11,629 research outputs found

    Results of literature search on dielectric properties and electron interaction phenomena related to spacecraft charging

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    The objective of the literature search was to determine the required material properties and electron interaction parameters needed for modeling charge buildup and breakdown in insulators. A brief overview of the results of the literature search is given. A partial list of the references covered is included in a bibliography. Although inorganic insulators were also considered in the search, coverage is limited to the organics, primarily Kapton and Teflon

    Investigations for the improvement of space shuttle main engine electron beam welding equipment

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    Progress made in the testing, evaluation, and correction of MSFC's 7.5 kW electron beam welder in support of space shuttle main engine component welding is summarized. The objective of this project was to locate and correct the deficiencies in the welder. Some 17 areas were deficient in the 7.5 kW ERI welding system and the associated corrective action was taken to improve its operational performance. An overall improvement of 20 times the original reliability was obtained at full rated capacity after the modifications were made

    Structural characterization of YBa(2)Cu(3)O(7)/Y(2)O(3) composite films

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    Using 4-circle x-ray diffraction and transmission electron microscopy we have studied the microstructure and in-plane orientation of the phases present in thin film composite mixtures of YBa(2)Cu(3)O(7) and Y(2)O(3). We see a high degree of in-plane orientation and have verified a previous prediction for the in-plane order of Y(2)BaCuO(5) on (110) MgO. Transmission electron microscopy shows the composite films to be a mixture of two phases, with YBCO grain sizes of 1 micron. We have also compared our observations of the in-plane order to the predictions of a modified near coincidence site lattice model.Comment: To be published in Journal of Materials Research, (4 pages, 4 jpeg figures

    Quantum magnetism with ultracold molecules

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    This article gives an introduction to the realization of effective quantum magnetism with ultracold molecules in an optical lattice, reviews experimental and theoretical progress, and highlights future opportunities opened up by ongoing experiments. Ultracold molecules offer capabilities that are otherwise difficult or impossible to achieve in other effective spin systems, such as long-ranged spin-spin interactions with controllable degrees of spatial and spin anisotropy and favorable energy scales. Realizing quantum magnetism with ultracold molecules provides access to rich many-body behaviors, including many exotic phases of matter and interesting excitations and dynamics. Far-from-equilibrium dynamics plays a key role in our exposition, just as it did in recent ultracold molecule experiments realizing effective quantum magnetism. In particular, we show that dynamical probes allow the observation of correlated many-body spin physics, even in polar molecule gases that are not quantum degenerate. After describing how quantum magnetism arises in ultracold molecules and discussing recent observations of quantum magnetism with polar molecules, we survey prospects for the future, ranging from immediate goals to long-term visions.Comment: 21 pages, 6 figures, 1 table. Review articl

    Automated weld torch guidance control system

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    A device for automatically controlling the movement of a welding torch while welding an elongated joint is described. A charge injection television camera is carried on a movable support. The camera includes a matrix of individual light sensing video elements which generate voltages responsive to light reflected off of the joint and surrounding areas of the work piece. The voltages produced by the pixels are converted to digital words which are fed to a microprocessor for generating an error signal. This error signal is fed to a digital motor which is used to drive a movable support upon which the television camera is carried

    Solar cell radiation response near the interface of different atomic number materials

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    The response of cobalt 60 irradiated N/P silicon solar cells was measured as a function of the atomic number of the medium adjacent to the cell and the direction of the gamma ray beam. The interpositioning of various thicknesses of aluminum between the adjacent material and the cell had the effect of moving the cell to various locations in an approximate monatomic numbered medium. Using this technique the solar cell response was determined at various distances from the interface for gold and beryllium. The results were compared with predictions based upon ionization chamber measurements of dose perturbations in aluminum and found to agree within five percent. Ionization chamber data was then used to estimate the influence of various base contact materials

    Cooling Fermions in an Optical Lattice by Adiabatic Demagnetization

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    The Fermi-Hubbard model describes ultracold fermions in an optical lattice and exhibits antiferromagnetic long-ranged order below the N\'{e}el temperature. However, reaching this temperature in the lab has remained an elusive goal. In other atomic systems, such as trapped ions, low temperatures have been successfully obtained by adiabatic demagnetization, in which a strong effective magnetic field is applied to a spin-polarized system, and the magnetic field is adiabatically reduced to zero. Unfortunately, applying this approach to the Fermi-Hubbard model encounters a fundamental obstacle: the SU(2)SU(2) symmetry introduces many level crossings that prevent the system from reaching the ground state, even in principle. However, by breaking the SU(2)SU(2) symmetry with a spin-dependent tunneling, we show that adiabatic demagnetization can achieve low temperature states. Using density matrix renormalization group (DMRG) calculations in one dimension, we numerically find that demagnetization protocols successfully reach low temperature states of a spin-anisotropic Hubbard model, and we discuss how to optimize this protocol for experimental viability. By subsequently ramping spin-dependent tunnelings to spin-independent tunnelings, we expect that our protocol can be employed to produce low-temperature states of the Fermi-Hubbard Model.Comment: References adde

    Bosonic molecules in a lattice: unusual fluid phase from multichannel interactions

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    We show that multichannel interactions significantly alter the phase diagram of ultracold bosonic molecules in an optical lattice. Most prominently, an unusual fluid region intervenes between the conventional superfluid and the Mott insulator. In it, number fluctuations remain but phase coherence is suppressed by a significant factor. This factor can be made arbitrarily large, at least in a two-site configuration. We calculate the phase diagram using complementary methods, including Gutzwiller mean-field and density matrix renormalization group (DMRG) calculations. Although we focus on bosonic molecules without dipolar interactions, we expect multichannel interactions to remain important for dipolar interacting and fermionic molecules.Comment: 6 pages incl. refs, 4 figure

    Ultracold nonreactive molecules in an optical lattice: connecting chemistry to many-body physics

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    We derive effective lattice models for ultracold bosonic or fermionic nonreactive molecules (NRMs) in an optical lattice, analogous to the Hubbard model that describes ultracold atoms in a lattice. In stark contrast to the Hubbard model, which is commonly assumed to accurately describe NRMs, we find that the single on-site interaction parameter UU is replaced by a multi-channel interaction, whose properties we elucidate. The complex, multi-channel collisional physics is unrelated to dipolar interactions, and so occurs even in the absence of an electric field or for homonuclear molecules. We find a crossover between coherent few-channel models and fully incoherent single-channel models as the lattice depth is increased. We show that the effective model parameters can be determined in lattice modulation experiments, which consequently measure molecular collision dynamics with a vastly sharper energy resolution than experiments in an ultracold gas.Comment: 4 pages+refs, 3 figures; 2.5 pages+1 figure Supplemental Materia