127 research outputs found

    The European Social Model and eastern enlargement

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    "The European Social Model (ESM) is increasingly becoming a model of integration policy. The idea is based on a combination of economic efficiency, in the sense of high productivity, competition and economic growth, and a high level of employment on the one hand together with social cohesion on the other hand. At the same time the ESM is understood as a dynamic model in evolution, whose development is influenced by global, European and national processes, including eastern enlargement. With the accession of the eight Central and Eastern European countries to the European Union, the economic and social disparities between the now 25 EU Member States have grown considerably. On the basis of theoretical and empirical literature this paper develops answers to the following questions in particular: will there be a gradual erosion of the ESM, are there prospects of convergence or are new vectors developing in the enlarged field of power? The authors reach the conclusion that the old and the new Member States, starting out from different historical experiences in the past decades and different levels of production and productivity, will have to withstand structurally similar challenges in the foreseeable future if they wish to achieve economic efficiency and social cohesion simultaneously. From the perspective of the new Member States, which come from an egalitarian tradition, there is every reason to believe that the majority of the population desires social cohesion and will demand it. Together with the diverse integration advantages of enlargement, a successful catching-up process in the new Member States provides good preconditions for the preservation and productive development of the ESM." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))EU-Osterweiterung, regionale Disparität, europäische Sozialpolitik, europäische Integration, Konvergenz, Arbeitsmarktentwicklung, Wirtschaftsentwicklung, Produktivitätsentwicklung, soziale Integration, Integrationspolitik, Leitbild, Europäische Union, Osteuropa, Mitteleuropa

    Kombilohn: ein neuer Weg zu mehr Beschäftigung

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    Aufgrund der großen Arbeitslosigkeit plant die Bundesregierung, das in Rheinland-Pfalz erprobte Kombilohnmodell auf das gesamte Bundesgebiet auszudehnen. Was sind die Ursachen der Arbeitslosigkeit? Welche politischen Ansatzpunkte gibt es im Niedriglohnsektor? Ist die Lohnsubventionierung ein geeignetes Instrument zur Bekämpfung der Arbeitslosigkeit? --

    Reform der Arbeitsvermittlung in OECD-Ländern : Modernisierung öffentlicher Dienste und Zulassung privater Anbieter

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    "Die Studie gibt einen Überblick zu den Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschieden bei der Organisation und Weiterentwicklung der Arbeitsvermittlung in OECD-Ländern. Einen besonderen Schwerpunkt bildet dabei die Betrachtung der in einer Reihe von Ländern bereits lange bestehenden bzw. neu entstandenen Koexistenzbeziehung von öffentlicher und privater Arbeitsvermittlung. Grundlage der Studie ist eine Ende 1993/Anfang 1994 schriftlich durchgeführte Expertenbefragung zum Thema Arbeitsvermittlung in 27 Ländern (davon 18 OECD-Länder). Auf der Basis des internationalen Vergleichs kommt die Studie zu dem Ergebnis, daß durch eine effektive Organisation der Arbeitsvermittlung ihr wirtschaftliches Potential (nämlich die Verbesserung des Arbeitsmarktausgleichs) besser ausgeschöpft werden kann. Weil die Leistungen der Arbeitsvermittlung zu den Erfahrungsgütern zählen, ist eine positive Reputation Voraussetzung für den Markterfolg öffentlicher oder privater Anbieter. Insbesondere eine konsequente Kundenorientierung trägt zur Qualitätssicherung der Arbeitsvermittlung bei. Im Falle der privaten Agenturen bedeutet das die Verankerung von auf Verbraucherschutz zielenden Regelungen, im Falle der öffentlichen Arbeitsvermittlung eine gezielte Erfassung der Wirkung ihrer Aktivitäten." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)Arbeitsvermittlung - Reform, Arbeitsvermittlung - Organisation, Arbeitsvermittlung - internationaler Vergleich, private Arbeitsvermittlung, Arbeitsvermittlung, OECD, Bundesrepublik Deutschland

    Die Beendigung von Arbeitsverhältnissen : rechtlicher Reformbedarf und Kompensationsmöglichkeiten (The termination of employment relationships: the need for legal reform, and compensation possibilities)

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    "Since as early as the beginning of the 1980s German labour law - especially the regulations related to protection against dismissal and fixed-term employment - has come under criticism as a possible cause of a lack of labour market flexibility. From an economic point of view mandatory labour law regulations provide for a redistribution of rights of disposal. They improve the legal position of one group of people at the expense of another. This is why compensation issues are relevant in the case of changes of law (e.g. in the form of a deregulation of labour law). Taking as an example the regulations affecting job security, the paper first discusses whether and to what extent there is a cause for revisions in labour law. For this, results of theoretical analyses and empirical findings are collated. Starting out from the fact that in every legal system there must be assumed to be a permanent need for reform not least due to changes in basic conditions, there then follows a discussion as to what adjustment alternatives for companies would also be available (at least potentially ) without substantial legal changes and what forms of public compensation could be considered in the case of substantial deregulation. Legal-economics analyses on a theoretical and empirical basis show that structural effects of job security (distribution of employment opportunities and unemployment risks) seem to be considerably more important than effects on the level of employment and unemployment. According to the international findings job security de jure correlates negatively with the mobility of labour. However, fluctuation at industry level and national level is associated for all those concerned with cost (e.g. frictions as a result of search and familiarisation) and return (e.g. new ideas and better allocation). More mobility as a result of reforms of job security in labour law would not only open up more entry possibilities to outsiders (unemployed and peripheral workers), but would also direct public interest away from maintaining existing employment and towards the creation of new employment. More freedom in terminating employment relationships would be realisable if, like with the Flexicurity concepts in Denmark and the Netherlands, there were acceptable exchange deals that guarantee a sufficient degree of social protection for the workers. It would nonetheless be possible to retain a certain level of job security de jure and the positive effects accompanying this (in particular on labour productivity), if the available scope for flexibility as regards wages and working time - in the end extended even further via opening clauses - were made use of more fully and - where this is insufficient - extended. A higher level of internal flexibility could then reduce the pressure towards more flexibility which is being increased by economic trends." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))Kündigungsschutz, Arbeitsplatzsicherheit, Deregulierung, Arbeitsmarktchancen, Arbeitsrecht - Reform, berufliche Mobilität, Arbeitsmarkt - Flexibilität

    Beschäftigungspolitisch erfolgreiche Länder : Konsequenzen für Deutschland (Experiences of countries with successful employment policy : consequences for Germany)

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    "In the USA, the UK, the Netherlands and Denmark the employment situation has improved decisively, especially in recent years. In addition there are indications of this positive development being sustained in these four countries. Even if the methods adopted by the 'successful countries' in order to achieve more employment and less unemployment can not simply be copied, they do provide important orientation aids for the selection and combination of strategies for tackling Germany's labour market problems. The aim of this report is above all to look at the proposals available for the German situation that are aimed at improving the labour market situation, to see them in the light of the 'success stories' and if necessary to amplify them. The starting point for the considerations is the IAB's set of strategies from 1996, which are based on simulation calculations. The central idea of the IAB proposals is that in view of the dimension of the employment problem, single instruments would be insufficient. The set of strategies thus consists of three components: - a reduction in the average annual working time, in particular by expanding part-time employment and reducing paid overtime work, - a moderate collective bargaining policy in wages, whose increase first remains behind the increase in productivity and also does not exceed it later on and - fiscal policy impulses by means of reductions in direct taxes and social security contributions in the context of a fixed schedule aimed at the medium-term consolidation of the budget as well as restructuring efforts in the public budget which have an effect on employment and are neutral in terms of revenue and expenditure. The experiences made by countries with successful employment policy confirm that the measures suggested for western Germany, which are broadly transferable to eastern Germany, stand up to a 'field test'. In addition to this the international experiences provide starting-points for adding to the IAB set of strategies - above all in such areas of policy that elude a quantitative simulation." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))Arbeitslosigkeitsbekämpfung, Beschäftigungspolitik, Arbeitsmarktentwicklung, Arbeitszeitpolitik, Lohnpolitik, Finanzpolitik, Arbeitsmarktpolitik, Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Industrieländer

    Zum Regulierungsbedarf bei Zulassung privater Arbeitsvermittlung

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    "Die Studie will prüfen, welche Regelungen erforderlich wären, damit die möglichen Nachteile einer Entscheidung zugunsten der Zulassung privater Arbeitsvermittlung vermieden oder vermindert werden können. Im theoretischen Teil verwendet sie rechtsökonomische Ansätze. Daneben bedient sie sich des für institutionelle Analysen immer wichtiger werdenden internationalen Vergleichs. Die Untersuchung kommt zu dem Ergebnis, daß bei Zulassung privater Arbeitsvermittlung zwei Hauptprobleme zu sehen sind. Erstens existiert ein Iformationsgefälle zwischen Vermittlern und ihren Kunden. Da die Qualität der Vermittlungsdienstleistung vor Beginn des Beschäftigungsverhältnisses von den Nachfragern nur unzureichend beurteilt werden kann, besteht ein Risiko, daß private Vermittlungsanbieter durch Schädigung von Marktteilnehmern wirtschaftlich nicht gerechtfertigte Gewinne erzielen. Zweitens tendieren private Arbeitsvermittlungsagenturen zur Monopolisierung von Informationen über offene Stellen und Arbeitsuchende. Die von ihnen zusätzlich geschaffene Markttransparenz beschränkt sich lediglich auf ihre Klienten. Dritte werden von ihren Informationen ausgeschlossen. Die Informationen können weder von sog. 'Selbstsuchern' genutzt werden, noch für die Arbeitsmarktpolitik nutzbar gemacht werden. Durch geeignete Regulierungen können Qualitätsunsicherheiten verringert und die Markttransparenz verbessert werden. Nötig sind Lizensierungs- und Berufsausübungsvorschriften sowie eine statistische Berichtspflicht für private Arbeitsvermittlungsagenturen." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)private Arbeitsvermittlung, Markttransparenz, Lizenz - Recht, Regulierung - Bedarf, Arbeitsvermittlung - internationaler Vergleich, Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Industrieländer

    Monopol oder Koexistenz : Arbeitsvermittlung in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland und in Großbritannien

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    "Die Argumente in der Debatte um die Zweckmäßigkeit des Vermittlungsmonopols sind überwiegend hypothetisch und erlauben kein eindeutiges Urteil. Nur ein internationaler Vergleich von Ländern mit unterschiedlichen Systemen der Arbeitsvermittlung ermöglicht fundierte Aussagen und eine Abschätzung der in der Diskussion vorgebrachten Argumente. Am Beispiel eines Vergleichs der Arbeitsvermittlungssysteme und der damit jeweils gemachten Erfahrungen zwischen Großbritannien und der Bundesrepublik Deutschland wird hierzu ein Beitrag geleistet. Der Ländervergleich stellt die institutionellen Rahmenbedingungen der Arbeitsvermittlung und die für diese relevanten Indikatoren (z.B. Marktanteil, Einschaltungsgrad, Ausschöpfungsgrad, Fluktuation, Beveridge-Kurve, Meldequote) in beiden Ländern gegenüber. Die Befunde geben keine klaren Hinweise für die Überlegenheit des einen oder anderen Systems. Sie dämpfen aber die Erwartung, daß die auf dem bundesdeutschen Arbeitsmarkt sichtbaren - häufig der öffentlichen Arbeitsvermittlung zugeschriebenen - Struktur- und Besetzungsprobleme allein schon durch die Zulassung privater Arbeitsvermittlung nachhaltig verringert werden könnten. Ein Systemwechsel durch eine Liberalisierung des Vermittlungsrechts in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland läßt sich mit den Ergebnissen nicht begründen. Eine gezielte Verbesserung des bestehenden Systems (v.a. durch eine Stärkung der Vermittlungseffizienz der BA) erscheint somit als eine zumindest gleichwertige Alternative." (Autorenreferat)Arbeitsvermittlung - internationaler Vergleich, Arbeitsvermittlungsmonopol, private Arbeitsvermittlung, Arbeitsvermittlung - Organisation, Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Großbritannien

    Brutto- und Nettoeffekte der Arbeitsvermittlung : Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der Messung ihres Nutzens für Arbeitsuchende, Betriebe und die Volkswirtschaft (Gross and net effects of employment services)

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    "It cannot be taken for granted that fulling a job vacancy via the employment services (or via other job-seeking measures) will lead to additional employment or even to less unemployment. Behind the attempt to measure the gross effect (e.g. in the form of the number of placements matched) always lies the central idea that a greater intervention of the (public as well as private) employment services would be of benefit to the labour market. However, in assessing the efficiency of placements not enough attention has been paid to the fact that the quantitative volume is less important than the net effect for the clients of the employment services and the over-all economy. The decisive question at the micro level, that is, in regard to the clients of the employment services, is, what would have happened to them if they had not used these services? Studies of the net effect of the employment services as a jobseeking route have been rare up to now and can be found solely in North America and a few European countries. The jobseekers themselves unanimously agree that the activities of the public job placement services contribute effectively to the reduction of the length of unemployment. However, in an efficiency comparison with other paths of recruitment for firms, our research shows, on the contrary, that public and private employment services do not always fare well. At the macro level the question must be posed of how the activities of the employment services have affected the overall economic dimensions, such as the level and structure of employment and unemployment. Because the employment services cannot create jobs at the employer level for their clients, their activities result in the redistribution of employment opportunities and unemployment risks to the benefit of their clients. The case for private agents can be justified by their contribution to an improvement of the market allocation and the case for the public employment services by their contribution to the reintegration of hard-to-place groups of persons." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))Arbeitsvermittlung - Effizienz, Arbeitsvermittlung - Nutzen, Arbeitsuchende, Betrieb, Volkswirtschaft

    Flexibilisierung und Regulierung des Beschäftigungssystems: Optionen und Effekte (Flexibilisation and regulation of the employment system: options and effects)

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    "1. In view of the severe employment crisis in the European industrial countries, the subject of labour market flexibility is increasingly becoming the focus of public attention. Apossible need for flexibility is, however, not only to be seen in the fields of labour costs, working hours and legal employment protection, but also with respect to functional aspects such as the mobility of employees within a company or the necessary aspect of passing on knowledge and abilities. 2. Wages policy must surrender more to its responsibility in employment policy issues. More scope for wage flexibility legitimised by the social partners would be desirable, as this would facilitate a subtly differentiated adjustment of wage costs, orientated towards employment objectives, in cases when a company experiences economic difficulties due to cyclical and/or structural changes. A possible starting point for this would be in particular profit-related remuneration components, which could be made use of more frequently. In addition, it concerns measures for limiting the wage-dependent social security contributions and therefore for relieving the costs of the work factor (by financing social security more from taxes). 3. An issue of particular interest with regard to employment policy is the combination of increased flexibility of working hours and reductions in working hours. Increased flexibility of working hours can create considerable potential for employment creating measures of reductions in working hours. There would be potential for such reductions in the introduction of innovative shift models with regard to the working week, in the use of flexible models of annual working time by reducing or even avoiding overtime, or in the extension of operating hours by creating new part-time jobs. 4. The relationship between stability and flexibility in the employment system can be clarified using the example of protection against dismissal. Here it must be taken into consideration in principle that stability in one area of employer/worker relations, e.g. in the form of dismissal protection, demands flexibility in other areas, e.g. with regard to working hours and/or wages. In this respect completely inflexible employer/worker relations would have fatal consequences with regard to employment policy. On the other hand it must be considered that other areas of flexibility, e.g. a multifunctional use of workers, require stable basis conditions. 5. So-called 'atypical employment' (e.g. part-time work, home work, temporary work) can, but need not nesessarily, have a precarious character. In this respect banning such employment would be absurd and unnatural. In modern industrial societies what matters is that the institutional framework supports or at least does not hinder the materialisation of the desired voluntary arrangement of atypical forms of employment. An important precondition for this would be placing the workers in atypical employment on an equal legal footing with the so-called 'normal' workers as far as is possible. The principle is therefore not one of exclusion, but one of the greatest possible degree of integration of these employment forms into the employment system as a bridge to 'normal' employment. 6. In principle the flexibility of employment relationships is a necessary precondition for firms and workers being able to adapt to changing challenges within and outside the company, so that existing employment relationships can be reorganised or dissolved and re-established. Here it can not be simply a matter of maximum labour market flexibility in general, but a matter of well considered modernisation of the institutions and regulations which affect the labour market." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))Arbeitsmarkt - Flexibilität, Beschäftigungssystem, Kündigungsschutz, Lohnflexibilität, atypische Beschäftigung, Arbeitszeitflexibilität, Regulierung

    Arbeitsvermittlung als öffentliche Aufgabe und privatwirtschaftliche Dienstleistung : Reorganisation der Arbeitsvermittlung aus einer international vergleichenden Perspektive (Job placement as a public task and a private service : reorganisation of job placement from an internationally comparative perspective)

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    "In the past 10 years there have been extensive reorganisation processes worldwide in the field of job placement. These have concerned firstly the organisation of the job placement system, that is the interaction of public and private job placement services. Secondly public job placement services have been reformed in numerous ways. Both of these issues are dealt with in this study, which is based on a broad international comparison. The issue of the organisation of the job placement system concerns above all the optimisation of job matching on a national level. In contrast to ten years ago, the co-existence system dominates worldwide today, in other words a more or less free juxtaposition of public and private job placement services. The reason for this was the massive liberalisation processes particularly in western Europe. In this decade at least in 9 of the 28 countries included in the study, the so-called 'placement monopoly' has been abolished and private job placement has been permitted for all occupational groups. With regard to the effects of the liberalisation, the study reaches three results. Firstly there is apparently hardly any competition between public and private job placement services. Private job placement is more of a supplement to the public placement services. Secondly there are good arguments for the co-operation of public and private placement services, but nevertheless so far too little use has been made of the available possibilities of co-operation between the two. Thirdly it took some time after liberalisation was effected in the countries concerned before private agencies were able to gain a foothold on the job placement market. The objective of the reorganisation efforts in the field of public job placement is the optimisation of the limited public resources. This concerns above all the extent and the type of state intervention in search activities. Using a variety of examples the study shows what kind of reforms have been carried out and with what intentions. Three aspects were foremost in the reforms customer-orientation, decentralisation and controlling. It should be taken into consideration, however, that in contrast to the monopoly situation which used to prevail in general, in the present co-existence situation a concentration of the use of public funds for particular tasks seems to be justified. In this way questions of the evaluation and thus the optimisation of public job placement activities gain in importance." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))Arbeitsvermittlung - internationaler Vergleich, Arbeitsvermittlung - Organisation, private Arbeitsvermittlung, Arbeitsvermittlungsmonopol, Dezentralisation, Bundesrepublik Deutschland, OECD, Osteuropa