in the surface layer. The calculated electronic properties of this model are in complete agreement with data from angle-resolved photoemission and scanning tunneling microscopy.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev. Lett (the ugly postscript error on page 4 has now been repaired
