25,957 research outputs found

    Identification of a novel high molecular weight protein preferentially expressed by sinusoidal endothelial cells in normal human tissues

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    Mouse mAb MS-1, raised against human spleen, detects an endothelial cell antigen abundantly expressed by the sinusoidal endothelia of spleen, lymph node, liver, and adrenal cortex, but absent from nonsinusoidal continuous endothelia in these organs. Immunoelectron microscopy of splenic tissue demonstrates that the MS-1 antigen is predominantly deposited at zones of intercellular contact between adjacent sinusoidal endothelial cells. mAb MS-1 also reacts with a variable proportion of high endothelial venules in tonsil, but not in other lymphoid tissues, and with an interstitial dendritic cell population most abundant in placenta. mAb MS-1 does not react with cultured resting or mediator-activated human umbilical vein endothelial cells, dermal fibroblasts, peripheral blood mononuclear cells, or the cell lines U937, HL-60, K562 or Mo7E; it does react with the primitive myeloid cell line KG-1. mAb MS-1 immunoprecipitates a major protein of 215 kD and minor proteins of 320 and 120 kD from splenic extracts as analyzed by SDS-PAGE with reduction. These proteins are soluble in aqueous buffers. Immunoprecipitation from KG-1 cell lysates detects four proteins of 280, 300, 205, and 120 kD; the 300-, 205-, and 120-kD species, presumably corresponding to the 320-, 215-, and 120-kD species in spleen, respectively, are secreted into the media. Under nonreducing conditions, immunoprecipitates from KG-1 cell lysates or conditioned media contain one predominant 300-kD species; upon isolation and reduction, this 300-kD species separates into the previously observed 300-, 205-, and 120-kD species. Pulse-chase experiments and limited proteolysis peptide mapping suggest that the 280-kD species is a precursor of the mature 300-kD species which may be subsequently cleaved to yield the 205- and 120-kD species. Because of its size, solubility and expression pattern, the antigen recognized by mAb MS-1 is likely to be an extracellular matrix protein utilized by endothelial cells of contorted, large caliber, or leaky microvessels that lack a well-formed basement membrane

    Two 2MASS-Selected Young Stellar Clusters: Photometry, Spectroscopy, and the IMF

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    We present near-infrared J, H, and K_s images and K-band spectroscopy of two newly discovered stellar clusters at different stages of evolution. Our spectra suggest the presence of massive YSOs in the heavily embedded cluster in the star-forming region near radio source G353.4-0.4 and an O5-O6V star in the cluster near radio source G305+00.2. We determine a K-band luminosity function (KLF) for both clusters and an initial mass function (IMF) for the cluster near G305+00.2. The derived IMF slope is -1.5 if the KLF is used to derive the IMF and is -0.98 if the color-magnitude diagram and spectra are used. The more reliable CMD-based slope is flatter than the Salpeter value usually found for stellar clusters. We find that using the KLF alone to derive an IMF is likely to produce an overly steep slope in stellar clusters subject to variable extinction.Comment: 16 pages, 18 figures, accepted to A

    Star Formation in the Northern Cloud Complex of NGC 2264

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    We have made continuum and spectral line observations of several outflow sources in the Mon OB1 dark cloud (NGC 2264) using the Heinrich Hertz Telescope (HHT) and ARO 12m millimeter-wave telescope. This study explores the kinematics and outflow energetics of the young stellar systems observed and assesses the impact star formation is having on the surrounding cloud environment. Our data set incorporates 12CO(3-2), 13CO(3-2), and 12CO(1-0) observations of outflows associated with the sources IRAS 06382+1017 and IRAS 06381+1039, known as IRAS 25 and 27, respectively, in the northern cloud complex. Complementary 870 micron continuum maps were made with the HHT 19 channel bolometer array. Our results indicate that there is a weak (approximately less than 0.5%) coupling between outflow kinetic energy and turbulent energy of the cloud. An analysis of the energy balance in the IRAS 25 and 27 cores suggests they are maintaining their dynamical integrity except where outflowing material directly interacts with the core, such as along the outflow axes.Comment: 28 pages including 6 figures, to be published in ApJ 01 July 2006, v645, 1 issu

    The incidence of sub-optimal sedation in the ICU: a systematic review

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    Patients in intensive care units (ICUs) are generally sedated for prolonged periods. Over-sedation and under-sedation both have negative effects on patient safety and resource use. We conducted a systematic review of the literature in order to establish the incidence of sub-optimal sedation (both over- and under-sedation) in ICUs

    Application of the Nuclear Microprobe to the Imaging of Single Event Upsets in Integrated Circuits

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    A new form of microscopy has been developed which produces micron-resolution maps of where single event upsets occur during ion irradiation of integrated circuits. Utilizing a nuclear microprobe, this imaging technique can irradiate, in isolation, individual components of an integrated circuit (e.g. transistor drains, gates, feedback resistors) and measure immediately the effect of a high energy ion strike on circuit performance. This detailed circuit characterization technique provides a precision diagnostic with which to evaluate the design of integrated circuits that are to be used in space or other radiation environments

    First prototype of a silicon tracker using an artificial retina for fast track finding

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    We report on the R\&D for a first prototype of a silicon tracker based on an alternative approach for fast track finding. The working principle is inspired from neurobiology, in particular by the processing of visual images by the brain as it happens in nature. It is based on extensive parallelisation of data distribution and pattern recognition. In this work we present the design of a practical device that consists of a telescope based on single-sided silicon detectors; we describe the data acquisition system and the implementation of the track finding algorithms using available digital logic of commercial FPGA devices. Tracking performance and trigger capabilities of the device are discussed along with perspectives for future applications.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures, Technology and Instrumentation in Particle Physics 2014 (TIPP 2014), conference proceeding

    The development of a familyresilience-strengthening programme for familiesin a South African rural community

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    The aim of this study was to develop a contextually based family resilience program. Also presented here is a literature review of family resilience interventions suggesting that these 3 processes are the basis for effective family functioning. A close collaboration with the community ensured an adequate understanding of the presenting family challenges and this article describes the process in developing a program based on these challenges. A 3-round Delphi design was used for the study with international and local experts (n = 10) in the field of family and resilience studies and community stakeholders (n = 5). The program has three main aims: to increase family connectedness, family communication processes and social and economic resources. Based on the findings of this study, 4 modules will be presented to participants, “about family,” “talking together,” “close together,” and “working together.” A description is provided of the program content and decisions regarding logistical program concerns

    Stone-Wales Transformation Paths in Fullerene C60

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    The mechanisms of formation of a metastable defect isomer of fullerene C60 due to the Stone-Wales transformation are theoretically studied. It is demonstrated that the paths of the "dynamic" Stone-Wales transformation at a high sufficient for overcoming potential barriers) temperature can differ from the two "adiabatic" transformation paths discussed in the literature. This behavior is due to the presence of a great near-flat segment of the potential-energy surface in the neighborhood of metastable states. Besides, the sequence of rupture and formation of interatomic bonds is other than that in the case of the adiabatictransformation.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figure
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