7 research outputs found


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    The Nuruwe waters are oceanic waters with a considerable amount of fisheries resources and a potential for tourism in natural and aquaculture tourism. This research aimed to analyze the characteristics of the physical and chemical parameters as a limiting factor for the site selection of seaweed cultivation in Nuruwe waters and analyze land suitability of seaweed cultivation based on its criteria and determine the area of cultivation. A random sampling technique was applied to the data collection of marine environmental parameters. Data were analyzed using a spatial analysis with GIS techniques and carrying capacity analysis. The spatial analysis was used to determine the land suitability of seaweed cultivation based on the site selection criteria. The results showed that water quality parameters were suitable to support seaweed cultivation with the longline system. The effective area is ± 10 ha, with the number of longlines that can be placed as many as 20 units. ABSTRAK Perairan Nuruwe merupakan perairan oseanis dan juga perairan dengan potensi perikanan yang cukup melimpah serta terdapat potensi wisata baik dalam wisata alam maupun wisata budidaya. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah 1) menganalisis karakteristik parameter fisika-kimia sebagai faktor pembatas kesesuaian lokasi budidaya rumput laut di perairan Nuruwe, serta 2) menganalisis kesesuaian lahan budidaya rumput laut berdasarkan kriteria kesesuaian lahan dan menentukan luasan lahan budidaya. Metode pengambilan data parameter lingkungan perairan dengan teknik random sampling. Analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis spasial untuk menentukan kesesuaian lahan menggunakan GIS berdasarkan kriteria kelayakan budidaya rumput laut dan analisis daya dukung. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diperoleh parameter kualitas air yang diukur layak atau sesuai untuk mendukung kegiatan budidaya sistem longline di perairan Nuruwe. Kesesuaian lahan budidaya rumput laut dengan sistem longline di perairan Nuruwe tergolong sesuai (S2). Luasan lahan yang efektif sebesar ± 10 ha dengan jumlah sebanyak 20 unit longline.  Kata Kunci: Kesesuaian lahan, budidaya, daya dukung, rumput laut, perairan Nuruw

    Analisis Usaha Perikanan Pancing Tuna di Kecamatan Amahai Kabupaten Maluku Tengah

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    One of the fishery commodities with high economic value as an export product of Central Maluku Regency is tuna. Tuna catching in Central Maluku Regency generally uses a trolley fishing gear. Amahai District is one of the tuna-producing areas in Central Maluku. In tuna fishing activities, financial analysis is important for business sustainability and the welfare of fishing communities. This study aims to analyze costs and revenues as well as business feasibility. The research was conducted in September-December 2019 in Amahai District, Central Maluku Regency. The data collection method used purposive sampling through observation and interviews. The data obtained were analyzed using financial analysis by calculating income and business feasibility, then discussed them descriptively. The results showed that the average profit per month was IDR.3,036,733/unit ship, the investment payback period is less than one year. This business is feasible to develop because it has a positive NPV value, Net B/C and Gross B/C greater than 1.   ABTSRAK Salah satu komiditi perikanan dengan nilai ekonomis tinggi sebagai produk ekspor Kabupaten Maluku Tengah adalah ikan tuna. Usaha pernangkapan ikan tuna di Kabupaten Maluku Tengah umumnya menggunakan alat tangkap pancing tonda. Kecamatan Amahai merupakan salah satu daerah penghasil ikan tuna di Maluku Tengah. Pada kegiatan perikanan tangkap tuna, analisis finansial penting dilakukan untuk keberlanjutan usaha serta kesejahteraan masyarakat nelayan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis biaya dan pendapatan serta kelayakan usaha perikanan pancing tuna. Penelitian dilakukan pada bulan September-Desember 2019 di Kecamatan Amahai, Kabupaten Maluku Tengah. Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan purposive samplingmelalui observasi dan wawancara. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis menggunakan anaisis finansial dengan menghitung pendapatan dan kelayakan usaha, selanjutnya dibahas secara deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan rat-rata keuntungan tiap bulan sebesar Rp. 3,036,733 /unit kapal, lama waktu pengembalian investasi kurang dari satu tahun. Usaha ini layak dikembangkan karena memiliki nilai NPV positif, Net B/C dan Gross B/C lebih besar 1. Kata Kunci: Ikan tuna, kelayakan usaha, penangkapan, pendapatan, produksi   &nbsp


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    Our research took place in several areas of Ambon Island to be able to represent fishing areas that operate around the waters of Ambon Island, including Latuhalat Village (South Ambon Island), Hitu Village (North Ambon Island), Waai Village (West Ambon Island) and Laha Village (Outside of Ambon Bay). So it is hoped that later it can provide a detailed description of the feasibility of purse seine fisheries business based on the fishing area on Ambon Island. A method of the survey to technique the sample in purposive sampling with total respondents was the owner of fisheries purse up seine 30 business unit. Analysis of the data used is the analysis of costs, revenues and business feasibility (NPV, Net B/C, Gross B/C and Paybeck Period). the results of the study can be concluded that the purse seine fishing business on Ambon Island provides quite high profits and this business is worth developing. The NPV of the business is positive, Net B/C, Gross B/C > 1 and the ability to return the investment that has been invested in the purse seine business on Ambon Island is an average time between 1.5 years to 2.7 years. Seen from the catching area, the Latuhalat location has a high Net B/C Ratio, Gross B/C Ratio and PP when compared to the other three Locations


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    Boat mooring in Dusun Pelita Jaya is used as a loading and unloading place for pole and line fishing vessels even with limited facilities. This research aims to identify infrastructure facilities that support the loading and unloading activities of fishery products and analyze the economic benefits of each economic activity caused. Sampling through interviews and obesity and data is analyzed descriptively qualitatively and quantitatively. The results showed that the infrastructure facilities available are not adequate to support the loading and unloading activities of fishery products, namely cakalang and tuna in the form of logs. The economic benefits caused are direct and indirect benefits that are able to absorb 279 workers. The average value of economic benefits from all activities caused amounted to Rp. 56,771,603,687 or the average of each month amounted to Rp. 4,730,966,974. The largest contribution is made by fish collectors amounting to Rp. 23,622,300,000 or Rp1,968,525,000/month

    Diversity of Demersal Fish Resources in Ambon Island Waters

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    The waters surrounding Ambon Island is a potential fishing gound for demersal fish resources, yet information regarding species diversity is still slightly understood. This research aimed to analyze the diversity of species and size of demersal fish around Ambon Island oceans. Data was collected based on experimental fishing using fish trap at two locations, in northern and southern waters of Ambon Island. The data were collected by experimental capture using fishing gear at two locations, namely northern waters (March-April 2015) and south of Ambon Island (July-October 2016). Methods of demersal resource diversity analysis are several ecological indexes i.e. Shannon-Wiener diversity index, Pielou uniformity index, and Simpson\u27s dominance index. The result showed that 21 family and 57 species with details of 35 species in the northern waters and 32 species in the southern water. Species diversity based on Shannon-Wiener Index (H´) ranged between 1,61-3,10 while species evenness index (E) was around 0,83-0,95. The abundance of demersal fish was not dominated by any fish species, showed by the average Simpson index of dominant (D) around 0,05-0,26