16 research outputs found

    Reconstruction of extremely dense breast composition Utilizing inverse scattering technique integrated with Frequency-hopping approach

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    The Forward-Backward Time-Stepping (FBTS) inverse scattering technique is utilized for breast composition reconstruction of an extremely dense breast model at different center frequencies. A numerical extremely dense breast phantom is used and resized to suit the Finite-Difference Time-Domain (FDTD) lattice environment utilizing twodimensional (2-D) FBTS technique. The average value of fibro glandular region for reconstruction with Frequencyhopping approach applied is much closer to average value of the actual image compared to the reconstruction without Frequency-approach applied. Hence, the composition of the extremely dense breast model can be reconstructed with Frequency-hopping approach is applied and the details of the reconstruction is also enhanced

    Micro-Hydro/Solar Hybrid System Framework for Off-Grid Application

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    This paper introduces the conceptual system design of micro-hydro/solar hybrid system for Kampung Semulong Ulu, Sri Aman, Sarawak. Currently, Kampung Semulong Ulu is powered by solar and diesel-generator energy systems. The existing solar system generates less than 160 W for each door of the longhouse. With the completion of micro-hydro system along with the existing solar panel in the village, the community is hoping to get the proper and continuous power generation. Community in Kampung Semulong Ulu is facing difficulties since solar is only available for a limited period and yield electricity within a limited range of load. On the other hand, the running cost of diesel-generator is very expensive and unaffordable. However, even with the existence of power generated by micro-hydro system, better utilization of the energy produced is still of vital importance due to the fact that the amount of energy generated is limited. Therefore, the conceptual system design of the hydro-solar system integration is presented. The proposed system is to ensure that the energy produced will be well-distributed and at the same time, both systems must be utilized sufficiently to ensure their sustainability. In overall, this paper presents the micro-hydro/solar hybrid system framework for off-grid application toward the community in Kampung Semulong Ulu

    Impak Nasional : Program Pembelajaran Sepanjang Hayat (PSH) Tidak Formal di Malaysia

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    Merujuk kepada Pelan Strategik Pengajian Tinggi Negara (PSPTN), pembudayaan pembelajaran sepanjang hayat (PSH) merupakan Teras ke-6 bagi membolehkan individu memperolehi kemahiran baharu dan meningkatkan kemahiran sedia ada, serta dalam proses tersebut memperolehi manfaat sosioekonomi. Dalam aspek ini, peningkatan dalam kompetensi pekerja dijangka membolehkan Malaysia beralih daripada sektor pembuatan elektronik dan barangan perkilangan, ke sektor pembuatan barangan berasaskan pengetahuan intensif (knowledge-intensiJied goods). Kemajuan ke arah ekonomi berasaskan pengetahuan dalam era ICT, akan merealisasikan impian Malaysia untuk menjadi sebuah negara maju pada tahun 2020. Sehubungan dengan itu, kerajaan telah meningkatkan pelaburan dalam program PSH melalui pelbagai agensi kerajaan untuk membudayakan PSH dalam' kalangan rakyat Malaysia. Namun begitu, maklumat mengenai kerelevanan program PSH dalam latihan semula (reskilling) dan peningkatan kemahiran (upskilling) bagi peserta, hanya dapat diperolehi daripada maklum balas yang diberikan oleh peserta pada hari terakhir program PSH. Hasil maklum balas tersebut merupakan jangkaan peserta tentang kerelevanan kemahiran dan pengetahuan yang dipelajari. Buat masa ini, pola penyertaan dalam program PSH belum dikaji dan maklumat ini penting untuk mengenal pasti kesedaran awam dan ekuiti dalam peluang untuk menyertai program PSH (Strategi 2 PSPTN)

    External antenna design for GPS signal reception enhancement

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    The working paper explains the detailed analysis of the low-cost design and implementation of 53.0 × 41.0 mm Single Microstrip Patch Antenna (SMPA) for handheld Global Positioning System (GPS) receiver external use. A Computer Simulation Technology (CST) microwave studio technique was applied, using the dielectric of 5.0 and substrate thickness of 1.6 mm. The SMPA designed for data acquisition application operating on a single frequency on 1.57542 GHz. The antenna gain enhancement and the signal reception have improved the receiver line-of-sight (LOS) for an indoors experimental usage. However, the external antenna gain overcomes raw data quality degradation caused by the internal antenna due to low elevation angle and results in non LO

    Wind energy assessment and mapping using terrain nonlinear autoregressive neural network (TNARX) and wind station data

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    This paper presents the potential of generating wind power using soft computing model and ground station data. In reality, the process of wind resource assessment is to set up an experiment in the targeted locations, and measure the wind speed and direction. In this paper, a prediction model based on the terrain based neural network named terrain nonlinear autoregressive neural network (TNARX) is proposed to forecast the wind speed in the areas not covered by measurements using a ground station located nearby. The model has meteorological, physical and topographical as input, while the wind speed is the target variable. The suitability of the proposed model was judged using statistical measures. The paper shows characteristics of wind speed and the most prevailing wind directions. The variation of wind speed at 10–40 m heights was obtained and presented. Wind speed distribution modelling was carried out using five statistical models. It was found that Weibull and Gamma fits the wind speed of the studied areas. Wind power and energy density results show the areas falls within class 1, which is possible for harnessing energy content in wind for small scale purposes. © 2018 The Author(s). This open access article is distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) 4.0 license

    Renewable night cooled chill water source for energy efficient indoor radiant cooling

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    This study investigates cooling of water at night in Malaysian climate as renewable cooling medium source for radiant cooling purpose. An experiment with a 1.95 m2 steel roof rig structure was constructed and night cooling cycle was conducted during the hot season and cold season of the year. Regression model was developed to predict water temperature after the night cooling process and the corresponding water and roof ratio was established. An annual simulation of a low income home model retrofitted with radiant cooling system charged by night cooled water as cooling medium shows that 99% of the time the thermal condition could meet ISO 7730 category C Predicted Mean Vote (PMV) between -0.7 and + 0.7. For an outdoor American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) design day condition, the peak indoor operative temperature of 37°C could be lowered to about 30°C with the use of radiant cooling system. The calculated energy saving for the home model was 85% or about 15% of the conventional air system operating cos