12,041 research outputs found

    Development of a flash, bang, and smoke simulation of a shell burst

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    A large number of experiments (cue test firings) were performed in the definition of the cue concepts and packaging configurations. A total of 344 of these experiments were recorded with instrumentation photography to allow a quantitative analysis of the smoke cloud to be made as a function of time. These analyses were predominantly made using a short test site. Supplementary long range visibility tests were conducted to insure the required 3 kilometer visibility of the smoke signature

    Reply to comments by A. Douglas, J. B. Young, and N. S. Lyman and a note on the revised moments for Pahute Mesa tectonic release

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    In two earlier papers (Wallace et al., 1983, 1985), we discussed the evidence for tectonic release from underground nuclear explosions on Pahute Mesa at the Nevada Test Site (NTS) as observed in long-period body waves. It has been shown for some time that the nonisotropic component of the surface waves from most of these events could be explained by an equivalent double-couple source; namely strike-slip motion on north-striking faults

    On the accuracy of the melting curves drawn from modelling a solid as an elastic medium

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    An ongoing problem in the study of a classical many-body system is the characterization of its equilibrium behaviour by theory or numerical simulation. For purely repulsive particles, locating the melting line in the pressure-temperature plane can be especially hard if the interparticle potential has a softened core or contains some adjustable parameters. A method is hereby presented that yields reliable melting-curve topologies with negligible computational effort. It is obtained by combining the Lindemann melting criterion with a description of the solid phase as an elastic continuum. A number of examples are given in order to illustrate the scope of the method and possible shortcomings. For a two-body repulsion of Gaussian shape, the outcome of the present approach compares favourably with the more accurate but also more computationally demanding self-consistent harmonic approximation.Comment: 25 pages, 7 figure

    The Virulence in the Guinea-pig of Tubercle Bacilli Isolated before Treatment from South Indian Patients with Pulmonary Tuberculosis 3. Virulence related to Pretreatment Status of Disease and to Response to Chemotherapy

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    This is the last of a series of three reports from the Tuberculosis Chemotherapy Centre Madras, on a study undertaken with the object of finding out whether differences in the virulence in the guinea-pig of tubercle bacilli isolated from South Indian tuberculous patients before the start of chemotherapy are related to the severity of the patients’ disease on admission to treatment and to the subsequent response to chemotherapy. The 281 patients in this study were drawn from the patients admitted to a l-year comparison of four domiciliary chemotherapeutic regimens : (a) 3.9-5.5 mg/kg isoniazid plus 0.2-0.3 g/kg sodium PAS daily, divided into two doses (PH series) ; (b) 7.8-9.6 mg/kg isoniazid alone daily in one dose (HI-I series) ; (c) 7.8-9.6 mg/kg isoniazid alone daily, divided into two doses (HI-2 series) ; (d) 3.9-5.5 mg/kg isoniazid alone daily, divided into two doses (H series). No evidence was found of an association between the virulence of the organisms and any pretreatment condition of known prognostic importance. There was no association between pretreatment virulence and progress during treatment in the PH series (the most effective regimen). In the other series, however, the progress was more satisfactory in patients infected with organisms of low virulence than in those infected with organisms of high virulence, the association between virulence and progress attaining statistical significance in the combined HI-2 and H series (the least effective regimens) and only just failing to do so in the smaller HI-1 series. Possible explanations are put forward both for the absence of an association between virulence and severity of disease on admission and for the presence of an association between virulence and response in the patients treated with isoniazid alone

    A Search for Ultraviolet Emission from LINERs

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    We have obtained Hubble Space Telescope WFPC2 2200 A and optical V-band images of 20 low-luminosity active galactic nuclei, most of which are spectroscopically classified as LINERs, in order to search for a possible photoionizing continuum. Six (30%) of the galaxies are detected in the UV. Two of the detected galaxies (NGC 3642 and NGC 4203) have compact, unresolved nuclear UV sources, while the remaining four UV sources (in NGC 4569, NGC 5005, NGC 6500, and NGC 7743) are spatially extended. Combining our sample with that of Maoz et al. (1995), we find that the probability of detection of a nuclear UV source is greatest for galaxies having low internal reddening and low inclination, and we conclude that dust obscuration is the dominant factor determining whether or not a UV source is detected. Large emission-line equivalent widths and the presence of broad-line emission also increase the likelihood of detection of nuclear UV emission. Our results suggest that the majority of LINERs harbor obscured nuclear UV sources, which may be either accretion-powered active nuclei or young star clusters. Under the assumption that the compact UV sources in NGC 3642 and NGC 4203 have nonstellar power-law spectra extending into the extreme ultraviolet, the extrapolated ionizing fluxes are sufficiently strong to photoionize the narrow-line regions of these objects. The V-band images of many galaxies in our sample reveal remarkably strong dust lanes which may be responsible for obscuring some UV sources.Comment: 25 pages, 4 figures, 3 tables, LaTeX, AASTeX v4.0 style file, accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal, additional figures available at http://astro.berkeley.edu/~barth/papers/u

    Fermi point in graphene as a monopole in momentum space

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    We consider the effective field theory of graphene monolayer with the Coulomb interaction between fermions taken into account. The gauge field in momentum space is introduced. The position of the Fermi point coincides with the position of the corresponding monopole. The procedure of extracting such monopoles during lattice simulations is suggested.Comment: Latex, 12 page

    Evidence for a Black Hole and Accretion Disk in the LINER NGC 4203

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    We present spectroscopic observations from the Hubble Space Telescope that reveal for the first time the presence of a broad pedestal of Balmer-line emission in the LINER galaxy NGC 4203. The emission-line profile is suggestive of a relativistic accretion disk, and is reminiscent of double-peaked transient Balmer emission observed in a handful of other LINERs. The very broad line emission thus constitutes clear qualitative evidence for a black hole, and spatially resolved narrow-line emission in NGC 4203 can be used to constrain its mass, with M_BH less than 6 x 10^6 solar masses at 99.7% confidence. This value implies a ratio of black-hole mass to bulge mass of less than approximately 7 x 10^-4 in NGC 4203, which is less by a factor of ~3 - 9 than the mean ratio obtained for other galaxies. The availability of an independent constraint on central black-hole mass makes NGC4203 an important testbed for probing the physics of weak active galactic nuclei. Assuming M_BH near the detection limit, the ratio of observed luminosity to the Eddington luminosity is approximately 10^-4. This value is consistent with advection-dominated accretion, and hence with scenarios in which an ion torus irradiates an outer accretion disk that produces the observed double-peaked line emission. Follow-up observations will make it possible to improve the black-hole mass estimate and study variability in the nuclear emission.Comment: 10 pages (LaTeX, AASTeX v4.0), 2 postscript figures, accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal Letter

    Dynamics of monatomic liquids

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    We present a theory of the dynamics of monatomic liquids built on two basic ideas: (1) The potential surface of the liquid contains three classes of intersecting nearly-harmonic valleys, one of which (the ``random'' class) vastly outnumbers the others and all whose members have the same depth and normal mode spectrum; and (2) the motion of particles in the liquid can be decomposed into oscillations in a single many-body valley, and nearly instantaneous inter-valley transitions called transits. We review the thermodynamic data which led to the theory, and we discuss the results of molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of sodium and Lennard-Jones argon which support the theory in more detail. Then we apply the theory to problems in equilibrium and nonequilibrium statistical mechanics, and we compare the results to experimental data and MD simulations. We also discuss our work in comparison with the QNM and INM research programs and suggest directions for future research.Comment: 53 pages, 16 figures. Differs from published version in using American English spelling and grammar (published version uses British English

    Arrays of Cooper Pair Boxes Coupled to a Superconducting Reservoir: `Superradiance' and `Revival.'

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    We consider an array of Cooper Pair Boxes, each of which is coupled to a superconducting reservoir by a capacitive tunnel junction. We discuss two effects that probe not just the quantum nature of the islands, but also of the superconducting reservoir coupled to them. These are analogues to the well-known quantum optical effects `superradiance,' and `revival.' When revival is extended to multiple systems, we find that `entanglement revival' can also be observed. In order to study the above effects, we utilise a highly simplified model for these systems in which all the single-electron energy eigenvalues are set to be the same (the strong coupling limit), as are the charging energies of the Cooper Pair Boxes, allowing the whole system to be represented by two large coupled quantum spins. Although this simplification is drastic, the model retains the main features necessary to capture the phenomena of interest. Given the progress in superconducting box experiments over recent years, it is possible that experiments to investigate both of these interesting quantum coherent phenomena could be performed in the forseeable future.Comment: 23 pages, 5 figures Clarifications made as recommended by refere