3 research outputs found

    Body image among women with diastasis recti abdominis

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    Celem niniejszej pracy jest porównanie sposobów doświadczania cielesności przez kobiety od 4 do 50 miesięcy po porodzie z rozstępem mięśnia prostego brzucha (z łac. diastasis recti abdominis – DRA). Dodatkowo szukano wpływu spostrzeganego wsparcia społecznego na obraz ciała w tej grupie kobiet. W badaniu wzięło udział 97 kobiet, w tym 64 posiadały rozstęp mięśnia prostego brzucha. Zostały one poproszone o wypełnienie trzech kwestionariuszy: 1) Wielowymiarowego Kwestionariusza do Badania Obrazu Ciała – MBSRQ, 2) Rysunkowego Arkusza Samooceny Wyglądu – RASW, oraz 3) Wielowymiarowej Skali Spostrzeganego Wsparcia Społecznego – WSSWS. Dane dotyczące posiadania DRA zostały zebrane za pomocą ankiety. Analiza statystyczna zebranych danych wykazała, że: 1) kobiety z DRA mają bardziej negatywny obraz ciała niż kobiety go nieposiadające, 2) kobiety z DRA będące w okresie od 20 do 50 miesięcy po porodzie są mniej zadowolone ze swojego ciała niż kobiety z DRA od 4 do 19 miesięcy po porodzie, 3) istnieją silne związki w zakresie doświadczania cielesności u kobiet z DRA między oceną wyglądu, sprawnością, zdrowiem fizycznym oraz ważnością części ciała, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem obszaru brzucha.The aim of this master thesis is to compare the ways of body experiencing among women with diastasis recti abdominis (DRA) 4 to 50 months postpartum. In addition the influence of perceived social support on body image was checked. 97 women, of which 64 had DRA, were accepted to take part in the study. Their task was to complete 3 questionnaires: 1) Multidimensional Body-Self Relations Questionnaire – MBSRQ, 2) Drawing Sheet of Self Appearance – RASW, and 3) Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support – WSSWS. Demographic and DRA data were collected by self-made survey. Statistical analysis of the data showed that: 1) women with DRA have more negative body image than women who do not have this ailment, 2) women with DRA 20 to 50 months postpartum are less satisfied with their body than women with DRA 4 to 19 months postpartum, and 3) body and body parts evaluation, fitness, physical health, body and belly significance are the most important components of body experiencing among postpartum women with DRA

    Connections between perceived social support and the body image in the group of women with diastasis recti abdominis

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    Background: The psychological features of the body image and the role of perceived social support for women with diastasis recti abdominis (DRAM) is significant for the treatment of this group of patients, but it is difficult to identify research on this topic. We aimed to search for similarities and differences between postpartum women with DRAM in terms of their psychological features of the body image and perceived social support from the partner, family and friends. Methods: Three hundred forty-five Polish women with DRAM were asked to fill the The Multidimensional Body-Self Relations Questionnaire (MBSRQ), The Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support (MSPSS) and The Drawing Self-Assessment Sheet. Data analysis included the stepwise regression analysis and k-cluster analysis. Results: We identified several predictors in the group of women with DRAM. Social support of partner, family, and friends are the predictors of self-assessment of general body appearance. Social support of family is a predictor of self-assessment of the health of the body. Social support of friends is a predictor of self-esteem of weight and fear of gaining weight. Moreover, three clusters of women with DRAM were found. Type 1 - women with DRAM with one child and low self-esteem of the general appearance of the body, low self-esteem of health condition of the body, high self-esteem of weight, and fear of weight gain, and low level of social support; Type 2 - women with DRAM with three or more children and low self-esteem of the general appearance of the body, low self-esteem of health condition of the body, high self-esteem of weight and fear of weight gain, and high level of social support; and Type 3 - women with DRAM with two children and high self-esteem for the general appearance of the body, high level of self-esteem for health of the body, low self-esteem of weight and fear of weight gain, and high levels of social support. Conclusions: Social support is a predictor of body image in women with DRAM, but there are other factors that influence body acceptance more in this group of women. Furthermore the three clusters featured in the study may help in treating women with DRAM

    Family functioning style as a predictor of the quality of cognitive functioning of primary school students with ADHD

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    Objective: This study aimed to specify whether family communication and satisfaction are predictors of a child’s executive functions and whether attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) severity lies in the pathway between these variables. Method: Two hundred Polish children with ADHD, aged 10 to 13, were tested using Conners 3, the PU1 Battery of Cognitive Tests and Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale, Fifth Edition (SB5). Parents filled out the FACES IV-SOR questionnaire. Structural equation modeling (SEM) was used to test the hypotheses. Results: The quality of family communication and satisfaction did not predict executive functioning in children with ADHD, and ADHD severity did not play a mediating role neither in boys or in girls. Intelligent quotient was the only predictor of executive functioning in the group of boys. Conclusion: These results contrast with those of previous studies that have shown the existence of similar associations in other cultural contexts