96 research outputs found

    Improve Image Security Over wireless Sensor Network

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    The major weaknesses of Wireless Sensor Network is the energy consumption, because the difficult battery replacement or recharge . The energy consume can be regulator by more than one layers. In this paper goals to reduce the energy consume in the physical layer, because the most of the energy consume occurs in the physical layer. This reduce will be achieved via the use of Zigbee transceiver standard at the physical layer with the reduced complexity and lower power consumption than other system used in wireless sensor networks. Furthermore, such use will also enhance energy efficiency and bit error rate of the wireless sensor network. In this paper will apply the chaotic interleaver and chaos encryption to get best encryption (two level encryption) and reducing in time processing and enhancement simulation for bit error rate and peak signal to noise ration by transceiver image cameraman though an AWGN and Rayleigh fadingnbsp channels are displayed


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     Film condensation of steam on a vertical tube is investigated numerically and experimentally,   in the present work. A mathematical model was set based on the basic conservation laws of mass   and energy, Nusselts analysis of film condensation, and empirical equations available in the   literature. Then, a simulation program in FORTRAN language was developed which simulates the   film condensation of steam on a vertical tube. A complete steam tables subprogram was also   developed and incorporated with the main program. The experimental work was carried out using a   steam condensation test bench. The inlet and outlet cooling water temperatures, steam temperature   and pressure, tube surface temperature at center, and cooling water flow rate are recorded during   each experimental test run. The inlet cooling water temperature, steam temperature, and cooling   water flow rate are used as an input for the numerical program, then the program calculates tube   surface temperature distribution, cooling water temperature distribution, local heat transfer rate,   local condensation heat transfer coefficient, condensate boundary layer thickness distribution, total   heat transfer rate, and average condensation heat transfer coefficient. The effect of various   parameters on the condensation heat transfer coefficient, such as steam temperature, steam-surface   temperature difference, and the presence of non-condensable gas were investigated and reported   graphically. It was found that increasing (steam-surface) temperature difference while keeping the   steam temperature constant results in an increase in condensate boundary layer thickness, which in   turn causes a decrease in condensation heat transfer coefficient. On the other hand, increasing steam   temperature and keeping the (steam-surface) temperature difference constant leads to an increase in   condensation heat transfer coefficient. In addition, the presence of non-condensable gas with   different concentrations was also investigated and it was shown that it causes a noticeable reduction   in the average condensation heat transfer coefficient. An equation for calculating average   condensation heat transfer coefficient on a vertical tube was also developed. The experimental data   obtained from the test runs were compared with numerical results and showed good agreement.   Thus, it can be concluded that the present computational program is suitable for simulating steam   condensation on a vertical tube.

    Status of Rural Women in Karnataka (NIAS Books and Special Publications No. SP4-2006)

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    Since the beginning of the UN decade for Women, women activists and scholars have systematically brought to light the oppression, exploitation and marginalization of Indian women in all walks of life. The benchmark in this respect was the Status of Women in India report of 1974. The role played by economic, social, cultural and political institutions in reinforcing this subordination was highlighted in this report and is now better understood. The growing women's movement in the country increasingly brought pressure on the government and political parties to acknowledge the low status of women, and, more important, respond to women's concerns through a series of preventive and promotive programs and supportive legislation


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    A low speed open circuit wind tunnel has been designed, manufactured and constructed at the Mechanical Engineering Department at Baghdad University - College of Engineering. The work is one of the pioneer projects adapted by the R & D Office at the Iraqi MOHESR. The present paper describes the first part of the work; that is the design calculations, simulation and construction. It will be followed by a second part that describes testing and calibration of the tunnel. The proposed wind tunnel has a test section with cross sectional area of (0.7 x 0.7 m2) and length of (1.5 m). The maximum speed is about (70 m/s) with empty test section. The contraction ratio is (8.16). Three screens are used to minimize flow disturbances in the test section. The design philosophy is discussed and methods for wind tunnel calculation are outlined. Simulation of wind tunnel using ANSYS shows no separation of flow along wind tunnel. Construction steps are also included in present work

    Interference Problem between ZigBee and WiFi, IPCSIT Vol

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    Abstract Based on the Internet of Things new services our lives of everyday changed a lot over the past few years. Smart cities, smart homes, e-health are not only exist in our imagination, but they are a reality now. These new solutions are using hundreds or thousands of sensor devices which are collecting data. This huge amount of data needs to be stored for future processing and usage by intelligent IoT services. In the paper we give an overview and profound comparison of the most popular short range communication technologies (e.g. NFC, ZigBee, BT LE, 6LowPAN, RPL, CoAP, IEEE 1902.1, etc.) applied for IoT services and we identify the constraint aspects of the real time Machine to Machine (M2M) communication based on the Internet technologies existing currently

    Macrophage Hitchhiking Nanoparticles for the Treatment of Myocardial Infarction:An In Vitro and In Vivo Study

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    Myocardial infarction (MI) is the leading cause of death worldwide. However, current therapies are unable to restore the function of the injured myocardium. Advanced approaches, such as stimulation of cardiomyocyte (CM) proliferation are promising, but suffer from poor pharmacokinetics and possible systemic adverse effects. Nanomedicines can be a solution to the above-mentioned drawbacks. However, targeting the cardiac tissue still represents a challenge. Herein, a MI-selective precision nanosystem is developed, that relies on the heart targeting properties of atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) and lin-TT1 peptide-mediated hitchhiking on M2-like macrophages. The system based on pH-responsive putrescine-modified acetalated dextran (Putre-AcDEX) nanoparticles, shows biocompatibility with cultured cardiac cells, and ANP receptor-dependent interaction with CMs. Moreover, treatment with nanoparticles (NPs) loaded with two pleiotropic cellular self-renewal promoting compounds, CHIR99021 and SB203580, induces a 4-fold increase in bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) incorporation in primary cardiomyocytes compared to control. In vivo studies confirm that M2-like macrophages targeting by lin-TT1 peptide enhances the heart targeting of ANP. In addition, NP administration does not alter the immunological profile of blood and spleen, showing the short-term safety of the developed system in vivo. Overall, the study results in the development of a peptide-guided precision nanosystem for delivery of therapeutic compounds to the infarcted heart
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