13 research outputs found

    Arbeiten vor und wÀhrend der Pandemie

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    Die Art wie wir arbeiten unterlag schon immer einem gewissen Wandel, von der Industrialisierung ĂŒber die Entstehung und Konsolidierung des Sozialstaats bis hin zu Digitalisierung und Flexibilisierung der heutigen Zeit ("Arbeiten 4.0"). Dennoch scheint sich dieser Wandel in den letzten Jahren beschleunigt zu haben, insbesondere im Zuge der von der Corona-Pandemie geprĂ€gten vergangenen zwei Jahre. Dieser Bericht stellt daher die VerĂ€nderungen "erlebter Arbeit" zwischen 2013 und 2021 dar, betrachtet somit also sowohl die Zeit vor als auch wĂ€hrend der Pandemie. Dabei stehen die BeschĂ€ftigtenperspektive und somit subjektive Dimensionen im Fokus

    Die Dynamik der Lohnungleichheit in deutschen Betrieben: Sonderbericht

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    Lohnungleichheit ist ein breit diskutiertes Thema nicht nur in Deutschland. Dieser Forschungsbericht konzentriert sich auf die innerbetriebliche Lohndispersion und zeigt neben der Entwicklung in LPP Betrieben seit 2012 Unterschiede zwischen Branchen und Hoch- und Niedriglohnbetrieben auf. Außerdem werden relevante Einflussfaktoren identifiziert. Abschließend zeigt der Bericht, dass die hohe Einkommenszufriedenheit von BeschĂ€ftigten in LPP-Betrieben hauptsĂ€chlich ausschließlich mit dem eigenen Lohn und dem betrieblichen Durchschnittslohn korreliert und nicht mit der betrieblichen Lohndispersion.Wage inequality is a widely discussed topic not only in Germany. This research report focuses on intra-firm wage dispersion and shows differences between industries and high- and low-wage firms in addition to the development in LPP firms since 2012. It also identifies relevant influencing factors. Finally, the report shows that the high income satisfaction of employees in LPP establishments is solely correlated with employee’s own wage and the establishment average wage and not with the establishment wage dispersion

    Inequality and Income Dynamics in Germany

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    We provide a comprehensive analysis of income inequality and income dynamics for Germany over the last two decades. Combining personal income tax and social security data allows us – for the first time – to offer a complete picture of the distribution of annual earnings in Germany. We find that cross-sectional inequality rose until 2009 for men and women. After the Great Recession inequality continued to rise at a slower rate for men and fell slightly for women due to compression at the lower tail. We further document substantial gender differences in average earnings and inequality over the life-cycle. While for men earnings rise and inequality falls as they grow older, many women reduce working hours when starting a family such that average earnings fall and inequality increases. Men’s earnings changes are on average smaller than women’s but are substantially more affected by the business cycle. During the Great Recession, men’s earnings losses become magnified and gains are attenuated. Apart from recession years, earnings changes are significantly right-skewed reflecting the good overall state of the German labor market and increasing labor supply. In the second part of the paper, we study the distribution of total income including incomes of self-employed, business owners, and landlords. We find that total inequality increased significantly more than earnings inequality. Regarding income dynamics, entrepreneurs’ income changes are more dispersed, less skewed, less leptokurtic and less dependent on average past income than workers’ income changes. Finally, we find that top income earners have become less likely to fall out of the top 1 and 0.1 percent

    VerÀnderungen des Personalmanagements: Sonderbericht

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    Steigender Wettbewerbsdruck, Personalmangel und GeschĂ€ftsfĂŒhrerwechsel sind betriebliche Herausforderungen, die hohe Anforderungen an ein zeitgemĂ€ĂŸes Personalmanagement stellen. In dieser Studie wird anhand von vier Wellen des Linked Personnel Panel (LPP) Datensatzes ĂŒber den Zeitraum von 2012 bis 2018 untersucht, inwieweit sechs verschiedene Personalmaßnahmen (PersonalplĂ€ne, MitarbeitergesprĂ€che, Zielvereinbarungen, EntwicklungsplĂ€ne, Leistungsbeurteilungen und Mitarbeiterbefragungen) mit den drei betrieblichen Herausforderungen zusammenhĂ€ngen. Es zeigt sich eine höhere Wahrscheinlichkeit fĂŒr das Nutzen von Zielvereinbarungen und EntwicklungsplĂ€nen in der Folgeperiode bei Betrieben, die Wettbewerbsdruck ausgesetzt sind. Die EinfĂŒhrung von Personalmaßnahmen weist kaum signifikanten Bezug zu betrieblichen Herausforderungen auf. Die Abschaffung von Zielvereinbarungen und Leistungsbeurteilungen steht in einem negativen Zusammenhang zu vorangegangenen Wechseln in der GeschĂ€ftsfĂŒhrung. Insgesamt lassen die multivariaten Analysen nur fĂŒr einzelne Maßnahmen auf signifikante ZusammenhĂ€nge schließen. Die untersuchten ZusammenhĂ€nge stellen bedingte Korrelationen dar, die sich nicht ohne weiteres kausal interpretieren lassen.Increasing competitive pressure, labor shortage and turnover of managers pose challenges to contemporary human resource management. This study employs four waves of the Linked Personnel Panel (LPP) dataset over a time span from 2012 to 2018 to analyze to what extent six different human resource management practices (staffing plan, appraisal interviews, target agreements, employee development plans, performance appraisals, and employee surveys) are related to the three challenges employers are facing. We find a higher likelihood for the existence of target agreements and staff development plans in the subsequent period for establishments exposed to competitive pressure. We find almost no significant relationships between the introduction of human resource management practices and the three different challenges employers are facing. The termination of target agreements and performance appraisals correlates negatively with a change in the management of the establishment in the previous period. Overall, the multivariate regressions in this study reveal significant relationships for some of the human resource management practices analyzed. The relationships investigated in this study are partial correlations that should not be interpreted as causal relationships

    Inequality and income dynamics in Germany

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    We provide a comprehensive analysis of income inequality and income dynamics for Germany over the last two decades. Combining personal income tax and social security data allows us – for the first time – to offer a complete picture of the distribution of annual earnings in Germany. We find that cross-sectional inequality rose until 2009 for men and women. After the Great Recession inequality continued to rise at a slower rate for men and fell slightly for women due to compression at the lower tail. We further document substantial gender differences in average earnings and inequality over the life-cycle. While for men earnings rise and inequality falls as they grow older, many women reduce working hours when starting a family such that average earnings fall and inequality increases. Men’s earnings changes are on average smaller than women’s but are substantially more affected by the business cycle. During the Great Recession, men’s earnings losses become magnified and gains are attenuated. Apart from recession years, earnings changes are significantly right-skewed reflecting the good overall state of the German labor market and increasing labor supply. In the second part of the paper, we study the distribution of total income including incomes of self-employed, business owners, and landlords. We find that total inequality increased significantly more than earnings inequality. Regarding income dynamics, entrepreneurs’ income changes are more dispersed, less skewed, less leptokurtic and less dependent on average past income than workers’ income changes. Finally, we find that top income earners have become less likely to fall out of the top 1 and 0.1 percent.Accepted manuscrip

    5G fĂŒr KMU im Test

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    Um zu schauen, welche Möglichkeiten der neue 5G-Mobilfunkstandard kleinen und mittelstĂ€ndischen Unternehmen eröffnet, richten Forscher in Baden-WĂŒrttemberg vier Testumgebungen ein. Beteiligte Institutionen: Fraunhofer IPA, Fraunhofer IAO, Hochschule Reutlingen, Centrum fĂŒr Digitalisierung, FĂŒhrung und Nachhaltigkeit Schwarzwald gGmbH (Campus Schwarzwald)

    COP9 Signalosome Subunit 3 Is Essential for Maintenance of Cell Proliferation in the Mouse Embryonic Epiblast

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    Csn3 (Cops3) maps to the mouse chromosome 11 region syntenic to the common deletion interval for the Smith-Magenis syndrome, a contiguous gene deletion syndrome. It encodes the third subunit of an eight-subunit protein complex, the COP9 signalosome (CSN), which controls a wide variety of molecules of different functions. Mutants of this complex caused lethality at early development of both plants and Drosophila melanogaster. CSN function in vivo in mammals is unknown. We disrupted the murine Csn3 gene in three independent ways with insertional vectors, including constructing a ≈3-Mb inversion chromosome. The heterozygous mice appeared normal, although the protein level was reduced. Csn3(−/−) embryos arrested after 5.5 days postcoitum (dpc) and resorbed by 8.5 dpc. Mutant embryos form an abnormal egg cylinder which does not gastrulate. They have reduced numbers of epiblast cells, mainly due to increased cell death. In the Csn3(−/−) mice, subunit 8 of the COP9 complex was not detected by immunohistochemical techniques, suggesting that the absence of Csn3 may disrupt the entire COP9 complex. Therefore, Csn3 is important for maintaining the integrity of the COP9 signalosome and is crucial to maintain the survival of epiblast cells and thus the development of the postimplantation embryo in mice

    Modeling del(17)(p11.2p11.2) and dup(17)(p11.2p11.2) Contiguous Gene Syndromes by Chromosome Engineering in Mice: Phenotypic Consequences of Gene Dosage Imbalance

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    Contiguous gene syndromes (CGS) are a group of disorders associated with chromosomal rearrangements of which the phenotype is thought to result from altered copy numbers of physically linked dosage-sensitive genes. Smith-Magenis syndrome (SMS) is a CGS associated with a deletion within band p11.2 of chromosome 17. Recently, patients harboring the predicted reciprocal duplication product [dup(17)(p11.2p11.2)] have been described as having a relatively mild phenotype. By chromosomal engineering, we created rearranged chromosomes carrying the deletion [Df(11)17] or duplication [Dp(11)17] of the syntenic region on mouse chromosome 11 that spans the genomic interval commonly deleted in SMS patients. Df(11)17/+ mice exhibit craniofacial abnormalities, seizures, marked obesity, and male-specific reduced fertility. Dp(11)17/+ animals are underweight and do not have seizures, craniofacial abnormalities, or reduced fertility. Examination of Df(11)17/Dp(11)17 animals suggests that most of the observed phenotypes result from gene dosage effects. Our murine models represent a powerful tool to analyze the consequences of gene dosage imbalance in this genomic interval and to investigate the molecular genetic bases of both SMS and dup(17)(p11.2p11.2)