52 research outputs found

    Generic local distinguishability and completely entangled subspaces

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    A subspace of a multipartite Hilbert space is completely entangled if it contains no product states. Such subspaces can be large with a known maximum size, S, approaching the full dimension of the system, D. We show that almost all subspaces with dimension less than or equal to S are completely entangled, and then use this fact to prove that n random pure quantum states are unambiguously locally distinguishable if and only if n does not exceed D-S. This condition holds for almost all sets of states of all multipartite systems, and reveals something surprising. The criterion is identical for separable and for nonseparable states: entanglement makes no difference.Comment: 12 page

    Distinguishing two-qubit states using local measurements and restricted classical communication

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    The problem of unambiguous state discrimination consists of determining which of a set of known quantum states a particular system is in. One is allowed to fail, but not to make a mistake. The optimal procedure is the one with the lowest failure probability. This procedure has been extended to bipartite states where the two parties, Alice and Bob, are allowed to manipulate their particles locally and communicate classically in order to determine which of two possible two-particle states they have been given. The failure probability of this local procedure has been shown to be the same as if the particles were together in the same location. Here we examine the effect of restricting the classical communication between the parties, either allowing none or eliminating the possibility that one party's measurement depends on the result of the other party's. These issues are studied for two-qubit states, and optimal procedures are found. In some cases the restrictions cause increases in the failure probability, but in other cases they do not. Applications of these procedures, in particular to secret sharing, are discussed.Comment: 18 pages, two figure

    A note on the optimality of decomposable entanglement witnesses and completely entangled subspaces

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    Entanglement witnesses (EWs) constitute one of the most important entanglement detectors in quantum systems. Nevertheless, their complete characterization, in particular with respect to the notion of optimality, is still missing, even in the decomposable case. Here we show that for any qubit-qunit decomposable EW (DEW) W the three statements are equivalent: (i) the set of product vectors obeying \bra{e,f}W\ket{e,f}=0 spans the corresponding Hilbert space, (ii) W is optimal, (iii) W=Q^{\Gamma} with Q denoting a positive operator supported on a completely entangled subspace (CES) and \Gamma standing for the partial transposition. While, implications (i)⇒(ii)(i)\Rightarrow(ii) and (ii)⇒(iii)(ii)\Rightarrow(iii) are known, here we prove that (iii) implies (i). This is a consequence of a more general fact saying that product vectors orthogonal to any CES in C^{2}\otimes C^{n} span after partial conjugation the whole space. On the other hand, already in the case of C^{3}\otimes C^{3} Hilbert space, there exist DEWs for which (iii) does not imply (i). Consequently, either (i) does not imply (ii), or (ii) does not imply (iii), and the above transparent characterization obeyed by qubit-qunit DEWs, does not hold in general.Comment: 13 pages, proof of lemma 4 corrected, theorem 3 removed, some parts improve

    A framework for bounding nonlocality of state discrimination

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    We consider the class of protocols that can be implemented by local quantum operations and classical communication (LOCC) between two parties. In particular, we focus on the task of discriminating a known set of quantum states by LOCC. Building on the work in the paper "Quantum nonlocality without entanglement" [BDF+99], we provide a framework for bounding the amount of nonlocality in a given set of bipartite quantum states in terms of a lower bound on the probability of error in any LOCC discrimination protocol. We apply our framework to an orthonormal product basis known as the domino states and obtain an alternative and simplified proof that quantifies its nonlocality. We generalize this result for similar bases in larger dimensions, as well as the "rotated" domino states, resolving a long-standing open question [BDF+99].Comment: 33 pages, 7 figures, 1 tabl

    Hiding bits in Bell states

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    We present a scheme for hiding bits in Bell states that is secure even when the sharers Alice and Bob are allowed to carry out local quantum operations and classical communication. We prove that the information that Alice and Bob can gain about a hidden bit is exponentially small in nn, the number of qubits in each share, and can be made arbitrarily small for hiding multiple bits. We indicate an alternative efficient low-entanglement method for preparing the shared quantum states. We discuss how our scheme can be implemented using present-day quantum optics.Comment: 4 pages RevTex, 1 figure, various small changes and additional paragraph on optics implementatio

    Experimentally obtaining the Likeness of Two Unknown Quantum States on an NMR Quantum Information Processor

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    Recently quantum states discrimination has been frequently studied. In this paper we study them from the other way round, the likeness of two quantum states. The fidelity is used to describe the likeness of two quantum states. Then we presented a scheme to obtain the fidelity of two unknown qubits directly from the integral area of the spectra of the assistant qubit(spin) on an NMR Quantum Information Processor. Finally we demonstrated the scheme on a three-qubit quantum information processor. The experimental data are consistent with the theoretical expectation with an average error of 0.05, which confirms the scheme.Comment: 3 pages, 4 figure

    Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger-like proof of Bell's theorem involving observers who do not share a reference frame

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    Vaidman described how a team of three players, each of them isolated in a remote booth, could use a three-qubit Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger state to always win a game which would be impossible to always win without quantum resources. However, Vaidman's method requires all three players to share a common reference frame; it does not work if the adversary is allowed to disorientate one player. Here we show how to always win the game, even if the players do not share any reference frame. The introduced method uses a 12-qubit state which is invariant under any transformation Ra⊗Rb⊗RcR_a \otimes R_b \otimes R_c (where Ra=Ua⊗Ua⊗Ua⊗UaR_a = U_a \otimes U_a \otimes U_a \otimes U_a, where UjU_j is a unitary operation on a single qubit) and requires only single-qubit measurements. A number of further applications of this 12-qubit state are described.Comment: REVTeX4, 6 pages, 1 figur

    Tight informationally complete quantum measurements

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    We introduce a class of informationally complete positive-operator-valued measures which are, in analogy with a tight frame, "as close as possible" to orthonormal bases for the space of quantum states. These measures are distinguished by an exceptionally simple state-reconstruction formula which allows "painless" quantum state tomography. Complete sets of mutually unbiased bases and symmetric informationally complete positive-operator-valued measures are both members of this class, the latter being the unique minimal rank-one members. Recast as ensembles of pure quantum states, the rank-one members are in fact equivalent to weighted 2-designs in complex projective space. These measures are shown to be optimal for quantum cloning and linear quantum state tomography.Comment: 20 pages. Final versio

    Random repeated quantum interactions and random invariant states

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    We consider a generalized model of repeated quantum interactions, where a system H\mathcal{H} is interacting in a random way with a sequence of independent quantum systems Kn,n≥1\mathcal{K}_n, n \geq 1. Two types of randomness are studied in detail. One is provided by considering Haar-distributed unitaries to describe each interaction between H\mathcal{H} and Kn\mathcal{K}_n. The other involves random quantum states describing each copy Kn\mathcal{K}_n. In the limit of a large number of interactions, we present convergence results for the asymptotic state of H\mathcal{H}. This is achieved by studying spectral properties of (random) quantum channels which guarantee the existence of unique invariant states. Finally this allows to introduce a new physically motivated ensemble of random density matrices called the \emph{asymptotic induced ensemble}

    On local indistinguishability of orthogonal pure states by using a bound on distillable entanglement

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    We show that the four states a|00>+b|11>, b^*|00>-a^*|11>, c|01>+d|10> and d^*|01>-c^*|10> cannot be discriminated with certainty if only local operations and classical communication (LOCC) are allowed and if only a single copy is provided, except in the case when they are simply |00>, |11>, |01> and |10> (in which case they are trivially distinguishable with LOCC). We go on to show that there exists a continuous range of values of a, b, c and d such that even three states among the above four are not locally distinguishable, if only a single copy is provided. The proof follows from the fact that logarithmic negativity is an upper bound of distillable entanglement.Comment: 6 pages latex, no figure
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