496 research outputs found

    Three-dimensional organization of the human interphase nucleus: Experiments compared to simulations.

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    Despite the successful linear sequencing of the human genome its three-dimensional structure is widely unknown, although it is important for gene regulation and replication. For a long time the interphase nucleus has been viewed as a 'spaghetti soup' of DNA without much internal structure, except during cell division. Only recently has it become apparent that chromosomes occupy distinct 'territories' also in interphase. Two models for the detailed folding of the 30 nm chromatin fibre within these territories are under debate: In the Random- Walk/Giant-Loop-model big loops of 3 to 5 Mbp are attached to a non-DNA backbone. In the Multi-Loop- Subcompartment (MLS) model loops of around 120 kbp are forming rosettes which are also interconnected by the chromatin fibre. Here we show with a comparison between simulations and experiments an interdisciplinary approach leading to a determination of the three-dimensional organization of the human genome: For the predictions of experiments various models of human interphase chromosomes and the whole cell nucleus were simulated with Monte Carlo and Brownian Dynamics methods. Only the MLS-model leads to the formation of non-overlapping chromosome territories and distinct functional and dynamic subcompartments in agreement with experiments. Fluorescence in situ hybridization is used for the specific marking of chromosome arms and pairs of small chromosomal DNA regions. The labelling is visualized with confocal laser scanning microscopy followed by image reconstruction procedures. Chromosome arms show only small overlap and globular substructures as predicted by the MLS-model. The spatial distances between pairs of genomic markers as function of their genomic separation result in a MLS-model with loop and linker sizes around 126 kbp. With the development of GFP-fusion-proteins it is possible to study the chromatin distribution and dynamics resulting from cell cycle, treatment by chemicals or radiation in vivo. The chromatin distributions are similar to those found in the simulation of whole cell nuclei of the MLS-model. Fractal analysis is especially suited to quantify the unordered and non-euclidean chromatin distribution of the nucleus. The dynamic behaviour of the chromatin structure and the diffusion of particles in the nucleus are also closely connected to the fractal dimension. Fractal analysis of the simulations reveal the multi-fractality of chromosomes. First fractal analysis of chromatin distributions in vivo result in significant differences for different morphologies and might favour a MLS-modellike chromatin distribution. Simulations of fragment distributions based on double strand breakage after carbonion irradiation differ in different models. Here again a comparison with experiments favours a MLS-model

    Three-dimensional organization of the human interphase nucleus

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    Despite the successful linear sequencing of the human genome its three-dimensional structure is widely unknown, although it is important for gene regulation and replication. For a long time the interphase nucleus has been viewed as a 'spaghetti soup' of DNA without much internal structure, except during cell division. Only recently has it become apparent that chromosomes occupy distinct 'territories' also in interphase. Two models for the detailed folding of the 30 nm chromatin fibre within these territories are under debate: In the Random- Walk/Giant-Loop-model big loops of 3 to 5 Mbp are attached to a non-DNA backbone. In the Multi-Loop- Subcompartment (MLS) model loops of around 120 kbp are forming rosettes which are also interconnected by the chromatin fibre. Here we show with a comparison between simulations and experiments an interdisciplinary approach leading to a determination of the three-dimensional organization of the human genome: For the predictions of experiments various models of human interphase chromosomes and the whole cell nucleus were simulated with Monte Carlo and Brownian Dynamics methods. Only the MLS-model leads to the formation of non-overlapping chromosome territories and distinct functional and dynamic subcompartments in agreement with experiments. Fluorescence in situ hybridization is used for the specific marking of chromosome arms and pairs of small chromosomal DNA regions. The labelling is visualized with confocal laser scanning microscopy followed by image reconstruction procedures. Chromosome arms show only small overlap and globular substructures as predicted by the MLS-model. The spatial distances between pairs of genomic markers as function of their genomic separation result in a MLS-model with loop and linker sizes around 126 kbp. With the development of GFP-fusion-proteins it is possible to study the chromatin distribution and dynamics resulting from cell cycle, treatment by chemicals or radiation in vivo. The chromatin distributions are similar to those found in the simulation of whole cell nuclei of the MLS-model. Fractal analysis is especially suited to quantify the unordered and non-euclidean chromatin distribution of the nucleus. The dynamic behaviour of the chromatin structure and the diffusion of particles in the nucleus are also closely connected to the fractal dimension. Fractal analysis of the simulations reveal the multi-fractality of chromosomes. First fractal analysis of chromatin distributions in vivo result in significant differences for different morphologies and might favour a MLS-modellike chromatin distribution. Simulations of fragment distributions based on double strand breakage after carbonion irradiation differ in different models. Here again a comparison with experiments favours a MLS-model

    Who is more likely to feel ostracized? A latent class analysis of personality traits

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    Perceived ostracism (e.g., feeling ignored or excluded) is a painful and distressing experience. However, little empirical research has investigated the types (profiles) of people more likely to perceive ostracism. The present study (N = 395) used latent class analysis to (a) identify potential classes based on the big five personality traits (i.e., openness, agreeableness, negative emotionality, extroversion, and conscientiousness) and (b) examine whether such classes could reliably differentiate levels of self-reported perceived ostracism. We extracted three classes: (a) Moderate Traits (MT), (b) the Quiet Over-Reacting Procrastinators (QORP), and (c) the Active and Adaptable Thinkers (AAT). Those in the QORP class reported the highest levels of perceived ostracism, whereas those in the AAT class reported the lowest levels of perceived ostracism compared to the MT class. This study provides new insight into the profiles of individuals who may be more likely to perceive ostracism. However, further research is needed to explore the association between personality and ostracism (e.g., as ostracism may lead to changes in personality), so that potential risk markers to trigger early psychological interventions of such ostracized individuals can be identified

    Propagação de Ondas Eletromagnéticas através de um Sistema Multicamadas Aleatórias

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    Neste trabalho estudamos a resposta de um sistema de multicamadas aleatórias constituído de camadas homogêneas, a um campo eletromagnético no modo TE (Transversal Elétrico) limitando-se a incidência normal. Verificamos que a transmissão das ondas se dá de forma periódica de modo que existem bandas de modos transmissíveis com relação ao número de onda. Daí, isolamos um único espectro de ondas e verificamos a influência da quantidade de camadas e da largura de desordem na resposta do sistema. Os resultados mostraram que no limite de grandes quantidades de camadas a média espectral da banda transmissível varia com uma lei de potência. A largura de desordem da média espectral decresce exponencialmente

    Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Studies of Succinate:Ubiquinone Oxidoreductase from Paracoccus denitrificans

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    Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) studies of succinate:ubiquinone oxidoreductase (SQR) from Paracoccus denitrificans have been undertaken in the purified and membrane-bound states. Spectroscopic “signatures” accounting for the three iron-sulfur clusters (2Fe-2S, 3Fe-4S, and 4Fe-4S), cytochromeb, flavin, and protein-bound ubisemiquinone radicals have been obtained in air-oxidized, succinate-reduced, and dithionite-reduced preparations at 4–10 K. Spectra obtained at 170 K in the presence of excess succinate showed a signal typical of that of a flavin radical, but superimposed with another signal. The superimposed signal originated from two bound ubisemiquinones, as shown by spectral simulations. Power saturation measurements performed on the air-oxidized enzyme provided evidence for a weak magnetic dipolar interaction operating between the oxidized 3Fe-4S cluster and the oxidized cytochrome b. Power saturation experiments performed on the succinate- and dithionite-reduced forms of the enzyme demonstrated that the 4Fe-4S cluster is coupled weakly to both the 2Fe-2S and the 3Fe-4S clusters. Quantitative interpretation of these power saturation experiments has been achieved through redox calculations. They revealed that a spin-spin interaction between the reduced 3Fe-4S cluster and the cytochrome b (oxidized) may also exist. These findings form the first direct EPR evidence for a close proximity (≤2 nm) of the high potential 3Fe-4S cluster, situated in the succinate dehydrogenase part of the enzyme, and the low potential, low spin b-heme in the membrane anchor of the enzyme

    Outbreak investigation including molecular characterization of community associated methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus in a primary and secondary school in Eastern Switzerland

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    At our tertiary children's hospital, infections with newly detected methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) among children attending primary (age 6-12 years) and secondary school (age 13-16 years) nearly doubled in 2018 compared to previous years. This observation initiated an epidemiological outbreak investigation including phenotypic (susceptibility testing) and genotypic (whole genome sequencing) characterization of the isolates. In addition, a cross-sectional study was conducted to determine source of the outbreak, colonization frequency and to identify risk factors for transmission using a questionnaire. As a result, 49 individuals were detected with 57 corresponding isolates. Based on the case definition combined with whole genome sequencing, a core cluster was identified that shared common genetic features and a similar antimicrobial susceptibility pattern (efflux-mediated macrolide resistance, tetracycline susceptibility along with presence of Panton-Valentine leukocidin). Epidemiologic evaluation identified a distinct school as a common risk factor. However, the source of the clustered infections within that school could not be further specified. No further cases could be detected after decolonization of infected and colonized children

    Profiles of psychological flexibility: A latent class analysis of the Acceptance and Commitment Therapy model

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    There exists uncertainty for clinicians over how the separate sub-component processes of psychological flexibility, a core construct of the Acceptance and Commitment Therapy model, interact and influence distress experienced. The present study (N = 567) employed latent class analysis to (i) identify potential classes (i.e., subgroups) of psychological flexibility based on responses on measures of key sub-component process, and (ii) to examine whether such classes could reliably differentiate levels of self-reported psychological distress and positive and negative emotionality. We found three distinct classes: (i) High Psychological Flexibility, (ii) Moderate Psychological Flexibility, and (iii) Low Psychological Flexibility. Those in the Low Psychology Flexibility class reported highest levels of psychological distress, whereas those in the High Psychological Flexibility class subgroup reported lowest levels of psychological distress. This study provides a clearer view to clinicians of the profile of the broader spectrum of the psychological flexibility model to facilitate change in clients

    Higher risk for influenza-associated pulmonary aspergillosis (IAPA) in asthmatic patients: A Swiss multicenter cohort study on IAPA in critically ill influenza patients

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    Background: Influenza-associated pulmonary aspergillosis (IAPA) is an important complication of severe influenza with high morbidity and mortality. Methods: We conducted a retrospective multicenter study in tertiary hospitals in Switzerland during 2017/2018 and 2019/2020 influenza seasons. All adults with PCR-confirmed influenza infection and treatment on intensive-care unit (ICU) for >24 h were included. IAPA was diagnosed according to previously published clinical, radiological, and microbiological criteria. We assessed risk factors for IAPA and predictors for poor outcome, which was a composite of in-hospital mortality, ICU length of stay ≥7 days, mechanical ventilation ≥7 days, or extracorporeal membrane oxygenation. Results: One hundred fifty-eight patients (median age 64 years, 45% females) with influenza were included, of which 17 (10.8%) had IAPA. Asthma was more common in IAPA patients (17% vs. 4% in non-IAPA, P = 0.05). Asthma (OR 12.0 [95% CI 2.1-67.2]) and days of mechanical ventilation (OR 1.1 [1.1-1.2]) were associated with IAPA. IAPA patients frequently required organ supportive therapies including mechanical ventilation (88% in IAPA vs. 53% in non-IAPA, P = 0.001) and vasoactive support (75% vs. 45%, P = 0.03) and had more complications including ARDS (53% vs. 26%, P = 0.04), respiratory bacterial infections (65% vs. 37%, P = 0.04), and higher ICU-mortality (35% vs. 16.4%, P = 0.05). IAPA (OR 28.8 [3.3-253.4]), influenza A (OR 3.3 [1.4-7.8]), and higher SAPS II score (OR 1.07 [1.05-1.10]) were independent predictors of poor outcome. Interpretation: High clinical suspicion, early diagnostics, and therapy are indicated in IAPA because of high morbidity and mortality. Asthma is likely an underappreciated risk factor for IAPA. Keywords: asthma; influenza; influenza-associated aspergillosis; intensive care medicine; invasive aspergillosis