11 research outputs found

    Dupuytren’s disease in an adolescent – case report

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    Dupuytren’s disease is typically observed in adults, in children and adolescents being rarely diagnosed. Only several cases were reported in children under the age of 10 years, including two infants under one year. There were no such reports in Polish literature. We presented a case of Dupuytren’s disease in a 17 year-old adolescent, in whom the first signs of the disease were observed in early childhood

    Choroba Dupuytrena u nastolatka – opis przypadku

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    Choroba Dupuytrena występuje u osób dorosłych, natomiast u dzieci i młodzieży zdarza się wyjątkowo rzadko. Tylko kilka przypadków choroby zanotowano u dzieci poniżej 10 lat, w tym dwa u niemowląt poniżej roku. W Polsce dotychczas nie opublikowano żadnego takiego przypadku. W pracy przedstawiono przypadek choroby Dupuytrena u 17-letniego młodzieńca, u którego pierwsze objawy schorzenia wystąpiły we wczesnym dzieciństwie

    An assessment of quality of the surgical curriculum in Pomeranian Medical University in years 2015-2017

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    The objective of this study was assessment of quality of the surgical curriculum in Pomeranian Medical University in years 2015-2017. Material and methods. A questionnaire-survey has been conducted in a group of 100 of Polish students from the Medical Faculty just before the final test-exam in subject surgery. Main topics of the questionnaire items concerned students’ opinion on the expected usefulness of acquired surgical knowledge for future medical practice, acquired manual skills, range of knowledge learned in particular academic years and on understanding the term “skill/competency-oriented teaching” surgery. Results. Knowledge from general and oncologic surgery was scored by students the highest as potentially most useful for future medical practice. Learning manual skills (mostly put stiches on a pig trotter) was considered the most valuable portion of surgical curriculum. Acquiring of manual skills was also believed as the closest of meaning the term “skill/competency-oriented teaching” surgery. Sixth (last) year of studying was considered the most effective in acquiring surgical knowledge. Most responders considered time assigned for teaching surgery in the university curriculum adequate, but not optimally employed. A critical discussion of the results was done in a light of the results of earlier studies and the literature. Conclusions. Outcomes of this study showed the students’ expectations in teaching surgery in the medical university curriculum and what was a grade of its performance. Awareness of this may have effect on modification of the curriculum and methods of undergraduate teaching surgery

    Ocena jakości nauczania chirurgii w Pomorskim Uniwersytecie Medycznym w latach 2015-2017

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    Celem pracy była ocena jakości kształcenia w dziedzinie chirurgii w Pomorskim Uniwersytecie Medycznym w latach 2015–2017. Materiał i metody: Ankietę przeprowadzono w grupie 100 polskich studentów VI roku Wydziału Lekarskiego, przed końcowym egzaminem testowym z chirurgii. Tematyka pytań dotyczyła opinii na określone zagadnienia w kontekście ich potencjalnej przydatności dla przyszłej praktyki lekarskiej, uzyskanych umiejętności manualnych, wiedzy zdobywanej na poszczególnych latach studiów oraz tzw. upraktycznienia kształcenia chirurgii. Wyniki: Za najbardziej przydatną dla przyszłej pracy studenci ocenili wiedzę z chirurgii ogólnej i onkologicznej. Za najbardziej wartościowy element prowadzenia zajęć – naukę umiejętności manualnych, z których najczęściej wykonywali szycie na modelu świńskiej nogi. Ten aspekt był także uważany jako najbliższy pojęciu „upraktycznienia” nauczania chirurgii. Najwięcej wiedzy chirurgicznej studenci przyswoili sobie na ostatnim roku studiów, a większość z nich uważała, że czas przeznaczony na nauczanie chirurgii jest adekwatny do zakresu przekazywanej wiedzy, ale jego wykorzystanie nie jest optymalne. Przeprowadzono krytyczną analizę uzyskanych wyników w odniesieniu do wcześniejszych badań i piśmiennictwa. Wnioski: Uzyskane wyniki pokazują, jakie są oczekiwania studentów w zakresie nauczania chirurgii w trakcie studiów medycznych, a także jaki jest stopień ich realizacji. Wiedza ta może przyczynić się do modyfikacji programu i metod nauczania chirurgii na studiach medycznych

    Psychosocial Functioning of Individuals at Risk of Developing Compulsive Buying Disorder

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    (1) Background: This study aimed to establish the connection between depressiveness, workaholism, eating disorders, and personality traits, according to the five-point model called the Big Five, in women with a risk of compulsive buying disorder. (2) Methods: The study was conducted on 556 Polish women from the West Pomeranian Voivodeship. The study employed the diagnostic survey method using a questionnaire technique including Personality Inventory NEO-FFI, the Buying Behaviour Scale, the Beck Depression Inventory I-II, the Three-Factor Eating Questionnaire, and a self-questionnaire. (3) Results: The analysis revealed the risk of compulsive buying being accompanied by a higher median score for depressiveness, neuroticism, Cognitive Restraint of Eating, Uncontrolled Eating, and a risk of workaholism. A lower score in the respondents in the compulsive buying risk group was observed in an assessment of agreeableness and conscientiousness. Work addiction was exhibited by 26% of people with compulsive buying disorder vs. 12% of people without it. (4) Conclusion: This study found that a high risk of compulsive buying disorder is accompanied by a high risk of moderate depressiveness, neuroticism, Cognitive Restraint of Eating, Uncontrolled Eating, and workaholism. It also confirmed the view that compulsive buying is a behavioural addiction which is a consequence of ineffective coping and being dissatisfied with one’s social life

    Relationships of Body Mass Index, Relative Fat Mass Index, and Waist Circumference with Serum Concentrations of Parameters of Chronic Inflammation

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    (1) Background: Obesity in the perimenopausal period is associated with hormonal changes, lifestyle, and environment. In obesity, elevated levels of IL-6 and TNF-α and reduced levels of adiponectin are observed, and the associated chronic inflammation favors the development of cardiometabolic diseases. Therefore, the aim of our study was to assess the relationship between selected measures of obesity (BMI, WC, RFM, VAI, WHtR) and parameters of chronic inflammation (CRP, TNF-α, IL-6) in perimenopausal women. (2) Methods: The study involved 172 perimenopausal women. The methods used in this study were diagnostic surveys, anthropometric measurements, blood pressure measurements, and venous blood sampling. (3) Results: Preliminary multivariate linear regression analysis showed that CRP moderately positively correlated with IL-6 (β = 0.25; p = 0.001) and weakly negatively correlated with adiponectin (β = −0.23; p = 0.002). Similar associations were noted in preliminary multivariate linear regression analysis adjusted for age, menopausal status, and smoking status. Preliminary multivariate linear regression analysis also showed that BMI positively correlated with IL-6 (β = 0.16; p = 0.033). VAI weakly positively correlated with CRP (β = 0.25; p = 0.001) and negatively correlated with adiponectin (β = −0.43; p = 0.000). (4) BMI, WC, RFM, VAI, and WHtR are clearly related to selected parameters of chronic inflammation. Our study suggests that each of the anthropometric variables provides distinct information on metabolic processes associated with inflammatory parameters