8 research outputs found

    Special purpose vegetation on the example of a garden development concept at the Provincial Polyclinic Hospital in Torun

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    Every garden is therapeutic in a way. When we are surrounded by plants, we often do not realise the fact that all our senses perceive the space, composition and its elements. Plants can be used for rela- xation, recreation, rehabilitation, therapy, education and sports. Therapeutic gardens stimulate all the five senses, i.e. the sight, hearing, taste, smell and touch. When creating a therapeutic garden, one of the main rules is to design the whole composition, select the programme and its elements so as to minimise the in- tensity of visual stimuli. All the other senses should play the main role. Horticultural therapy requires the application of appropriate architectural and landscaping rules and solutions, such as a specialised adjusted garden programme, spatial composition, appropriate surface and equipment for disabled people, elevated flowerbeds and adequate selection of plants. Vegetation plays an important role in therapeutic gardens, especially in those providing horticultural therapy. Plants should not be treated exclusively as aesthetic (visual) material, but also as elements, components and materials which are widely used in therapies. The- refore, the primary role of vegetation in these gardens is to offer therapeutic properties, which affect the sanitary conditions in a particular environment

    Water greenery and floodplains in the water park in Poznan

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    The article presents the issues related to the use of greenery in the desing of public spaces on the example of the development project of the Water Park in Poznań. Composition, natural and environmental issues concerning a selected part of the park, i.e. the zone of leading greenery in the vicinity of the water pond, were discussed. The presented implementation arguments are the basis for recreating in this part of the park as a landscape with natural values of city space

    The Spatial Composition of the Historic Estate in Smolice and Scenic Views in the Modern Landscape

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    The palace and grounds of Smolice is one of the most beautiful estates in the cultural landscape of southern Wielkopolska. Historically, the palace is relatively new – it was built at the turn of the nineteenth century on the site of an old, wooden mansion and kept the spatial arrangement which had previously been there. The aim of this study is to show the scenic views between the composition of the park in Smolice and the contemporary rural landscape and to compare the historic and contemporary sites in the landscape. The study follows the history of the palace estate in Smolice. A detailed inventory of the estate was taken including a dendrological inventory, which was used to conduct dendrochronological analysis of the species and age of the tree stand. Then, an analysis was made of the spatial composition and historic scenic views between the estate, the landscape and major historical buildings. The research results provide information on the original historic landscape and evidence of the scenic views from the historic landscape that can be seen today. A design and virtual model was made of the reconstruction of the palace estate in Smolice

    Historical gardens restoration problems. The example of restoration plan of park in Gorzyń

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    Celem pracy jest stworzenie koncepcji rewaloryzacji części przypalacowej zabytkowego parku w Gorzyniu w oparciu o wykonaną wcześniej inwentaryzację. Docelowo założenie ma stanowić przestrzeń atrakcyjną dla lokalnej społeczności. Ze względów na duże walory estetyczne, teren będzie miejscem wypoczynkowym, zachęcającym do turystyki i rekreacji. Przedstawiono ogólne informacje o miejscowości Gorzyń, a także rys historyczny zabytkowego parku. Druga część pracy dotyczy inwentaryzacji parku, która umożliwiła przeprowadzenie analiz i opisanie obecnego stanu założenia, a całość wzbogacono dokumentacją fotograficzną. W efekcie końcowym powstała koncepcja rewaloryzacji otoczenia pałacu w postaci graficznej.The aim of this work is to create a concept of restoration of a palace part of historie park in Gorzyń. It is based on previously made tree uwentory. It should be arranged as a public space, attractive for the local community. Due to the high aesthetic value, the area will be meant for leisure, thus encouraging tourism and recreation. The article provides generał information about Gorzyń, as well as the historical background of the palace park. The second part of the work concerns on the tree inventory of the park. The tree iwentory allowed to conduct various analysis and describe the current state of the park. The text is enriched with the photographic documentation. In the end, a concept of restoration of the palace park is provided in graphical form

    Palace and garden in Gladysze as an example of Genius Loci of forgotten places

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    Zespół pałacowo-ogrodowy w Gładyszach charakteryzował się kompozycją barokową, która wpisywała się w krajobraz dawnych Prus Wschodnich. Celem pracy była analiza historycznej kompozycji przestrzennej i powiązań widokowych w kontekście stanu aktualnego obiektu, identyfikacja nawarstwień stylowych oraz rozpoznanie zapomnianego na przestrzeni lat genius loci. Osiągnięcie wymienionych celów możliwe było dzięki zastosowaniu rozbudowanego instrumentarium badawczego i metod analitycznych z wykorzystaniem trójwymiarowych modeli.The palace and baroque garden in Gladysze fit in the landscape of the former East Prussia. The aims of the paper were: the analysis of a historical spatial composition and scenic relations (in the context of the current state of the object) and identification of style layers and forgotten genius loci. The achievement of those objectives was possible by using different methods. Analysis and 3D models were created

    Ocena wpływu zmiennych środowiskowych na stan zdrowotny lipy drobnolistnej w parkach

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    Analyses concerned the effect of different environmental variables on the health status of little-leaf linden (Tilia cordata Mill.). The study comprised analyses and statistical models based on discriminatory analysis. These analyses indicated which variables may influence the health status of tress of the investigated species in the parks of Poznan. The model was based on the canonical variate analysis (CVA), ie Fisher’s canonical variant of linear discriminatory analysis (LDA). The greatest negative effect on the health status of trees of Tilia cordata Mill. in Poznan parks was found for the small distance of the parks from the city centre and the immediate vicinity of two arterial roads. It was also found that the vicinity of buildings heated with fossil fuels, primarily coal, may have had a negative effect on the health status of Tilia cordata Mill. trees in the Poznan parks. Moreover, it was shown that specimens of the investigated species aged 81–120 years were characterised by the worst health status, while the best health condition was found in trees of Tilia cordata Mill. in the Millennium Park.Badania dotyczyły wpływu różnych zmiennych środowiskowych na stan zdrowotny lipy drobnolistnej (Tilia cordata Mill.). W pracy wykorzystano analizy i modele statystyczne stworzone w oparciu o analizę dyskryminacyjną. Wynikiem przeprowadzonych analiz było wykazanie, które zmienne mogą wpływać na stan zdrowotny drzew badanego gatunku na terenie parków Poznania. Do skonstruowania modelu wykorzystano analizę CVA (canonical variate analysis) – kanoniczną odmianę liniowej analizy dyskryminacyjnej Fishera (LDA). Stwierdzono, że największy negatywny wpływ na stan zdrowotny drzew Tilia cordata Mill. w parkach Poznania miała niewielka odległość parków od centrum miasta oraz bezpośrednia bliskość dwóch arterii komunikacyjnych. Stwierdzono również, że bliskość zabudowań ogrzewanych paliwami kopalnymi, przede wszystkim węglem kamiennym, mogły wpływać negatywnie na stan zdrowotny drzew Tilia cordata Mill. na terenie parków Poznania. Wykazano również, że osobniki drzew badanego gatunku z przedziału wiekowego 81–120 lat charakteryzowały się najgorszym stanem zdrowotnym, a najlepszą zdrowotność drzew Tilia cordata Mill. stwierdzono w Parku Tysiąclecia Państwa Polskiego

    Greenery leading in the park development behind the maritime school in Darłowo

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    The article presents the issues related to the use of greenery in the desing of public spaces on the example of the development project of the park behind the Maritime School in Darłowo. Composition, natural and environmental issues concerning a selected part of the park, i. e, the zone of leading greenery in the vicinity of the former city moat, were discussed. The presented implemention are arguments the basis for recreating in this part of the park as a landscape with natural values of historical space