5 research outputs found

    PSO modelling and PID controlled of automatic fish feeder system

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    Automatic fish feeding system is an electronic device that is designed to distribute fish pellets at particular time with maximum speed regulation. There are three (3) main parts in the system which are storage, dispenser and distribution parts. A problem has been reported that the distribution part was not performed at the required speed. The main objective of this study is to improve the performance of fish feeding system by using PID controller through ARX modelling. In this study, raw data at distribution part with speed of 130 rpm, 160 rpm, 190 rpm, 220 rpm and 250 rpm were extracted and used to determine ARX equation parameters as transfer function by using PSO algorithm to optimize ARX model parameter. Validation tests used was residual analysis. The best transfer function was then used as a modelling plant in the simulation process with PID controller to determine the optimum PID parameters. Finally, implementation of a PID controller into real time system was done to verify whether this system improved or not. The PSO analysis showed that the best ARX model was at 190 rpm speed because of well superimposed predicted model with the actual system. The lowest normalized output MSE value is 0.0042015 , the lowest convergence output error value is 0.0040886, the stable pole zero map and correlation test verify the accuracy of the model reaching a 95% confidence level. ARX model parameters obtained using the PSO algorithm are two inputs ( , ) and two outputs ( , ). The input parameter obtained is (− 0.3391, − 0.4329) while the output parameter is (− 0.06498, − 0.08334). The optimum PID parameter value obtained by the auto tune method is = − 3.4854, = − 50.2207 and = 0.05815. In conclusion, the PID controller successfully improved the performance of the fish feeding system with the highest percentage of speed change of 92.59%

    Trend berkomunikasi dan transaksi dalam talian: selamatkah data peribadi belia Malaysia?

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    Isu keselamatan data peribadi pengguna secara dalam talian menjadi perdebatan hangat seantero dunia termasuk di Malaysia. Krisis kesihatan pandemik Covid-19 menjadi pemangkin kepesatan penggunaan teknologi dalam pelbagai aspek kehidupan. Global Threat Report 2021 menggesa penduduk dunia untuk menjadikan keselamatan siber sebagai budaya sementara pakar teknologi berjuang mengesan dan menghentikan ancaman siber sepenuhnya. Justeru, artikel ini bertujuan mengkaji tingkah laku golongan belia agar sentiasa melindungi data peribadi yang dikongsikan secara dalam talian. Kajian kuantitatif dengan menggunakan borang soal selidik yang diedarkan secara dalam talian ini dijalankan ke atas belia Malaysia semasa Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan (PKP) masih berkuatkuasa. Seramai 535 orang belia berumur 19 hingga 30 tahun di Putrajaya dan Cyberjaya telah dipilih sebagai sampel kajian. Pemilihan ini menggunakan pendekatan multi tahap iaitu berdasarkan kategori umur, jantina, etnik dan lokasi. Data dianalisis menggunakan perisian Statistical Packages for Social Science (SPSS) versi 28.0. Analisis regresi berganda mendapati bahawa faktor kawalan tingkah laku (R2 = .819) merupakan menyumbang paling besar dan signifikan dalam usaha melindungi keselamatan data peribadi berbanding faktor lain seperti sikap, norma subjektif, niat, mudah guna, kepercayaan dan faedah. Dapatan ini menjelaskan bahawa bagi memastikan belia Malaysia cenderung untuk menjadi pengguna secara dalam talian yang selamat mereka perlu memiliki sifat kawalan tingkah laku yang tinggi untuk melindungi keselamatan data peribadi mereka. Budaya menghindari diri daripada menjadi mangsa ancaman siber ini perlu disemai dalam diri setiap individu belia seiring dengan kepesatan teknologi bagi menangani cabaran era digital dewasa ini

    Experimental evaluation of fish feeder machine controller system

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    The aim of this project is to apply the automatic fish feeder controller system for fish pellet dispersion machine. The system uses Arduino as a microcontroller which programmed by setting the speed and timer of each DC motor to make this machine functioning automatically. When the adapter is switch, the microcontroller will be connected then activate the motor driver to generate the system. Two motors have been used as motor 1 and motor 2 which functions to drop and disperse the fish pellet respectively. The whole system was programmed through a specific coding and uploaded to the Arduino. This project benefits in reduce the manpower for the fish farming. The component that required to build this project is portable and cost-effective. From experimental result, the timer for motor 1 to dispense the fish food from the storage was 60s while 90s for DC motor 2 as a distributor. The speed for motor 1 was set to 110rpm while motor 2 was set with full speed of 255rpm. The fish pellet can be distributed and scattered up to 5m which can reduce the competition among the fish at one place

    Security threats to privacy data of Malaysian youth’s: online transaction and communication

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    The new norms during the COVID-19 pandemic contributed to the increased usage of the online medium. The International Labour Organization (ILO) reports that millions of people were forced to stay at home during difficult situations (2020). Both the government and corporate sectors are changing the landscape of their services to online services. Apart from its benefits, the rapid adoption of technology also increases the risk of data breaches among individuals' personal information. This article focuses on the intention factor as a motivation to protect the security of personal data among the youth. A total of 535 respondents in the range of 19 to 30 years old from Putrajaya and Cyberjaya. They are randomly selected using a multistage cluster sampling method. A set of questionnaires were distributed online during the Movement Control Order (MCO) that hit all over the world including Malaysia. To analyse factors affecting the Malaysian youth in protecting the security of personal data the multiple linear regression analysis was applied. This article reports the intention factor has a dominant influence in motivating Malaysian youth to protect the security of their data. Additionally, findings showed that family connection and online banking transactions as the main factors in using online compared to other motives measured in this study. Therefore, Malaysian youths should be given the knowledge and awareness to keep on vigilant and protect their data security. Their motivations need to be nurtured to ensure that Malaysian youth’s personal data remain protected even if they are actively interacting online

    Experimental Evaluation of Fish Feeder Machine Controller System

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    The aim of this project is to apply the automatic fish feeder controller system for fish pellet dispersion machine. The system uses Arduino as a microcontroller which programmed by setting the speed and timer of each DC motor to make this machine functioning automatically. When the adapter is switch, the microcontroller will be connected then activate the motor driver to generate the system. Two motors have been used as motor 1 and motor 2 which functions to drop and disperse the fish pellet respectively. The whole system was programmed through a specific coding and uploaded to the Arduino. This project benefits in reduce the manpower for the fish farming. The component that required to build this project is portable and cost-effective. From experimental result, the timer for motor 1 to dispense the fish food from the storage was 60s while 90s for DC motor 2 as a distributor. The speed for motor 1 was set to 110rpm while motor 2 was set with full speed of 255rpm. The fish pellet can be distributed and scattered up to 5m which can reduce the competition among the fish at one place