10,482 research outputs found

    Quantum magnetism with ultracold molecules

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    This article gives an introduction to the realization of effective quantum magnetism with ultracold molecules in an optical lattice, reviews experimental and theoretical progress, and highlights future opportunities opened up by ongoing experiments. Ultracold molecules offer capabilities that are otherwise difficult or impossible to achieve in other effective spin systems, such as long-ranged spin-spin interactions with controllable degrees of spatial and spin anisotropy and favorable energy scales. Realizing quantum magnetism with ultracold molecules provides access to rich many-body behaviors, including many exotic phases of matter and interesting excitations and dynamics. Far-from-equilibrium dynamics plays a key role in our exposition, just as it did in recent ultracold molecule experiments realizing effective quantum magnetism. In particular, we show that dynamical probes allow the observation of correlated many-body spin physics, even in polar molecule gases that are not quantum degenerate. After describing how quantum magnetism arises in ultracold molecules and discussing recent observations of quantum magnetism with polar molecules, we survey prospects for the future, ranging from immediate goals to long-term visions.Comment: 21 pages, 6 figures, 1 table. Review articl

    Advanced flight deck/crew station simulator functional requirements

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    This report documents a study of flight deck/crew system research facility requirements for investigating issues involved with developing systems, and procedures for interfacing transport aircraft with air traffic control systems planned for 1985 to 2000. Crew system needs of NASA, the U.S. Air Force, and industry were investigated and reported. A matrix of these is included, as are recommended functional requirements and design criteria for simulation facilities in which to conduct this research. Methods of exploiting the commonality and similarity in facilities are identified, and plans for exploiting this in order to reduce implementation costs and allow efficient transfer of experiments from one facility to another are presented

    Nonequilibrium dynamics of spin-boson models from phase space methods

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    An accurate description of the nonequilibrium dynamics of systems with coupled spin and bosonic degrees of freedom remains theoretically challenging, especially for large system sizes and in higher than one dimension. Phase space methods such as the Truncated Wigner Approximation (TWA) have the advantage of being easily scalable and applicable to arbitrary dimensions. In this work we adapt the TWA to generic spin-boson models by making use of recently developed algorithms for discrete phase spaces [Schachenmayer, PRX 5, 011022 (2015)]. Furthermore we go beyond the standard TWA approximation by applying a scheme based on the Bogoliubov-Born-Green-Kirkwood-Yvon (BBGKY) hierarchy of equations [Pucci, PRB 93, 174302 (2016)] to our coupled spin-boson model. This allows in principle to study how systematically adding higher order corrections improves the convergence of the method. To test various levels of approximation we study an exactly solvable spin-boson model which is particularly relevant for trapped-ion arrays. Using TWA and its BBGKY extension we accurately reproduce the time evolution of a number of one- and two-point correlation functions in several dimensions and for arbitrary number of bosonic modes.Comment: 10+5 pages, 5 figure

    Emergent Time Scale in Entangled Quantum Dynamics of Ultracold Molecules in Optical Lattices

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    We derive a novel lattice Hamiltonian, the \emph{Molecular Hubbard Hamiltonian} (MHH), which describes the essential many body physics of closed-shell ultracold heteronuclear molecules in their absolute ground state in a quasi-one-dimensional optical lattice. The MHH is explicitly time-dependent, making a dynamic generalization of the concept of quantum phase transitions necessary. Using the Time-Evolving Block Decimation (TEBD) algorithm to study entangled dynamics, we demonstrate that, in the case of hard core bosonic molecules at half filling, the MHH exhibits an emergent time scale over which spatial entanglement grows, crystalline order appears, and oscillations between rotational states self-damp into an asymptotic superposition. We show that this time scale is a non-monotonic function of the physical parameters describing the lattice. We also point out that experimental mapping of the static phase boundaries of the MHH can be used to measure the molecular polarizability tensor.Comment: 31 pages, 13 figure