13 research outputs found

    Einflüsse von akademischer Sozialisation und der Verbundenheit mit den Eltern auf die schulischen Leistungen von Kindern und Jugendlichen

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    "Mit Blick auf die Bildungsbedeutung der Familie untersucht diese Studie längsschnittliche Einflüsse des elterlichen Schulengagements und der Verbundenheit mit den Eltern auf die schulische Leistungsentwicklung im 2-Jahres-Zeitraum. Im Mittelpunkt stehen zwei Aspekte akademischer Sozialisation: die Bildungsorientierung der Eltern und deren Interesse an schulischen Belangen der Kinder. Die Daten für 469 Kinder im Alter zwischen 8 und 16 Jahren stammen aus dem Deutschen Beziehungsund Familienpanel pairfam. In multiplen Regressionen, die zahlreiche Hintergrundfaktoren, den früheren Leistungsstand sowie das Problemverhalten der Kinder kontrollieren, erweist sich lediglich die Bildungsorientierung der Eltern als relevant. Während das Alter der Kinder keinen moderierenden Einfluss auf die Bedeutung akademischer Sozialisation und die Verbundenheit mit den Eltern hat, trägt die Bildungsorientierung nur bei hoher Verbundenheit der Kinder mit den Eltern zu besseren schulischen Leistungen bei. Die Befunde unterstreichen die Bedeutung elterlicher Bildungsaspirationen, vor allem im Kontext einer positiven Eltern-Kind-Beziehung." (Autorenreferat)"Focusing family influences on children's academic development, the present study investigated longitudinal effects of parental school involvement as well as children’s closeness to parents as predictors of school achievement across two years. Two aspects of academic socialization were of particular interest: parents' aspirations for higher education and their interest in children's schooling. Data for 469 children (age 8 to 16 years) came from the German Family Panel pairfam. Multiple regression analyses controlling for a variety of background factors, children's previous grades, and their problem behavior revealed significant effects of parents' educational aspirations only. Whereas children's age did not moderate the effects of closeness to parents or those of academic socialization, higher closeness to parents proved to facilitate effects of parents' educational aspirations. The findings emphasize the role of parental aspirations, particularly in the context of a positive parent-child relationship." (author's abstract

    Performance evaluation of Sentinel-1 derived DEMs using Copernicus DEM and ICESat-2

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    Digital elevation models (DEMs) hold a key role as the main input data for a large variety of applications as they provide an accurate representation of the Earth’s surface and its corresponding topographic parameters. Scientific applications require current, reliable and precise elevation information to be implemented in research to generate correct and valuable results. The performance and accuracy of DEMs must therefore be subject to quality assessment. Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) principles and methodology allow the generation of DEMs independent from day light and cloud coverage which act as a massively limiting interference factor in optical imagery. In 2014, a C-band radar mission Sentinel-1 launched within the Copernicus Programme of the European Space Agency (ESA), providing open access to radar data of regular global coverage (Braun 2021). The capabilities of DEM derivation from Sentinel-1 imagery are limited by parameters like slope and vegetation coverage as well as by the mission design itself as the large temporal baseline of two or more Sentinel-1 acquisitions hinders the stability of the interferometric phase and degrades the coherence. One crucial step in the analysis of SAR data and therefore optimizing its potential for DEM generation is the preprocessing of suitable interferometric data pairs, a complex workflow which includes coregistration, interferogram formation, phase unwrapping and terrain correction (Braun 2021). Within the scope of the TanDEM-X mission by the German Aerospace Center (DLR), consisting of two satellites (Terra-SAR-X and Tandem-X), a global DEM was generated from bistatic X-Band interferometric SAR products acquired between December 2010 and January 2015 (Rizzoli 2017). The TanDEM-X mission is the original source of the radar data from which the Copernicus DEM (COP-DEM) by ESA was derived. The COP-DEM is available in varying resolutions with the 30m resolution COP-DEM being openly accessible. The Ice, Cloud and land Elevation Satellite-2 (ICESat-2) mission by National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) provides openly accessible data since October 2018. ICESat-2 data is a continuous, equally distributed, high resolution reference dataset and allows to independently evaluate the performance of SAR-derived DEMs. An Advanced Topographic Laser Altimeter System (ATLAS) on board of ICESat-2 fires shots of photons in 532nm wavelength separated into six beams arranged in three pairs. Each pair consists of a strong and a weak beam with an energy ratio of 4:1 (Neuenschwander und Pitts 2019). Terrain and canopy heights retrievals are stored in the ATL08 data product of ICESat-2 and computed for fixed 12x100m land segments in which a valid height value is given if a threshold of 50 signal photons is met in order to reliably represent the land surface within the segment. ICEsat-2 provides a large variety of parameters and flags to filter the data adapted to the needs of the research purpose. In this paper, we will generate several DEMs derived from Sentinel-1 data and perform a quality and accuracy evaluation. As reference data, we will use highly accurate ICESat-2 data points and two reference DEMs, TanDEM-X in 10m resolution and Copernicus DEM in 30m resolution. The main focus of this study is the correct processing and application of various parameter filter techniques of ICESat-2 data to provide accurate height reference data for the accuracy assessment of SAR-derived DEMs and the evaluation on DEM quality in consideration of different land cover types and topographic conditions regarding study sites from different continents

    Partnerschaften in der 1. Welle des Beziehungs- und Familienentwicklungspanels (pairfam): Bericht aus der Münchener Arbeitsgruppe

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    Der vorliegende deskriptive Bericht gibt Aufschluss über die Partnerschaften der Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer des pairfam Beziehungs- und Familienentwicklungspanels. Hierbei beziehen wir uns ausschließlich auf die Angaben der Ankerpersonen (Einwohnermeldeamtsstichprobe) in der 1. Befragungswelle (2008/2009: N=12402). Im Folgenden wird insbesondere auf Geschlechtsunterschiede eingegangen sowie auf Besonderheiten der drei befragten Altersgruppen (1991-1993, 1981-1983, 1971-1973). Der Bericht umfasst Informationen zur Lebensform der Befragten (Partnerschaftsstatus, Familienstand, Kohabitation, Kinderzahl, Trennungsgeschichte und Familienform), zum Institutionalisierungsgrad der Paarbeziehungen, zur subjektiv erlebten Qualität der aktuellen Partnerschaft (Zufriedenheit, Konflikt, Commitment) sowie zur Sexualität (Zufriedenheit, Entwicklung Jugendlicher)

    Changes of Adolescents' Self-worth and Depressiveness in Context of Familial Framework and Individuation in Relationship to Mothers and Fathers

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    Accomplishment of Individuation of the nuclear family is expected to have positive influence on adolescents' well-being. With longitudinal data and a person-centered typological approach, this study analyses to what extent the relationship to parents, next to socio-economic and family-structural factors, influences adolescents' well-being. Analyses are based on wave 2 and 3 of the pairfam panel and refer to N= 2663 adolescents (age at wave 2: 16-18 years). A two-step cluster analysis of the relationship to mothers and (step)fathers identified three types of individuation development. Controlling for well-being in the previous year (wave 2) significant effects of relationship to mothers as well as to (step)fathers on depressiveness and self-worth were found. Not only the related-individuated type, but also the parent-oriented type showed benefits compared to the unsecureconflicted type. The results emphasize the discrete relevance of the relationship to both parents

    Effects of family structure and the experience of parental separation: a study on adolescents' well-being

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    "Large numbers of studies, mostly from the U.S., have addressed the effects of parental separation and divorce, pointing to disadvantages of children and adolescents growing up in separated families. However, evidence on this topic varies across countries and is limited for Germany. Using longitudinal data from waves 1 and 3 of the German Family Panel pairfam, we investigated differences in adolescents' well-being by comparing stable nuclear families (n = 1968), single mother families (n = 360), and stepfather families (n = 214), as well as an additional smaller group of adolescents whose parents separated between waves 1 and 3 ('prospective separators'; n = 76). Adolescents' satisfaction with different domains of life (family, education/work, and their general life satisfaction) as well as their self-esteem were used as indicators of well-being. A series of multiple regression analyses tested the effects of family structure on well-being at T1 and changes in well-being over time, controlling for various background factors. Furthermore, likely mediation effects of infrequent contact to the non-resident father and economic strain were tested. The findings show (relatively minor) effects of parental separation, namely lower well-being among youth1 in single mother families compared to nuclear families. Disadvantages of youth in single mother families could only be partly explained by the higher financial strain generally experienced in these families. Youth in stepfather families reported a similar overall well-being as adolescents in nuclear families, but indicated a greater decrease in family satisfaction over time. Pre-separation disadvantages among prospective separators were limited to greater dissatisfaction with school. Infrequent contact with the non-resident father did not affect adolescents' well-being. Effects of family structure did not differ between boys and girls, but maternal education moderated the effects of family structure on adolescents' life satisfaction. Overall, the findings are in line with other evidence from Germany, which points towards only limited disadvantages of youth in separated or divorced families." (author's abstract

    Towards the global HydroSHEDS-X dataset: DEM pre-processing for the derivation of rivers and catchments

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    The increased availability and accuracy of recent remote sensing data accelerates the development of data products for hydrological modelling. Most hydrological models rely on the accurate representation of the Earth’s terrestrial surface including all waterways from small mountain streams to great lowland rivers in order to compute discharge. In light of this, the creation of the HydroSHEDS-X database, which is currently developed in an international collaborative project between the German Aerospace Center (DLR), McGill University, Confluvio Consulting, and the World Wildlife Fund, represents a new source for global digital hydrographic information. HydroSHEDS-X is the second version of the well-established HydroSHEDS database, which is freely available at https://hydrosheds.org. While the first version was derived from the digital elevation model (DEM) of the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM), the foundation of HydroSHEDS-X are the elevation data of the TanDEM-X mission (TerraSAR-X add-on for Digital Elevation Measurement), which was created in partnership between the German Aerospace Center (DLR) and Airbus. HydroSHEDS-X benefits from the higher resolution of the underlying TanDEM-X DEM given its resolution of 0.4 arc-seconds worldwide including regions with latitudes higher than 60° North, which are not covered by the SRTM DEM. Details of this high-resolution DEM are preserved in the HydroSHEDS-X dataset by applying enhanced pre-processing techniques. This pre-processing of the elevation data comprises DEM infills for invalid and unreliable areas, an automatic coastline delineation with manual quality control, the generation of an open water mask, and the reduction that are caused by distortions of vegetation and settlements. The pre-processed DEM is further treated at a resolution of 3 arc-seconds to obtain a hydrologically conditioned DEM. Derived from this hydrologically conditioned version of the DEM, the HydroSHEDS-X core products comprise flow direction and flow accumulation maps as gridded datasets. The core products are complemented with secondary information on river networks, lake shorelines, catchment boundaries, and their hydro-environmental attributes in vector format. Finally, the database is completed with associated products. Available in standardized spatial units and at multiple scales starting from a resolution of 3 arc-seconds, HydroSHEDS-X is fully compatible with its original version and thus provides a consistent and easy-to-use database for hydrological applications from local to global scale. The main release of HydroSHEDS-X is scheduled for 2022 under a free license

    Improved hydrologic conditioning of the TanDEM-X dataset for HydroSHEDS v2.

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    HydroSHEDS is a well-established database containing global hydrographic information. Although being widely used, the SRTM-based version 1 of HydroSHEDS has important limitations, in particular in areas above 60° N latitude. The coverage of this region is of low quality because no underpinning SRTM elevation data were available. As most hydrological models require topographic information and hydrographic data in terms of stream networks or catchment boundaries, the increased availability of accurate remote sensing data promotes the development of a second and refined version of the HydroSHEDS database. For this reason, HydroSHEDS v2 is currently created in collaboration between the German Aerospace Center (DLR), McGill University, Confluvio Consulting and the World Wildlife Fund. Foundation of HydroSHEDS v2 is the digital elevation model (DEM) of the TanDEM-X mission (TerraSAR-X add-on for Digital Elevation Measurement). This 0.4 arc-second resolution DEM with global coverage of land surfaces was created in partnership between DLR and Airbus Defence and Space. Enhanced pre-processing techniques are applied to preserve details of the high-resolution DEM in its hydrologically conditioned version. These pre-processing steps include an infill of invalid and unreliable elevation values, an automatic coastline delineation refined with manual corrections, an AI-based water detection algorithm, and a modification of elevation data in urban and vegetated areas for improved evaluation of the flow of water. Additionally, experiences and preliminary results from processing the water body mask at global scale are outlined. The hydrologically pre-conditioned DEM and the water body mask derived from the TanDEM-X dataset are in the subsequent steps further processed with refined hydrological optimization and correction algorithms to derive flow direction and flow accumulation maps. These gridded datasets are the core products of HydroSHEDS v2 and will be complemented with secondary information on river networks, lake shorelines, catchment boundaries, and their hydro-environmental attributes in vector format. The main release of HydroSHEDS v2 is scheduled for 2023 under a free license