22 research outputs found

    Proteomic patterns analysis with multivariate calculations as a promising tool for prompt differentiation of early stage lung tissue with cancer and unchanged tissue material

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Lung cancer diagnosis in tissue material with commonly used histological techniques is sometimes inconvenient and in a number of cases leads to ambiguous conclusions. Frequently advanced immunostaining techniques have to be employed, yet they are both time consuming and limited. In this study a proteomic approach is presented which may help provide unambiguous pathologic diagnosis of tissue material.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Lung tissue material found to be pathologically changed was prepared to isolate proteome with fast and non selective procedure. Isolated peptides and proteins in ranging from 3.5 to 20 kDa were analysed directly using high resolution mass spectrometer (MALDI-TOF/TOF) with sinapic acid as a matrix. Recorded complex spectra of a single run were then analyzed with multivariate statistical analysis algorithms (principle component analysis, classification methods). In the applied protocol we focused on obtaining the spectra richest in protein signals constituting a pattern of change within the sample containing detailed information about its protein composition. Advanced statistical methods were to indicate differences between examined groups.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Obtained results indicate changes in proteome profiles of changed tissues in comparison to physiologically unchanged material (control group) which were reflected in the result of principle component analysis (PCA). Points representing spectra of control group were located in different areas of multidimensional space and were less diffused in comparison to cancer tissues. Three different classification algorithms showed recognition capability of 100% regarding classification of examined material into an appropriate group.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The application of the presented protocol and method enabled finding pathological changes in tissue material regardless of localization and size of abnormalities in the sample volume. Proteomic profile as a complex, rich in signals spectrum of proteins can be expressed as a single point in multidimensional space and than analysed using advanced statistical methods. This approach seems to provide more precise information about a pathology and may be considered in futer evaluation of biomarkers for clinical applications in different pathology. Multiparameter statistical methods may be helpful in elucidation of newly expressed sensitive biomarkers defined as many factors "in one point".</p

    Mapping of succinate dehydrogenase losses in 2258 epithelial neoplasms.

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    Losses in the succinate dehydrogenase (SDH) complex characterize 20% to 30% of extra-adrenal paragangliomas and 7% to 8% of gastric GISTs, and rare renal cell carcinomas. This loss is reflected as lack of the normally ubiquitous immunohistochemical expression of the SDH subunit B (SDHB). In paragangliomas, SDHB loss correlates with homozygous loss of any of the SDH subunits, typically by loss-of-function mutations. The occurrence of SDHB losses in other epithelial malignancies is unknown. In this study, we immunohistochemically examined 2258 epithelial, mostly malignant neoplasms including common carcinomas of all sites. Among renal cell carcinomas, SDHB loss was observed in 4 of 711 cases (0.6%), including a patient with an SDHB-deficient GIST. Histologically, the SDHB-negative renal carcinomas varied. There was 1 clear cell carcinoma with a high nuclear grade, 1 papillary carcinoma type 2, 1 unclassified carcinoma with a glandular pattern, and 1 oncocytoid low-grade carcinoma as previously described for SDHB-negative renal carcinoma. None of these patients was known to have paragangliomas or had loss of SDHA expression in the tumor. Three of these patients had metastases at presentation (2 in the adrenal, 1 in the retroperitoneal lymph nodes). There were no cases with SDHB loss among 64 renal oncocytomas. SDHB losses were not seen in other carcinomas, except in 1 prostatic adenocarcinoma (1/57), 1 lymphoepithelial carcinoma of the stomach, and 1 (1/40) seminoma. On the basis of this study, SDHB losses occur in 0.6% of renal cell carcinomas and extremely rarely in other carcinomas. Some of these renal carcinomas may be clinically aggressive. The clinical significance and molecular genetics of these SDHB-negative tumors requires further study

    Diagnostyka prenatalna rzadkich zaburzeń rozwojowych płodu – opis przypadku

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    Abstract Hereby we present a case of a pregnancy in which careful dysmorphology of the fetus in subsequent sonographic evaluation resulted in detection of a very rare anomaly. It allowed explanation of the fetal phenotype, compared then with that of the newborn and estimation of genetic risk for the next pregnancies in this family.Streszczenie Przedstawiono przypadek ciąży, w której dzięki wnikliwej analizie dysmorfologicznej płodu w kolejnych badaniach USG zainicjowano szereg unikalnych badań genetycznych, które doprowadziły do wykrycia bardzo rzadkiego zaburzenia u dziecka. Pozwoliło to wyjaśnić zarówno fenotyp płodu, następnie żywo urodzonego dziecka, jak i ocenić ryzyko genetyczne występujące w tej rodzinie w kolejnych ciążach

    GATA3: a multispecific but potentially useful marker in surgical pathology: a systematic analysis of 2500 epithelial and nonepithelial tumors.

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    GATA3 is a transcription factor important in the differentiation of breast epithelia, urothelia, and subsets of T lymphocytes. It has been suggested to be useful in the evaluation of carcinomas of mammary or urothelial origin or metastatic carcinomas, but its distribution in normal and neoplastic tissues is incompletely mapped. In this study, we examined normal developing and adult tissues and 2040 epithelial and 460 mesenchymal or neuroectodermal neoplasms for GATA3 expression to explore its diagnostic value in surgical pathology, using monoclonal antibody (clone L50-823) and Leica Bond automated immunohistochemistry. GATA3 was expressed in trophoblast, fetal and adult epidermis, adult mammary and some salivary gland and sweat gland ductal epithelia, urothelia, distal nephron in developing and adult tissues, some prostatic basal cells, and subsets of T lymphocytes. It was expressed stronger in fetal than in adult mesothelia and was absent in respiratory and gastrointestinal epithelia. In epithelial neoplasms, GATA3 was expressed in \u3e90% of primary and metastatic ductal and lobular carcinomas of the breast, urothelial, and cutaneous basal cell carcinomas and trophoblastic and endodermal sinus tumors. In metastatic breast carcinomas, it was more sensitive than GCDFP. Among squamous cell carcinomas, the expression was highest in the skin (81%) and lower in cervical (33%), laryngeal (16%), and pulmonary tumors (12%). Common positivity was found in skin adnexal tumors (100%), mesothelioma (58%), salivary gland (43%), and pancreatic (37%) ductal carcinomas, whereas frequency of expression in adenocarcinomas of lung, stomach, colon, endometrium, ovary, and prostate wa

    CD70 Expression Correlates With a Worse Prognosis in Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma Patients via Immune Evasion and Enhanced Invasiveness

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    Diffuse malignant mesothelioma of the pleura (MPM) is a highly aggressive tumour that typically is associated with short survival. CD70 and CD27 belong to the tumour necrosis factor (TNF) and the TNF receptor (TNFR) superfamily, respectively. Under physiological conditions, the tightly regulated interaction between CD70 and CD27 plays a co-stimulatory role in promoting T-cell expansion and differentiation through the NFκB pathway. Aberrantly high CD70 expression has been documented in haematological and solid malignancies in association with immune evasion in malignant cells. In this study, 172 well-characterised primary diffuse MPM tumours including epithelioid (n =145), biphasic (n =15), and sarcomatoid (n =12) histotypes were evaluated immunohistochemically for CD70, CD27, CD3, CD4, CD8, CD56, PDCD1 (PD-1), and FOXP3 expression. Twenty per cent (34/172) of the mesothelioma cells expressed CD70 on the cell membrane. Overall survival was significantly decreased in the cohort of patients with CD70-expressing tumour cells (p <0.01). Patients with MPM containing a higher number of CD3(+) (p <0.01), CD4(+) (p <0.01), CD8(+) (p <0.01), or FOXP3(+) (p <0.01) tumour-infiltrating lymphoid cells (TILs) showed significantly worse clinical outcomes. As potential independent risk factors for MPM patients, multivariate Cox proportional hazards regression analysis revealed CD70 expression on mesothelioma cells [hazard ratio (HR) 2.25; p =0.010], higher FOXP3(+) TILs (HR 2.81; p =0.004), and higher CD3(+) TIL accumulation (HR 6.12; p <0.001). In contrast, as a potential independent favourable factor, higher CD27(+) TIL accumulation (HR 0.48; p =0.037) was identified. In vitro experiments and an immunodeficient mouse model revealed that CD70 enhances the invasiveness of MPM cells through MET–ERK axis activation. Further analyses in syngeneic mouse models demonstrated possible roles for CD70 in immune evasion. Collectively, these findings suggest that the CD70–CD27 pathway enhances the malignant phenotypes of MPM and diminishes anti-tumor immune response in patients with these neoplasms. These markers might be useful in MPM for prognostic evaluations as well as targeted therapeutics

    Influence of the Levels of Arsenic, Cadmium, Mercury and Lead on Overall Survival in Lung Cancer

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    The effects of heavy metals on cancer risk have been widely studied in recent decades, but there is limited data on the effects of these elements on cancer survival. In this research, we examined whether blood concentrations of the heavy metals arsenic, cadmium, mercury and lead were associated with the overall survival of lung cancer patients. The study group consisted of 336 patients with lung cancer who were prospectively observed. Blood concentrations of heavy metals were measured to study the relationship between their levels and overall survival using Cox proportional hazards analysis. The hazard ratio of death from all causes was 0.99 (p = 0.94) for arsenic, 1.37 (p = 0.15) for cadmium, 1.55 (p = 0.04) for mercury, and 1.18 (p = 0.47) for lead in patients from the lowest concentration quartile, compared with those in the highest quartile. Among the patients with stage IA disease, this relationship was statistically significant (HR = 7.36; p &lt; 0.01) for cadmium levels in the highest quartile (&gt;1.97–7.77 µg/L) compared to quartile I (0.23–0.57 µg/L, reference). This study revealed that low blood cadmium levels &lt;1.47 µg/L are probably associated with improved overall survival in treated patients with stage IA disease