18 research outputs found

    Sufism Healing Methods for Drug Rehabilitation in Inabah of West Java, Indonesia

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    Sufism activities include not only rituals but also pseudo-medical treatment. This can be seen from the daily life of the Qadiriyyah and Naqsabandiyah (TQN) congregation at the Suryalaya Islamic Boarding School, Tasikmalaya, West Java. Known as a center for Islamic learning, this pesantren also offers spiritual healing, namely inabah to cure drug victims. This study aims to explore this Sufi inabah . Based on a qualitative ethnographic study at this site, the study analyzes explicitly a method of treatment called inabah. This is a unique technique used by Sufis to cure drug patients. This study shows that the Sufis provide spiritual and technical guidance in the treatment process to increase the awareness of drug victims through quasi-medical and spiritual processes. In the view of the Sufis, drugs can be cured by growing spiritual activities, such as remembrance and prayer. More than that, this method also requires the practice of realized repentance, fasting, bathing, and other related processes prescribed by Sufi masters. The process of fulfilling spiritual and physical requirements due to illness or disease is seen as the result of spiritual and physical transgression

    Konsep perbuatan Allah (Af‘al Allah) dalam pemikiran Islam, pengaruh dan kesannya kepada pemikiran umat Islam di Malaysia

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    This article as the title shown and indicated is to discuss the questions as follows: Firstly, the concept of af‘al Allah according to the Holy Qur’an and the Holy Sunnah. Secondly: To see any difference between af‘al Allah and af‘al al-‘ibad in Islam. Thirdly: To see the relationship between the above-mentioned concept with the concept of al-Qada’ wa al-Qadr in Islam. Fourthly: To observe the relationship between the said concept with the doctrine of al-Jabr wa al-Tafwid, and last but not least, to understand how the muslim thinkers see the problem and its outcome from their way of thinking and its influence to the muslims in general

    Concept of Religious Tolerance among Ulama of Traditional Pesantren in Sukabumi, West Java

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    Pesantren nowadays has been accused by the West as a nest of radicalism and terrorism. Not without reason, in Indonesia, many intolerance and violence issues have involved several Muslim communities and alumni of pesantren. Therefore, in this study, the authors intimately will explore the views of traditional pesantren ulama, mainly in Sukabumi, on some issues of religious tolerance. In this study, the authors used a qualitative approach by using a semi-structured interview and analysis document as a data collection. After that, the data will be analyzed qualitatively. This study found that traditional pesantren ulama in Sukabumi understood the concept and discourse of religious tolerance. They have moderate views and attitudes towards non-Muslims. However, some traditional pesantren ulama in Sukabumi refused to tolerate several cases like sending greetings and attendance at Christmas celebration. These ulama also have a different opinion towards Ahmadiyyah minority group. One Kyai has a gruff view and attitude towards Ahmadiyyah groups. Meanwhile, two other ulama refused to commit violence against Ahmadiyyah and other groups

    Engaging Imam Al-Shatibi's Political Thoughts in Contemporary Contexts

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    This article describes classical Islamic political theory and explores the context of modern politics. The dramatic transformations to the Middle East's political, legal, and economic systems in the 19th and 20th centuries led to systematic secularization, centralization of authority, and westernization. With a literature review, this article raises again the Islamic political teachings initiated by classical fiqh scholars. This study can inspire changes currently resonating with the majority of the middle class, who are dissatisfied with the political power left over from the past. Likewise, this study can provide for those in power amid a wave of democratization in the Islamic world. With this study, Muslims can call back to Shari’a regarding the must, when, how to regulate, and how to resolve the myriad of questions that define how to implement sharia in today's political and economic context

    Kisah Pemberantasan Bid’ah di Malaysia: Kajian atas Kitab Risalah Al-Azhari

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    This article aims to study the idea and thought of Shaikh Muhammad Tahir Jalaluddin al-Falaki al-Azhari on the concept of bid’ah [innovation] dan the issues related to it. Bid’ah [innovation] is a problematic issue among muslim society in Malaysia. Generally, it is due to two main streams of thought between Kaum Muda [ultra-ortodox] and Kaum Tua [orthodox] that look at the issues from their own perspectives which are different from one another. In the context of this paper, it focuses to view the idea and thought of Shaikh Muhammad Tahir Jalaluddin himself. Hopefully, it will ease and help the muslim society in Malaysia to interact between them peacefully as allowed in Islam, and not vice-versa

    Konsep kewajiban dan tanggungjawab (al-Taklif) dalam pemikiran Islam: penerapan dan aplikasinya dalam kehidupan masyarakat Muslim

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    This article will be dealt with the concept of responsibility (al-taklif)from the Islamic point of view. The two categories of al-taklif are debatable and will be looked into to understand the concept. Last but not least, the practical and application of al-taklif will also be discussed because it has its own benefits to the Moslems in the globalised world and the hereafter

    The Concept of Al-Ta’ah (Obedience) To Muslim Leadership From The Islamic Political Thought

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    This article, as the title suggests, is to examine the ideas and concepts of obedience to Muslim leadership from Islamic Political Thought. Using qualitative methods and content analysis techniques, this article raises other issues involved such as the discussion of obedience to ideals and reality. it is certain that Islam has asserted that those who are entitled to be obeyed are Allah SWT, Prophet Muhammad SAW and the best and pious Muslim leaders (uli al-amr, Imam, Khalifah, Wali, Wasi, 'Alim). and Amir) at any time. Islam also states that following such a leader means following the truth

    The Role of Shaykh Al-Linggi in the Preservation of the Doctrine of Ahl al-Sunnah wa al-Jama'ah in the Malay World

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    The Malay world in the Southeast Asian region holds various Islamic -based scholarly and intellectual treasures, which have yet to be fully explored. Efforts to uncover valuable old treasures must be made continuously because of its various interests, especially in the framework of the development and advancement of the ummah. The region also saw the birth of influential Malay Muslim thinkers who drove the ummah towards excellence and glory. One of the figures discussed in this paper with the mission of "your service is remembered" is Muhammad Sa'id al-Linggi. Haji Muhammad Sa'id bin Haji Jamaluddin or better known as al-Shaykh Muhammad Sa'id al-Linggi al-Jawi (1875-1926) was one of the literary, religious figures from the Ahl al-Sunnah wa al-Jama'ah school of thought who famous in Negeri Sembilan in the late 13th/19th century and early 14th/20th century and is considered to have a significant influence on society, especially in Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia and even the Southeast Asian region