2,040 research outputs found

    Reconnections of quantized vortex rings in superfluid 4^4He at very low temperatures

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    Collisions in a beam of unidirectional quantized vortex rings of nearly identical radii RR in superfluid 4^4He in the limit of zero temperature (0.05 K) were studied using time-of-flight spectroscopy. Reconnections between two primary rings result in secondary vortex loops of both smaller and larger radii. Discrete steps in the distribution of flight times, due to the limits on the earliest possible arrival times of secondary loops created after either one or two consecutive reconnections, are observed. The density of primary rings was found to be capped at the value 500 cm−2R−1500{\rm \,cm}^{-2} R^{-1} independent of the injected density. This is due to collisions between rings causing piling-up of many other vortex rings. Both observations are in quantitative agreement with our theory.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, includes supplementary materia

    No Effect of Steady Rotation on Solid 4^4He in a Torsional Oscillator

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    We have measured the response of a torsional oscillator containing polycrystalline hcp solid 4^{4}He to applied steady rotation in an attempt to verify the observations of several other groups that were initially interpreted as evidence for macroscopic quantum effects. The geometry of the cell was that of a simple annulus, with a fill line of relatively narrow diameter in the centre of the torsion rod. Varying the angular velocity of rotation up to 2\,rad\,s−1^{-1} showed that there were no step-like features in the resonant frequency or dissipation of the oscillator and no history dependence, even though we achieved the sensitivity required to detect the various effects seen in earlier experiments on other rotating cryostats. All small changes during rotation were consistent with those occurring with an empty cell. We thus observed no effects on the samples of solid 4^4He attributable to steady rotation.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures, accepted in J. Low Temp. Phy

    Photonic Maxwell's demon

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    We report an experimental realisation of Maxwell's demon in a photonic setup. We show that a measurement at the single-photon level followed by a feed-forward operation allows the extraction of work from intense thermal light into an electric circuit. The interpretation of the experiment stimulates the derivation of a new equality relating work extraction to information acquired by measurement. We derive a bound using this relation and show that it is in agreement with the experimental results. Our work puts forward photonic systems as a platform for experiments related to information in thermodynamics.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figure

    Benchmarking of Gaussian boson sampling using two-point correlators

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    Gaussian boson sampling is a promising scheme for demonstrating a quantum computational advantage using photonic states that are accessible in a laboratory and, thus, offer scalable sources of quantum light. In this contribution, we study two-point photon-number correlation functions to gain insight into the interference of Gaussian states in optical networks. We investigate the characteristic features of statistical signatures which enable us to distinguish classical from quantum interference. In contrast to the typical implementation of boson sampling, we find additional contributions to the correlators under study which stem from the phase dependence of Gaussian states and which are not observable when Fock states interfere. Using the first three moments, we formulate the tools required to experimentally observe signatures of quantum interference of Gaussian states using two outputs only. By considering the current architectural limitations in realistic experiments, we further show that a statistically significant discrimination between quantum and classical interference is possible even in the presence of loss, noise, and a finite photon-number resolution. Therefore, we formulate and apply a theoretical framework to benchmark the quantum features of Gaussian boson sampling under realistic conditions

    Encoding a qubit into multilevel subspaces

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    We present a formalism for encoding the logical basis of a qubit into subspaces of multiple physical levels. The need for this multilevel encoding arises naturally in situations where the speed of quantum operations exceeds the limits imposed by the addressability of individual energy levels of the qubit physical system. A basic feature of the multilevel encoding formalism is the logical equivalence of different physical states and correspondingly, of different physical transformations. This logical equivalence is a source of a significant flexibility in designing logical operations, while the multilevel structure inherently accommodates fast and intense broadband controls thereby facilitating faster quantum operations. Another important practical advantage of multilevel encoding is the ability to maintain full quantum-computational fidelity in the presence of mixing and decoherence within encoding subspaces. The formalism is developed in detail for single-qubit operations and generalized for multiple qubits. As an illustrative example, we perform a simulation of closed-loop optimal control of single-qubit operations for a model multilevel system, and subsequently apply these operations at finite temperatures to investigate the effect of decoherence on operational fidelity.Comment: IOPart LaTeX, 2 figures, 31 pages; addition of a numerical simulatio

    Strategies for enhancing quantum entanglement by local photon subtraction

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    Subtracting photons from a two-mode squeezed state is a well-known method to increase entanglement. We analyse different strategies of local photon subtraction from a two-mode squeezed state in terms of entanglement gain and success probability. We develop a general framework that incorporates imperfections and losses in all stages of the process: before, during, and after subtraction. By combining all three effects into a single efficiency parameter, we provide analytical and numerical results for subtraction strategies using photon-number-resolving and threshold detectors. We compare the entanglement gain afforded by symmetric and asymmetric subtraction scenarios across the two modes. For a given amount of loss, we identify an optimised set of parameters, such as initial squeezing and subtraction beam splitter transmissivity, that maximise the entanglement gain rate. We identify regimes for which asymmetric subtraction of different Fock states on the two modes outperforms symmetric strategies. In the lossless limit, subtracting a single photon from one mode always produces the highest entanglement gain rate. In the lossy case, the optimal strategy depends strongly on the losses on each mode individually, such that there is no general optimal strategy. Rather, taking losses on each mode as the only input parameters, we can identify the optimal subtraction strategy and required beam splitter transmissivities and initial squeezing parameter. Finally, we discuss the implications of our results for the distillation of continuous-variable quantum entanglement.Comment: 13 pages, 11 figures. Updated version for publicatio

    Ultrasonic irrigation flows in root canals:effects of ultrasound power and file insertion depth

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    Ultrasonic irrigation during root canal treatment can enhance biofilm disruption. The challenge is to improve the fluid flow so that the irrigant reaches areas inaccessible to hand instrumentation. The aim of this study is to experimentally investigate how the flow field and hydrodynamic forces induced by ultrasonic irrigation are influenced by the ultrasound power and file insertion depth. A root canal phantom was 3D printed and used as a mold for the fabrication of a PDMS channel. An ultrasonic instrument with a #15 K-file provided the irrigation. The flow field was studied by means of Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV). The time averaged velocity and shear stress distributions were found to vary significantly with ultrasound power. Their maximum values increase sharply for low powers and up to a critical power level. At and above this setting, the flow pattern changes, from the high velocity and shear stress region confined in the vicinity of the tip, to one covering the whole root canal domain. Exceeding this threshold also induces a moderate increase in the maximum velocities and shear stresses. The insertion depth was found to have a smaller effect on the measured velocity and shear stresses. Due to the oscillating nature of the flow, instantaneous maximum velocities and shear stresses can reach much higher values than the mean, especially for high powers. Ultrasonic irrigation will benefit from using a higher power setting as this does produce greater shear stresses near the walls of the root canal leading to the potential for increased biofilm removal

    Attosecond sampling of arbitrary optical waveforms

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    Advances in the generation of ultrashort laser pulses, and the emergence of new research areas such as attosecond science, nanoplasmonics, coherent control, and multidimensional spectroscopy, have led to the need for a new class of ultrafast metrology that can measure the electric field of complex optical waveforms spanning the ultraviolet to the infrared. Important examples of such waveforms are those produced by spectral control of ultrabroad bandwidth pulses, or by Fourier synthesis. These are typically tailored for specific purposes, such as to increase the photon energy and flux of high-harmonic radiation, or to control dynamical processes by steering electron dynamics on subcycle time scales. These applications demand a knowledge of the full temporal evolution of the field. Conventional pulse measurement techniques that provide estimates of the relative temporal or spectral phase are unsuited to measure such waveforms. Here we experimentally demonstrate a new, all-optical method for directly measuring the electric field of arbitrary ultrafast optical waveforms. Our method is based on high-harmonic generation (HHG) driven by a field that is the collinear superposition of the waveform to be measured with a stronger probe laser pulse. As the delay between the pulses is varied, we show that the field of the unknown waveform is mapped to energy shifts in the high-harmonic spectrum, allowing a direct, accurate, and rapid retrieval of the electric field with subcycle temporal resolution at the location of the HHG
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