6,618 research outputs found

    Individual Attitudes towards the Impact of Multinational Enterprises on Local Businesses

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    Individual attitudes towards multinational enterprises (MNEs) remains relatively understudied compared to individual attitudes towards other dimensions of globalization, particularly trade and immigration. In order to illuminate individual attitudes towards MNEs, this paper utilizes a large cross-country dataset (2003 International Social Survey Program) to examine individual perspectives on the impact of MNEs on local businesses. The paper draws on literature that studies the economic impacts of MNEs on local businesses, such as the transfer of technology from foreign affiliates to local businesses. Based on this literature the paper tests hypotheses to analyze how individuals’ skill-level (reflected in their educational attainment and occupational group) and the sector in which they work affects their perceptions of MNEs’ impact on local businesses. Conforming to expectations from the literature, the paper finds that highly skilled individuals who are senior-level managers, legislators, and officials are less likely to think MNEs are damaging local businesses. Also, private sector employees are less likely than public sector employees to see MNEs’ impact on local businesses as negative. The paper also finds variation in these attitudes across developed countries, developing countries, and formerly communist states in Central and Eastern Europe. In order to explore non-economic determinants of individual attitudes towards MNEs, the paper additionally explores how feelings of nationalism, confidence in democracy, and attitudes towards international affairs affect individual perspectives on MNEs. The paper additionally shows that retired citizens’ previous sector of employment and occupation influences their perception of the MNEs’ impact on local businesses and that type of FDI (M&A versus Greenfield investment) influences individual attitudes towards the impact of MNEs on local businesses.

    Pentatomidae (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) Captured on Purple Prism Traps Deployed for Detection of Emerald Ash Borer (Agrilus planipennis) (Coleoptera: Buprestidae) in Minnesota

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    The observation of bycatch from insect trapping programs, though often considered bothersome, may hold value for ecological and taxonomic studies. In Minnesota, a large trapping survey consisting of pheromone-baited purple prism traps, has been conducted for early detection of Agrilus planipennis, the emerald ash borer. Stink bugs (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae), which are pests of increasing importance in the North Central U.S., were observed to be captured by these traps. The objective of this study was to use trap bycatch from the A. planipennis traps for further documentation of the abundance and diversity of Pentatomidae in Minnesota. In 2011 and 2012, 4,401 and 5,651 purple prism traps were deployed and checked in Minnesota, respectively. Across both years, a total of 17 species of Pentatomidae were identified from 2 subfamilies, Asopinae and Pentatominae. The most abundant and prevalent species collected were Banasa calva (Say), B. dimidiata (Say), Chinavia hilaris (Say), Euschistus tristigmus luridus Dallas, Menecles insertus (Say), and Podisus maculiventris (Say). The pentatomid community observed on purple prism traps deployed in arboreal habitats differed from pentatomid communities reported in Minnesota crops (i.e., soybean, wheat and corn). Results of this study show that many pentatomid species are captured on purple prism traps and therefore bycatch of these traps could provide valuable information on the pentatomid community. However, purple prism traps should be used in addition to traditional surveillance or scouting methods for pentatomids


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    Stealing signs from the catcher or base coaches in baseball, if done by the naked eye, is not prohibited by the rules of both Major League Baseball (MLB) and National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) Baseball. Recently, the proliferation of electronic devices such as computers, Apple watches, tablet computers, and television cameras throughout MLB and NCAA ballparks have raised concerns about using these devices to steal signs. In February 2019, it was reported that MLB was amending its rules to strengthen prohibitions for electronic sign stealing. The NCAA also has rules prohibiting the use of video and television cameras to steal signs during baseball games. However, on May 17, 2018 during an NCAA regional playoff game the signs of the catcher of one team were stolen and relayed to the batter of the other team in a manner not contemplated or prohibited by the NCAA rules. This unexpected occurrence of sign stealing raised ethical issues and is contrary to NCAA core values, ethics, and philosophy statements. However, there was no rule directly on point, and the umpires and the tournament committee, who were administering the contest, had no specific rule that allowed them to address the issue. This article discusses the issue of sign stealing in baseball and NCAA and MLB rules. It also addresses the May 17, 2018 game and the issue that presented itself. This article suggests new rules that the NCAA should adopt to ensure that umpires and other NCAA officials can appropriately officiate NCAA baseball games

    Competition from Bromus tectorum removes differences between perennial grasses in N capture and conservation strategies

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    Background and aims Competition from the annual grass Bromus tectorum threatens aridland perennial bunchgrass communities. Unlike annuals, perennials must allocate part of their first year nitrogen (N) budget to storage rather than growth, potentially placing them at a competitive disadvantage. Methods We evaluated N acquisition and conservation for two perennial bunchgrasses, Agropyron desertorum and Pseudoroegneria spicata, at the seedling stage to investigate potential trade-offs between storage and growth when grown with and without B. tectorum under two levels of soil N. Results Agropyron desertorum had higher growth rates, N uptake, and N productivity than P. spicata when grown without B. tectorum, but trait values were similarly low for both species under competition. Without competition, N resorption was poor under high soil N, but it was equally proficient among species under competition. Conclusions A. desertorum had higher growth rates and N productivity than P. spicata without competition, suggesting these traits may in part promote its greater success in restoration programs. However, B. tectorum neighbors reduced its trait advantage. As plant traits become more integral to restoration ecology, understanding how N capture and conservation traits vary across candidate species and under competition may improve our ability to select species with the highest likelihood of establishing in arid, nutrient-limited systems

    Medication adherence in patients with myotonic dystrophy and facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy

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    Myotonic dystrophy (DM) and facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy (FSHD) are the two most common adult muscular dystrophies and have progressive and often disabling manifestations. Higher levels of medication adherence lead to better health outcomes, especially important to patients with DM and FSHD because of their multisystem manifestations and complexity of care. However, medication adherence has not previously been studied in a large cohort of DM type 1 (DM1), DM type 2 (DM2), and FSHD patients. The purpose of our study was to survey medication adherence and disease manifestations in patients enrolled in the NIH-supported National DM and FSHD Registry. The study was completed by 110 DM1, 49 DM2, and 193 FSHD patients. Notable comorbidities were hypertension in FSHD (44 %) and DM2 (37 %), gastroesophageal reflux disease in DM1 (24 %) and DM2 (31 %) and arrhythmias (29 %) and thyroid disease (20 %) in DM1. Each group reported high levels of adherence based on regimen complexity, medication costs, health literacy, side effect profile, and their beliefs about treatment. Only dysphagia in DM1 was reported to significantly impact medication adherence. Approximately 35 % of study patients reported polypharmacy (taking 6 or more medications). Of the patients with polypharmacy, the DM1 cohort was significantly younger (mean 55.0 years) compared to DM2 (59.0 years) and FSHD (63.2 years), and had shorter disease duration (mean 26 years) compared to FSHD (26.8 years) and DM2 (34.8 years). Future research is needed to assess techniques to ease pill swallowing in DM1 and to monitor polypharmacy and potential drug interactions in DM and FSHD

    Pentatomidae (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) Captured on Purple Prism Traps Deployed for Detection of Emerald Ash Borer (Agrilus planipennis) (Coleoptera: Buprestidae) in Minnesota

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    The observation of bycatch from insect trapping programs, though often considered bothersome, may hold value for ecological and taxonomic studies. In Minnesota, a large trapping survey consisting of pheromone-baited purple prism traps, has been conducted for early detection of Agrilus planipennis, the emerald ash borer. Stink bugs (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae), which are pests of increasing importance in the North Central U.S., were observed to be captured by these traps. The objective of this study was to use trap bycatch from the A. planipennis traps for further documentation of the abundance and diversity of Pentatomidae in Minnesota. In 2011 and 2012, 4,401 and 5,651 purple prism traps were deployed and checked in Minnesota, respectively. Across both years, a total of 17 species of Pentatomidae were identified from 2 subfamilies, Asopinae and Pentatominae. The most abundant and prevalent species collected were Banasa calva (Say), B. dimidiata (Say), Chinavia hilaris (Say), Euschistus tristigmus luridus Dallas, Menecles insertus (Say), and Podisus maculiventris (Say). The pentatomid community observed on purple prism traps deployed in arboreal habitats differed from pentatomid communities reported in Minnesota crops (i.e., soybean, wheat and corn). Results of this study show that many pentatomid species are captured on purple prism traps and therefore bycatch of these traps could provide valuable information on the pentatomid community. However, purple prism traps should be used in addition to traditional surveillance or scouting methods for pentatomids
