222 research outputs found

    Some Controversial Aspects of the New Brazilian Arbitration Law

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    Some Controversial Aspects of the New Brazilian Arbitration Law

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    The causal exposure model of vascular disease

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    Primary prevention of cardiovascular disease is governed at present by the risk factor model for cardiovascular events, a model which is widely accepted by physicians and professional associations, but which has important limitations: most critically, that effective treatment to reduce arterial damage is often delayed until the age at which cardiovascular events become common. This delay means that many of the early victims of vascular disease will not be identified in time. This delay also allows atherosclerosis to develop and progress unchecked within the arterial tree with the result that the absolute effectiveness of preventive therapy is limited by the time it is eventually initiated. The causal exposure model of vascular disease is an alternative to the risk factor model for cardiovascular events. Whereas the risk factor model aims to identify and treat those at markedly increased risk of vascular events within the next decade, the causal exposure model of vascular disease aims to prevent events by treating the causes of the disease when they are identified. In the risk factor model, age is an independent non-modifiable risk factor and the predictive power of age far outweighs that of the other risk factors. In the causal exposure model, age is the duration of time the arterial wall is exposed to the causes of atherosclerosis: apoB (apolipoprotein B) lipoproteins, hypertension, diabetes and smoking. Preventing the development of advanced atherosclerotic lesions by treating the causes of vascular disease is the simplest, surest and most effective way to prevent clinical events

    Bounding the graviton mass with binary pulsar observations

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    By comparing the observed orbital decay of the binary pulsars PSRB1913+16 and PSRB1534+12 to that predicted by general relativity due to gravitational-wave emission, we are able to bound the mass of the graviton to be less than 7.6×10−20eV/c27.6\times10^{-20} \text{eV}/c^2 at 90% confidence. This is the first such bound to be derived from dynamic gravitational fields. It is approximately two orders of magnitude weaker than the static-field bound from solar system observations, and will improve with further observations.Comment: 9 pages, 1 figure. Presented at Fourth Edoardo Amaldi Conference on Gravitational Waves, Perth, 200

    Private information via the Unruh effect

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    In a relativistic theory of quantum information, the possible presence of horizons is a complicating feature placing restrictions on the transmission and retrieval of information. We consider two inertial participants communicating via a noiseless qubit channel in the presence of a uniformly accelerated eavesdropper. Owing to the Unruh effect, the eavesdropper's view of any encoded information is noisy, a feature the two inertial participants can exploit to achieve perfectly secure quantum communication. We show that the associated private quantum capacity is equal to the entanglement-assisted quantum capacity for the channel to the eavesdropper's environment, which we evaluate for all accelerations.Comment: 5 pages. v2: footnote deleted and typos corrected. v3: major revision. New capacity (single-letter!) theorem and implicit assumption lifte

    Non-linear instability of Kerr-type Cauchy horizons

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    Using the general solution to the Einstein equations on intersecting null surfaces developed by Hayward, we investigate the non-linear instability of the Cauchy horizon inside a realistic black hole. Making a minimal assumption about the free gravitational data allows us to solve the field equations along a null surface crossing the Cauchy Horizon. As in the spherical case, the results indicate that a diverging influx of gravitational energy, in concert with an outflux across the CH, is responsible for the singularity. The spacetime is asymptotically Petrov type N, the same algebraic type as a gravitational shock wave. Implications for the continuation of spacetime through the singularity are briefly discussed.Comment: 11 pages RevTeX, two postscript figures included using epsf.st

    Violation of CPT and Quantum Mechanics in the K0--K0bar System

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    We reconsider the model of quantum mechanics violation in the \ko--\kob system, due to Ellis, Hagelin, Nanopoulos, and Srednicki, in which \cp- and \cpt-violating signatures arise from the evolution of pure states into mixed states. We present a formalism for computing time-dependent asymmetries in this model and show that present data constrains its parameters significantly. In the future, this model will be put to very stringent tests at a ϕ\phi factory. We present the theory of these tests and show the relation between particular ϕ\phi decay correlations and the parameters of quantum mechanics violation.Comment: 50 pages, uses PHYZZX, one figure available on request. This revised version contains minor corrections, improved bounds on the parameters which measure violation of quantum mechanics, and a more complete set of formula

    Spinors, Inflation, and Non-Singular Cyclic Cosmologies

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    We consider toy cosmological models in which a classical, homogeneous, spinor field provides a dominant or sub-dominant contribution to the energy-momentum tensor of a flat Friedmann-Robertson-Walker universe. We find that, if such a field were to exist, appropriate choices of the spinor self-interaction would generate a rich variety of behaviors, quite different from their widely studied scalar field counterparts. We first discuss solutions that incorporate a stage of cosmic inflation and estimate the primordial spectrum of density perturbations seeded during such a stage. Inflation driven by a spinor field turns out to be unappealing as it leads to a blue spectrum of perturbations and requires considerable fine-tuning of parameters. We next find that, for simple, quartic spinor self-interactions, non-singular cyclic cosmologies exist with reasonable parameter choices. These solutions might eventually be incorporated into a successful past- and future-eternal cosmological model free of singularities. In an Appendix, we discuss the classical treatment of spinors and argue that certain quantum systems might be approximated in terms of such fields.Comment: 12 two-column pages, 3 figures; uses RevTeX
