27 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Pembiayaan Defisit Anggaran Terhadap Inflasi Dan Pertumbuhan Ekonomi: Suatu Simulasi Model Ekonomi Makro Indonesia 1970 – 2003

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    The objective of this research is to identify the impact of budget deficit financing oninflation and economic growth. Simulation are conducted using the small open macroeconomics model specified by Waluyo (2005) with 10.000 replication on the stochastic simulation. Using the secondary data of the Indonesian economy from 1970 to 2003, simulation results show that budget deficit financing from foreign debt and monetary policies would increase the economic growth, but inflationary. On the other hand, tax effort policies are considered to be better, since simulation results show that they would improve economic growth without being inflationary

    Aya Hambat Ekstrak Etanol Daun Akasia Berduri(acacia Nilotica L.) Terhadap Pertumbuhan Bakteri Streptococcus Pneumoniae

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    Streptococcus pneumoniae merupakan bakteri penyebab infeksi yang menyebabkan peradangan akut parenkim paru. Antibiotik yang resisten terhadap Streptococcus pneumoniae adalah safetoksim, marolid, dan fluorokuinilon. Upaya untuk mengatasi permasalahan tersebut adalah dengan penggunaan bahan alami, yaitu daun Akasia Berduri (Acacia nilotica L). Taman Nasional Baluran merupakan tempat konservasi berbagai tumbuhan dan hewan. Salah satu tumbuhan di kawasan Taman Nasional Baluran yang dapat dijadikan sebagai obat alami adalah tumbuhan Akasia Berduri (Acacia nilotica L.). Kandungan senyawa aktif yang bermanfaat sebagai antimikroba adalah flavonoid, saponin, tanin, dan steroid. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimental laboratoris dengan metode difusi menggunakan konsentrasi 1%, 5%, 10%, 15%, dan 20% serta untuk mencari konsentrasi hambat minimal menggunakan konsentrasi 1%, 2%, 3%, 4%, dan 5%. Hasil pengamatan menunjukkan bahwa ekstrak etanol daun Akasia Berduri (Acacia nilotica L.) dapat menghambat pertumbuhan bakteri Streptococcus pneumoniae. Hasil uji statistik ANOVA menunjukkan adanya pengaruh yang signifikan dengan nilai 0,000. Uji Duncan menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan antar serial konsentrasi memiliki daya hambat yang berbeda sangat nyata. Ekstrak etanol daun Akasia Berduri (Acacia nilotica L.) memiliki pengaruh antimikroba terhadap pertumbuhan bakteri Streptococcus pneumoniae dengan Kadar Hambat Minimum 4%

    The Effect of Ketapang Leaf Extracts (Terminalia catappa L.) on the Cholesterol Levels of Male Mice (Mus musculus L.) Hypercholesterolmia

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    Cholesterol is a useful substance for the body to regulate chemical processes such as building cell membranes, producing vitamin D, and forming steroid hormones. Hyper-cholesterol is a condition where cholesterol levels increase over the normal range (200 mg/dL). One of the herbs which can be used as a cholesterol-lowering substance is Ketapang leaf. The leaf has several compounds which function as antioxidants. Based on Phytochemical test, this leaf contains flavonoid, saponin, tritepen, diterpen, phenolic, and tannin. Those compounds function to inhibit cell damage. This study was aimed to determine the effect of Ketapang leaf extracts (Terminalia catapa L.) to decrease cholesterol levels of hypercholesterolemia of male mice (Mus musculus) which are induced with lard. The study employed experimental design involving 25 male mice, aged at 2 monthsold and weighing 20-30 grams. These mice were divided into 5 groups, comprising of treatment 1 (2 mg/ 20 grams of weight), treatment 2 (4 mg/ 20 grams of weight), treatment 3 (8mg/ 20 grams of weight), positive control (simvastatin 0,26 mg/kg of weight), and negative control (CMC Na 1%). The extract was given for 14 days with 1% volume of weight. The measurement of blood cholesterol levels was done on day 8 as the preliminary data, day 14 after hypercholesterolemia of male mice, day 21 and day 28 after giving Ketapang leaf extracts. The dosage of Ketapang leaves extracts which was given during the treatments significantly affected (p=0,0043) the average of blood cholesterol levels of male mice. Giving the leaf extracts for two months of treatments was found successful in decreasing blood cholesterol 157,62 ± 17,54; 341,55 ± 12,73; 196 ± 16,32; 196,17 ± 16,93 mg/dL

    Padiatapa untuk Siapa? Persepsi Masyarakat

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    Beberapa tahun terakhir ini berkembang prinsip free, prior and informed consent (FPIC) atau sering diterjemahkan sebagai persetujuan atas dasar informasi di awal tanpa paksaan (Padiatapa). Sebagai sebuah prinsip pembangunan, FPIC memastikan bahwa suatu proyek pembangunan yang akan masuk ke dalam wilayah masyarakat adat atau lokal harus mendapat persetujuan dari komunitas. Dalam hal ini masyarakat mempunyai hak untuk menyatakan menerima atau menolak setiap usulan dan proyek pembangunan yang akan dilaksanakan dalam wilayah mereka. Penerapan FPIC diharapkan dapat meminimalisir terjadinya konflik atas sumberdaya alam dan menjamin hak-hak masyarakat serta keberlangsungan usaha dan/atau proyek pembangunan

    Kajian Teknoekonomi Perangkat Pencacah Radioimmunoassay (Ria) Ip.8

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    Kajian ini mempunyai tujuan untuk menentukan nilai ekonomis dari suatu perangkat pencacah RIA IP.8. Hal ini diperlukan sebagai bahan pertimbangan kelayakan investasi bagi para investor yang ingin mengembangkan USAha untuk memproduksi perangkat ini. Pada kajian ini dilakukan beberapa tahapan kegiatan. Tahap awal yaitu penyiapan larutan standar Aflatoksin B1 yang bersifat karsinogenik sebagai bahan kit RIA yang akan dilakukan ujicoba pencacahan. Tahap selanjutnya adalah ujicoba mesin pencacah kit RIA IP.8 dengan menggunakan sampel kit RIA Aflatoksin B1. Tahap akhir adalah melakukan perhitungan teknoekonomi berdasarkan seluruh biaya yang digunakan dalam pembuatan, penyiapan dan pengujian perangkat pencacah RIA IP.8 serta asumsi-asumsi yang diperlukan. Kajian teknoekonomi dengan asumsi modal yang digunakan 70% berasal dari pinjaman bank, diperoleh hasil sebagai berikut: Net Present Value (NPV) 1.873.632.901, Internal Rate of Return (IRR) 45,5%, Payback Period (PP) 3 tahun, Benefit/Cost Ratio (B/C) 3,8 sehingga peluang investasi ini layak dipertimbangkan untuk dilakukan. This study has the objective to determine the economic value of an enumerator device IP.8 RIA. It is necessary for consideration the feasibility of investment for investors who want to develop the business to manufacture these devices. In this study conducted a few stages. The early stages of the preparation of standard solutions which are carcinogenic aflatoxin B1 as a RIA kit will do tests enumeration. The next step is testing thrasher IP.8 RIA kit using RIA kit Aflatoxins B1 samples. The final stage is to perform calculations based on the total cost teknoekonomi used in the manufacture, preparation and testing of the enumerators RIA IP.8 and assumptions required. Studies teknoekonomi assuming capital employed 70% from bank loans, obtained the following results: Net Present Value (NPV) 1873632901, Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of 45.5%, Payback Period (PP) 3 years, Benefit / Cost Ratio (B / C) 3.8 so this investment opportunity worth considering to do

    Exploration and Identification of Spermatophyta Plants Division that are potentially can be used for Medicine at Evergreen Forest taman Nasional Baluran Indonesia

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    Indonesia is a country that has so many various floras. Nowadays Indonesia has more than 300.000 kinds of floras. More than 8000 kinds of plant belongto medicinal plants.WHO (World Health Organization) has stated about 80% of the population is still dependent on medicinal plants. Based on theAgriculture Ministry of Indonesia, the potential of medicine sales from 2010 to 2015 continues to increase. This is caused by the demand for medicine in 2010 reached 10 trillion rupiah. In 2015 is estimated to reach 20 trillion. Based on the Ministry of Agriculture (2007), traditional medicinal plants are not worth as much as the value of medicinal drugs, but the high value in demand for traditional medicine increases the value of traditional medicine sales from 2 trillion rupiah in 2003 to 7.2 trillion rupiah.The high number of needs is not equalwith the production capacity of medicinal plants. This is showedif Indonesia still importing medicinal materials with considerable value whereas in Indonesia hasso many medicinal materials especially from tropical forests of Indonesia.The absence of utilization of Indonesia's tropical forests is one of the factorsto do the research entitledExplorationand Identification of Spermatophyte Plants DivisionThat Are Potentially Can Be Usefor Medicineat Evergreen Forest Taman NasionalBaluran Indonesia. This Research conducted by using transect line method along the 100 meters enter the forest from the edge of the forest. The results from the exploration are found 22 types of medicinal plants which are included in 12 families and all of the medicinal plants can be use formedicine. The parts of the plants that can be utilized as a medicine are roots, leaves, flowers and even bark. From the parts of the medicinal plant leafs are the most potential parts for medicine. There are some various ways in utilizing medicinal plants starting with boiled, chewed, crushed and even mixed with other ingredients

    Recent Status of Banteng (Bos Javanicus) Conservation in East Java and Its Perspectives on Ecotourism Planning

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    The aims of this article are to examine the recent status of Banteng Bos javanicus conservation in East Java, identify the roots of conservation problems and propose the non-consumptive and sustainable uses of Banteng by implementing ecotourism. Recently, Banteng population distributes in Alas Purwo, Meru Betiri, and Baluran National Parks. The population in Alas Purwo and Meru Betiri were relatively stable yearly. Rapid population decrease found in Baluran National Park. The roots of threats may be categorized into two factors, socio-economic and ecological factors. Socio-economic problems lead to the increase of habitat disturbance, poaching, and illegal hunting. Ecological aspect was ranging from invasion of exotic plant species, competitors, predators, drought, forest fire and vegetation changes. Lack of habitat management also recognized as an important factor to drive Bos javanicus decline and extinction. Ecotourism in the national park may become one of the significant and effective stimuli to support Banteng conservation