4,606 research outputs found

    The Diffuse Source at the Center of LMC SNR 0509-67.5 is a Background Galaxy at z = 0.031

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    Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) are well-known for their use in the measurement of cosmological distances, but our continuing lack of concrete knowledge about their progenitor stars is both a matter of debate and a source of systematic error. In our attempts to answer this question, we presented unambiguous evidence that LMC SNR 0509-67.5, the remnant of an SN Ia that exploded in the Large Magellanic Cloud 400 +/- 50 years ago, did not have any point sources (stars) near the site of the original supernova explosion, from which we concluded that this particular supernova must have had a progenitor system consisting of two white dwarfs (Schaefer & Pagnotta 2012). There is, however, evidence of nebulosity near the center of the remnant, which could have been left over detritus from the less massive WD, or could have been a background galaxy unrelated to the supernova explosion. We obtained long-slit spectra of the central nebulous region using GMOS on Gemini South to determine which of these two possibilities is correct. The spectra show H-alpha emission at a redshift of z = 0.031, which implies that the nebulosity in the center of LMC SNR 0509-67.5 is a background galaxy, unrelated to the supernova.Comment: 2 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    A Gamma Ray Burst with a 220 Microsecond Rise Time and a Sharp Spectral Cutoff

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    The Gamma Ray Burst GRB920229 has four extreme and unprecedented properties; a rise in brightness with an e-folding time scale of 220±30μs220 \pm 30 \mu s, a fall in brightness with an e-folding time scale of 400±100μs400 \pm 100 \mu s, a large change in spectral shape over a time of 768μs768 \mu s, and a sharp spectral cutoff to high energies with ΔE/E=18\Delta E/E = 18 %. The rapid changes occur during a spike in the light curve which was seen 0.164 s after the start of the burst. The spectrum has a peak νFν\nu F_{\nu} at 200 keV with no significant flux above 239 keV, although the cutoff energy shifts to less than 100 keV during the decay of the spike. These numbers can be used to place severe limits on fireball models of bursts. The thickness of the energy production region must be smaller than 66km\sim 66 km, ejected shells must have a dispersion of the Lorentz factor of less than roughly 1% along a particular radius, and the angular size of the radiation emission region is of order 1 arc-minute as viewed from the burst center. The physical mechanism that caused the sharp spectral cutoff has not been determined.Comment: 20 pages, 3 figures, Submitted to ApJ


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    Bedrock geology of the East Brookfield quadrangle (EBQ), based on new 1:24000 scale mapping, consists of an interfolded sequence of Rangeley Fm. and Paxton Fm. metasediments, intruded by Early Mississippian tonalitic to granitic orthogneisses and underlain in the western half by folded orthogneisses of unknown age. Pervasive flattening strains have created planar, generally NNE-SSW striking and consistent moderately west dipping foliations. Generally strike-parallel stretching lineations and boudinage structures, with rarer dip parallel stretching lineations, reflect extrusion of CMZ metasediments and orthogneisses with a flattening component. Mapping in the EBQ demonstrates that a transition between deformational mechanisms of the southern Central Maine Zone is located there. Evidence for previously mapped faults was not observed during mapping. Alternatively, map scale folds terminating in the East Brookfield quadrangle likely accommodated the across-strike shortening and repetition of lithologic units of the CMZ during Acadian orogenesis. Aeromagnetic patterns and outcrop data approximate a map scale, east-verging and west-dipping, shallowly north-plunging isoclinal fold consisting of interlayered mafic and felsic gneisses. Constrictional and flattening strains documented in the deformation features of the East Brookfield quadrangle suggest that it is located on/near the eastern margin of the zone of transpression approximated by the Bronson Hill gneiss domes. Outcrop- to meter-scale folds with hinge axes sub-parallel to parallel with regional lineations suggest constrictional deformation in a transpressional regime. Deformation features associated with map-scale folding, extrusion/extension, and flattening of CMZ lithologies in the East Brookfield quadrangle support a regime of transpressional deformation caused by oblique convergence of Avalonian terrane with Laurentia. U-Pb ages and outcrop structural relationships suggest that regional flattening and folding was syn- to late-orogenic in nature and Carboniferous or younger in age. All previous structural fabrics are transposed by late regional flattening. Lithologies of the East Brookfield quadrangle exemplify the nature of the Acadian granulite-facies high, displaying a peak metamorphic assemblage of Crd + Grt + Sil + Kfs that has undergone retrograde reactions to produce Bt + Sil. Retrograde metamorphism and deformation occurred during strike-parallel extrusion of CMZ lithologies. Retrograde minerals define kinematic/shear sense indicators that record an overall top to the NNE or ENE asymmetry on vertical faces and dextral west side north on horizontal surfaces. Progressive deformation of CMZ lithologies through transpressional mechanisms is proposed as an alternative to the sequential development of Acadian deformational features in three separate stages

    Non-destructive spatial heterodyne imaging of cold atoms

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    We demonstrate a new method for non-destructive imaging of laser-cooled atoms. This spatial heterodyne technique forms a phase image by interfering a strong carrier laser beam with a weak probe beam that passes through the cold atom cloud. The figure of merit equals or exceeds that of phase-contrast imaging, and the technique can be used over a wider range of spatial scales. We show images of a dark spot MOT taken with imaging fluences as low as 61 pJ/cm^2 at a detuning of 11 linewidths, resulting in 0.0004 photons scattered per atom.Comment: text+3 figures, submitted to Optics Letter

    Creating a self-induced dark spontaneous-force optical trap for neutral atoms

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    This communication describes the observation of a new type of dark spontaneous-force optical trap (dark SPOT) obtained without the use of a mask blocking the central part of the repumper laser beam. We observe that loading a magneto-optical trap (MOT) from a continuous and intense flux of slowed atoms and by appropriately tuning the frequency of the repumper laser is possible to achieve basically the same effect of the dark SPOT, using a simpler apparatus. This work characterizes the new system through measurements of absorption and fluorescence imaging of the atomic cloud and presents a very simple model to explain the main features of our observations. We believe that this new approach may simplify the current experiments to produce quantum degenerated gases.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figures, Submitted to Optics Communications (30/10/2003), accepted for publication (Feb/2004