272 research outputs found

    Experimentally finding dense subgraphs using a time-bin encoded Gaussian boson sampling device

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    Gaussian Boson Sampling (GBS) is a quantum computing concept based on drawing samples from a multimode nonclassical Gaussian state using photon-number resolving detectors. It was initially posed as a near-term approach aiming to achieve quantum advantage, but several applications have been proposed ever since, such as the calculation of graph features or molecular vibronic spectra, among others. For the first time, we use a time-bin encoded interferometer to implement GBS experimentally and extract samples to enhance the search for dense subgraphs in a graph. Our results indicate an improvement over classical methods for subgraphs of sizes three and four in a graph containing ten nodes. In addition, we numerically explore the role of imperfections in the optical circuit and on the performance of the algorithm

    Attosecond sampling of arbitrary optical waveforms

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    Advances in the generation of ultrashort laser pulses, and the emergence of new research areas such as attosecond science, nanoplasmonics, coherent control, and multidimensional spectroscopy, have led to the need for a new class of ultrafast metrology that can measure the electric field of complex optical waveforms spanning the ultraviolet to the infrared. Important examples of such waveforms are those produced by spectral control of ultrabroad bandwidth pulses, or by Fourier synthesis. These are typically tailored for specific purposes, such as to increase the photon energy and flux of high-harmonic radiation, or to control dynamical processes by steering electron dynamics on subcycle time scales. These applications demand a knowledge of the full temporal evolution of the field. Conventional pulse measurement techniques that provide estimates of the relative temporal or spectral phase are unsuited to measure such waveforms. Here we experimentally demonstrate a new, all-optical method for directly measuring the electric field of arbitrary ultrafast optical waveforms. Our method is based on high-harmonic generation (HHG) driven by a field that is the collinear superposition of the waveform to be measured with a stronger probe laser pulse. As the delay between the pulses is varied, we show that the field of the unknown waveform is mapped to energy shifts in the high-harmonic spectrum, allowing a direct, accurate, and rapid retrieval of the electric field with subcycle temporal resolution at the location of the HHG

    Multi-pulse addressing of a Raman quantum memory: configurable beam splitting and efficient readout

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    Quantum memories are vital to the scalability of photonic quantum information processing (PQIP), since the storage of photons enables repeat-until-success strategies. On the other hand the key element of all PQIP architectures is the beam splitter, which allows to coherently couple optical modes. Here we show how to combine these crucial functionalities by addressing a Raman quantum memory with multiple control pulses. The result is a coherent optical storage device with an extremely large time-bandwidth product, that functions as an array of dynamically configurable beam splitters, and that can be read out with arbitrarily high efficiency. Networks of such devices would allow fully scalable PQIP, with applications in quantum computation, long-distance quantum communications and quantum metrology.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Gaussian optical Ising machines

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    It has recently been shown that optical parametric oscillator (OPO) Ising machines, consisting of coupled optical pulses circulating in a cavity with parametric gain, can be used to probabilistically find low-energy states of Ising spin systems. In this work, we study optical Ising machines that operate under simplified Gaussian dynamics. We show that these dynamics are sufficient for reaching probabilities of success comparable to previous work. Based on this result, we propose modified optical Ising machines with simpler designs that do not use parametric gain yet achieve similar performance, thus suggesting a route to building much larger systems

    A proposed testbed for detector tomography

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    Measurement is the only part of a general quantum system that has yet to be characterized experimentally in a complete manner. Detector tomography provides a procedure for doing just this; an arbitrary measurement device can be fully characterized, and thus calibrated, in a systematic way without access to its components or its design. The result is a reconstructed POVM containing the measurement operators associated with each measurement outcome. We consider two detectors, a single-photon detector and a photon-number counter, and propose an easily realized experimental apparatus to perform detector tomography on them. We also present a method of visualizing the resulting measurement operators.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure

    Using an imperfect photonic network to implement random unitaries

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    We numerically investigate the implementation of Haar-random unitarity transformations and Fourier transformations in photonic devices consisting of beam splitters and phase shifters, which are used for integrated photonics implementations of boson sampling. The distribution of reflectivities required to implement an arbitrary unitary transformation is skewed towards low values, and this skew becomes stronger the larger the number of modes. A realistic implementation using Mach-Zehnder interferometers is incapable of achieving the low values required and thus has limited fidelity. We show that numerical optimisation and adding extra beam splitters to the network can help to restore fidelity

    Large scale quantum walks by means of optical fiber cavities

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    We demonstrate a platform for implementing quantum walks that overcomes many of the barriers associated with photonic implementations. We use coupled fiber-optic cavities to implement time-bin encoded walks in an integrated system. We show that this platform can achieve very low losses combined with high-fidelity operations, enabling an unprecedented large number of steps in a passive system, as required for scenarios with multiple walkers. Furthermore the platform is reconfigurable, enabling variation of the coin, and readily extends to multidimensional lattices. We demonstrate variation of the coin bias experimentally for three different values

    Single-photon-compatible telecommunications-band quantum memory in a hot atomic gas

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    The efficient storage and on-demand retrieval of quantum optical states that are compatible with the telecommunications band is a requirement for future terrestrial-based quantum optical networking. Spectrum in the telecommunications band minimizes optical fiber-propagation losses, and broad optical bandwidth facilitates high-speed networking protocols. Here we report on a telecommunications-wavelength- and bandwidth-compatible quantum memory. Using the Off-Resonant Cascaded Absorption protocol in hot 87 Rb vapor, we demonstrate a total internal memory efficiency of 20.90 ( 1 ) % with a Doppler-limited storage time of 1.10 ( 2 ) ns. We characterize the memory performance with weak coherent states and measure a signal-to-noise ratio of 1.9 ( 1 ) × 10 4 for an average input photon number of 0.084

    Fidelity of optimally controlled quantum gates with randomly coupled multiparticle environments

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    This work studies the feasibility of optimal control of high-fidelity quantum gates in a model of interacting two-level particles. One particle (the qubit) serves as the quantum information processor, whose evolution is controlled by a time-dependent external field. The other particles are not directly controlled and serve as an effective environment, coupling to which is the source of decoherence. The control objective is to generate target one-qubit gates in the presence of strong environmentally-induced decoherence and under physically motivated restrictions on the control field. It is found that interactions among the environmental particles have a negligible effect on the gate fidelity and require no additional adjustment of the control field. Another interesting result is that optimally controlled quantum gates are remarkably robust to random variations in qubit-environment and inter-environment coupling strengths. These findings demonstrate the utility of optimal control for management of quantum-information systems in a very precise and specific manner, especially when the dynamics complexity is exacerbated by inherently uncertain environmental coupling.Comment: tMOP LaTeX, 9 pages, 3 figures; Special issue of the Journal of Modern Optics: 37th Winter Colloquium on the Physics of Quantum Electronics, 2-6 January 200

    Chip-based array of near-identical, pure, heralded single-photon sources

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    Interference between independent single photons is perhaps the most fundamental interaction in quantum optics. It has become increasingly important as a tool for optical quantum information science, as one of the rudimentary quantum operations, together with photon detection, for generating entanglement between non-interacting particles. Despite this, demonstrations of large-scale photonic networks involving more than two independent sources of quan- tum light have been limited due to the difficulty in constructing large arrays of high-quality, single-photon sources. Here, we solve the key challenge, reporting on a novel array of five near-identical, low-loss, high-purity, heralded single-photon sources using spontaneous four-wave mixing on a silica chip. We verify source quality through a series of heralded Hong – Ou – Mandel (HOM) experiments, and further report the experimental three-photon extension of the HOM interference effect, which maps out for the first time, to our knowledge, the interference landscape between three independent single-photon sources
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