76 research outputs found

    Bound states and the classical double copy

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    We extend the perturbative classical double copy to the analysis of bound systems. We first obtain the leading order perturbative gluon radiation field sourced by a system of interacting color charges in arbitrary time dependent orbits, and test its validity by taking relativistic bremsstrahlung and non-relativistic bound state limits. By generalizing the color to kinematic replacement rules recently used in the context of classical bremsstrahlung, we map the gluon emission amplitude to the radiation fields of dilaton gravity sourced by interacting particles in generic (self-consistent) orbits. As an application, we reproduce the leading post-Newtonian radiation fields and energy flux for point masses in non-relativistic orbits from the double copy of gauge theory.Comment: 9 pages, 1 figure, minor revisions to section II

    Bulk fields in the Randall-Sundrum compactification scenario

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    Recently, Randall and Sundrum proposed a solution to the hierarchy problem where the background spacetime is five dimensional. There are two 3-branes, and the mass scale for fields that propagate on one of the 3-branes is exponentially suppressed relative to the fundamental scale of the theory, which is taken to be the Planck mass MPl. In this Brief Report we show that bulk fields with a five dimensional mass term of order MPl have, after integrating over the extra dimension, modes with four-dimensional masses that are exponentially suppressed as well. This opens the possibility that in this scenario the standard model matter fields may correspond to degrees of freedom that are not confined to a 3-brane

    Light scalar at LHC: the Higgs or the dilaton?

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    It is likely that the LHC will observe a color- and charge-neutral scalar whose decays are consistent with those of the Standard Model (SM) Higgs boson. The Higgs interpretation of such a discovery is not the only possibility. For example, electroweak symmetry breaking (EWSB) could be triggered by a spontaneously broken, nearly conformal sector. The spectrum of states at the electroweak scale would then contain a narrow scalar resonance, the pseudo-Goldstone boson of conformal symmetry breaking, with Higgs-like properties. If the conformal sector is strongly coupled, this pseudo-dilaton may be the only new state accessible at high energy colliders. We discuss the prospects for distinguishing this mode from a minimal Higgs boson at the LHC and ILC. The main discriminants between the two scenarios are (1) cubic self-interactions and (2) a potential enhancement of couplings to massless SM gauge bosons. A particularly interesting situation arises when the scale f of conformal symmetry breaking is approximately the electroweak scale v~246 GeV. Although in this case the LHC may not be able to tell apart a pseudo-dilaton from the Higgs boson, the self-interactions differ in a way that depends only on the scaling dimension of certain operators in the conformal sector. This opens the possibility of using dilaton pair production at future colliders as a probe of EWSB induced by nearly conformal new physics.Comment: 7 pages, LaTe
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