810 research outputs found
Twisted Gauge Theory Model of Topological Phases in Three Dimensions
We propose an exactly solvable lattice Hamiltonian model of topological
phases in dimensions, based on a generic finite group and a
-cocycle over . We show that our model has topologically
protected degenerate ground states and obtain the formula of its ground state
degeneracy on the -torus. In particular, the ground state spectrum implies
the existence of purely three-dimensional looplike quasi-excitations specified
by two nontrivial flux indices and one charge index. We also construct other
nontrivial topological observables of the model, namely the
generators as the modular and matrices of the ground states, which
yield a set of topological quantum numbers classified by and
quantities derived from . Our model fulfills a Hamiltonian extension of
the -dimensional Dijkgraaf-Witten topological gauge theory with a gauge
group . This work is presented to be accessible for a wide range of
physicists and mathematicians.Comment: 37 pages, 9 figures, 4 tables; revised to improve the clarity;
references adde
Understanding and Predicting Delay in Reciprocal Relations
Reciprocity in directed networks points to user's willingness to return
favors in building mutual interactions. High reciprocity has been widely
observed in many directed social media networks such as following relations in
Twitter and Tumblr. Therefore, reciprocal relations between users are often
regarded as a basic mechanism to create stable social ties and play a crucial
role in the formation and evolution of networks. Each reciprocity relation is
formed by two parasocial links in a back-and-forth manner with a time delay.
Hence, understanding the delay can help us gain better insights into the
underlying mechanisms of network dynamics. Meanwhile, the accurate prediction
of delay has practical implications in advancing a variety of real-world
applications such as friend recommendation and marketing campaign. For example,
by knowing when will users follow back, service providers can focus on the
users with a potential long reciprocal delay for effective targeted marketing.
This paper presents the initial investigation of the time delay in reciprocal
relations. Our study is based on a large-scale directed network from Tumblr
that consists of 62.8 million users and 3.1 billion user following relations
with a timespan of multiple years (from 31 Oct 2007 to 24 Jul 2013). We reveal
a number of interesting patterns about the delay that motivate the development
of a principled learning model to predict the delay in reciprocal relations.
Experimental results on the above mentioned dynamic networks corroborate the
effectiveness of the proposed delay prediction model.Comment: 10 page
Distinct behaviors of suppression to superconductivity in induced by Fe and Co dopants
In the superconductor LaRuSi with the Kagome lattice of Ru, we have
successfully doped the Ru with Fe and Co atoms. Contrasting behaviors of
suppression to superconductivity is discovered between the Fe and the Co
dopants: Fe-impurities can suppress the superconductivity completely at a
doping level of only 3%, while the superconductivity is suppressed slowly with
the Co dopants. A systematic magnetization measurements indicate that the doped
Fe impurities lead to spin-polarized electrons yielding magnetic moments with
the magnitude of 1.6 \ per Fe, while the electrons given by the Co
dopants have the same density of states for spin-up and spin-down leading to
much weaker magnetic moments. It is the strong local magnetic moments given by
the Fe-dopants that suppress the superconductivity. The band structure
calculation further supports this conclusion.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figure
A Minkowski Distance-based Generalisation Method for Improving Centre Loss for Deep Face Recognition
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