37 research outputs found

    Characterization of hepatic macrophages and evaluation of inflammatory response in heme oxygenase-1 deficient mice exposed to scAAV9 vectors

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    Adeno-associated viral (AAV) vectors are characterised by low immunogenicity, although humoral and cellular responses may be triggered upon infection. Following systemic administration high levels of vector particles accumulate within the liver. Kupffer cells (KCs) are liver resident macrophages and an important part of the liver innate immune system. Decreased functional activity of KCs can contribute to exaggerated inflammatory response upon antigen exposure. Heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1) deficiency is associated with considerably reduced numbers of KCs. In this study we aimed to investigate the inflammatory responses in liver and to characterise two populations of hepatic macrophages in adult wild type (WT) and HO-1 knockout (KO) mice following systemic administration of one or two doses (separated by 3 months) of self-complementary (sc)AAV9 vectors. At steady state, the livers of HO-1 KO mice contained significantly higher numbers of monocyte-derived macrophages (MDMs), but significantly less KCs than their WT littermates. Three days after re-administration of scAAV9 we observed increased mRNA level of monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (Mcp-1) in the livers of both WT and HO-1 KO mice, but the protein level and the macrophage infiltration were not affected. Three days after the 1st and 3 days after the 2nd vector dose the numbers of AAV genomes in the liver were comparable between both genotypes indicating similar transduction efficiency, but the percentage of transgene-expressing MDMs and KCs was higher in WT than in HO-1 KO mice. In the primary culture, KCs were able to internalize AAV9 particles without induction of TLR9-mediated immune responses, but no transgene expression was observed. In conclusion, in vivo and in vitro cultured KCs have different susceptibility to scAAV9 vectors. Regardless of the presence or absence of HO-1 and initial numbers of KCs in the liver, scAAV9 exhibits a low potential to stimulate inflammatory response at the analysed time points

    Human SUV3 helicase regulates growth rate of the HeLa cells and can localize in the nucleoli

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    The human SUV3 helicase (SUV3, hSUV3, SUPV3L1) is a DNA/RNA unwinding enzyme belonging to the class of DexH-box helicases. It localizes predominantly in the mitochondria, where it forms an RNA-degrading complex called mitochondrial degradosome with exonuclease PNP (polynucleotide phosphorylase). Association of this complex with the polyA polymerase can modulate mitochondrial polyA tails. Silencing of the SUV3 gene was shown to inhibit the cell cycle and to induce apoptosis in human cell lines. However, since small amounts of the SUV3 helicase were found in the cell nuclei, it was not clear whether the observed phenotypes of SUV3 depletion were of mitochondrial or nuclear origin. In order to answer this question we have designed gene constructs able to inhibit the SUV3 activity exclusively in the cell nuclei. The results indicate that the observed growth rate impairment upon SUV3 depletion is due to its nuclear function(s). Unexpectedly, overexpression of the nuclear-targeted wild-type copies of the SUV3 gene resulted in a higher growth rate. In addition, we demonstrate that the SUV3 helicase can be found in the HeLa cell nucleoli, but it is not detectable in the DNA-repair foci. Our results indicate that the nucleolar-associated human SUV3 protein is an important factor in regulation of the cell cycle

    Interactions of tumour-derived micro(nano)vesicles with human gastric cancer cells

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    BACKGROUND: Tumour cells release membrane micro(nano)fragments called tumour-derived microvesicles (TMV) that are believed to play an important role in cancer progression. TMV suppress/modify antitumour response of the host, but there is also some evidence for their direct interaction with cancer cells. In cancer patients TMV are present in body fluid and tumour microenvironment. The present study aimed at characterization of whole types/subpopulations, but not only exosomes, of TMV from newly established gastric cancer cell line (called GC1415) and to define their interactions with autologous cells. METHODS: TMV were isolated from cell cultures supernatants by centrifugation at 50,000×g and their phenotype was determined by flow cytometry. The size of TMV was analysed by dynamic light scattering and nanoparticle tracking analysis, while morphology by transmission electron microscopy and atomic force microscopy. Interactions of TMV with cancer cells were visualized using fluorescence-activated cell sorter, confocal and atomic force microscopy, biological effects by xenografts in NOD SCID mice. RESULTS: Isolated TMV showed expression of CD44H, CD44v6 (hyaluronian receptors), CCR6 (chemokine receptor) and HER-2/neu molecules, exhibited different shapes and sizes (range 60–900 nm, highest frequency of particles with size range of 80–120 nm). TMV attached to autologous cancer cells within 2 h and then were internalized by them at 24 h. CD44H, CD44v6 and CCR6 molecules may play a role in attachment of TMV to cancer cells, while HER-2 associated with CD24 be involved in promoting cancer cells growth. Pre-exposure of cancer cells to TMV resulted in enhancement of tumour growth and cancer cell-induced angiogenesis in NOD SCID mice model. CONCLUSIONS: TMV interact directly with cancer cells serving as macro-messengers and molecular cargo transfer between gastric cancer cells resulting in enhancement of tumour growth. TMV should be considered in future as target of anticancer therapy

    Neuroendocrine neoplasms of the small intestine and appendix — management guidelines (recommended by the Polish Network of Neuroendocrine Tumours)

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    W pracy przedstawiono uaktualnione polskie zalecenia postępowania z chorymi na nowotwory neuroendokrynne (NEN) jelita cienkiego i wyrostka robaczkowego. Jelito cienkie, a w szczególności jelito kręte, należą do najczęstszych lokalizacji tych nowotworów. Większość z nich to nowotwory wysokozróżnicowane i wolno rosnące; rzadko są to raki neuroendokrynne. Ich objawy mogą być nietypowe, a rozpoznanie opóźnione albo przypadkowe. Zapalenie wyrostka robaczkowego jest najczęściej pierwszą manifestacją NEN o tym umiej­scowieniu. Typowe objawy zespołu rakowiaka występują u około 20–30% pacjentów z NEN jelita cienkiego z przerzutami odległymi. Jedną z głównych przyczyn zgonu u pacjentów z zespołem rakowiaka są choroby serca — rakowiakowa choroba serca. W diagnostyce laboratoryjnej najbardziej przydatne jest oznaczenie stężenia chromograniny A, badanie stężenia kwasu 5-hydroksyindolooctowego jest pomocne w diagnostyce zespołu rakowiaka. W obrazowaniu stosuje się ultrasonografię, tomografię komputerową, rezonans magnetyczny, kolonoskopię, wideoendoskopię kapsułkową, enteroskopię dwubalonową, scyntygrafię receptorów somatostatynowych. Szczegółowe badanie histologiczne jest kluczowe dla właściwego rozpoznania i leczenia chorych z NEN jelita cienkiego i wyrostka robaczkowego. Leczeniem z wyboru jest postępowanie chirurgiczne, radykalne lub paliatywne. W leczeniu farmakologicznym czynnych i nieczyn­nych hormonalnie NEN jelita cienkiego i wyrostka robaczkowego podstawowe znaczenie mają długodziałające analogi somatostatyny. U chorych z NET jelita cienkiego w okresie uogólnienia z progresją w trakcie leczenia SSA, z wysoką ekspresją receptorów somatostatynowych należy rozważyć w pierwszej kolejności leczenie radioizotopowe, a następnie terapie celowane — ewerolimus. Po wyczerpaniu powyższych dostępnych terapii w wybranych przypadkach można rozważyć chemioterapię. Przedstawiono także zalecenia odnośnie do monitorowania chorych.This study presents the revised Polish guidelines regarding the management of patients suffering from neuroendocrine neoplasms (NENs) of the small intestine and appendix. The small intestine, especially the ileum, is the most common location for these neoplasms. Most are well differentiated and slow growing. Their symptoms may be atypical, which can result in delayed or accidental diagnosis. Appendicitis is usually the first manifestation of NEN in this location. Typical symptoms of carcinoid syndrome occur in approximately 20–30% of patients suffering from small intestinal NENs with distant metastases. The main cause of death in patients with carcinoid syndrome is carcinoid heart disease. The most useful laboratory test is the determination of chromogranin A, while concentration of 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid is helpful in the diagnostics of carcinoid syndrome. For visualisation, ultrasound, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, colonoscopy, video capsule endoscopy, double-balloon enteroscopy, and somatostatin receptor scintigraphy may be used. A detailed his­tological report is crucial for the proper diagnostics and therapy of NENs of the small intestine and appendix. The treatment of choice is surgical management, either radical or palliative. The pharmacological treatment of the hormonally active and non-active small intestinal NENs as well as NENs of the appendix is based on long-acting somatostatin analogues. In patients with generalised NENs of the small intestine in progress during the SSA treatment, with good expression of somatostatin receptors, the first-line treatment should be radio­isotope therapy, while targeted therapies, such as everolimus, should be considered afterwards. When the above therapies are exhausted, in certain cases chemotherapy may be considered

    Pancreatic neuroendocrine neoplasms — management guidelines (recommended by the Polish Network of Neuroendocrine Tumours)

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    W niniejszej publikacji przedstawiono zaktualizowane zalecenia dotyczące diagnostyczno-terapeutycznego postępowania w nowo­tworach neuroendokrynnych trzustki (PNEN) zaproponowane przez Polską Sieć Guzów Neuroendokrynnych. Zawierają one nowe dane uzyskane w latach 2013–2016, które albo potwierdziły wcześniejsze wytyczne, albo doprowadziły do zmian lub utworzenia dodatkowych zaleceń. W diagnostyce duże znaczenie mają badania biochemiczne, obrazowe (anatomiczne i czynnościowe), jak również rozpoznanie histopatologiczne, które determinuje postępowanie z chorymi na PNEN i musi być potwierdzone badaniem immunohistochemicznym. Terapia PNEN wymaga współpracy wielodyscyplinarnej grupy doświadczonych specjalistów zajmujących się nowotworami neuroendokrynnymi. Leczenie chirurgiczne jest podstawową metodą postępowania w wielu przypadkach. Dalsza terapia wymaga wielokierunkowego działania, dlatego omówiono zasady bioterapii, leczenia radioizotopowego, celowanego leczenia molekularnego oraz chemioterapii.This article presents updated diagnostic and therapeutic guidelines for the management of pancreatic neuroendocrine tumours (PNEN), proposed by the Polish Network of Neuroendocrine Tumours. The guidelines contain new data received in the years 2013–2016, which confirm previous recommendations, and have led to modification of previous guidelines or have resulted in the formulation of new guidelines. Biochemical and imaging (anatomical and functional) tests are of great importance in diagnostics, as well as histopathological diagnosis to determine the management of PNEN patients, but they must be confirmed by an immunohistochemical examination. PNEN therapy requires collaboration among the members a multidisciplinary team of specialists experienced in the management of these neoplasms. Surgery is the basic form of treatment in many cases. Further therapy requires a multidirectional procedure; therefore, the rules of biotherapy, peptide receptor radionuclide therapy, molecular targeted therapy, and chemotherapy are discussed