5 research outputs found

    Pengendalian Terpadu Busuk Pangkal Batang Lada

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    Integrated Control of Foot Rot Disease of Black PepperBlack pepper (Piper nigrum) is important crop for increasing farmer income in Indonesia. Traditional pepper planting areas are Lampung and Bangka-Belitung provinces, as well as new planting areas in Kalimantan provinces. Foot rot disease caused by Phytophthora capsici is the main constraint in pepper cultivations in these areas. The disease is widely distributed in almost all pepper cultivations. This paper describes information on the research progresses on foot rot disease control methods and field experiences on controlling the disease on black pepper. Control method of the foot rot disease by farmers is commonly using synthetic fungicides. This practice was only applied when the price of pepper is high. Otherwise, farmers only applied minimal cultivation practices. As the result, the foot rot disease becomes more serious problem on pepper plantations throughout Indonesia. Spores of P. capsici is actively swiming on water film, therefore, the fungus is easily disseminates through contaminated soil, diseased planting materials or running water of soil surface. The fungus has two mating types, A1 and A2 that makes sexual reproduction possible in some areas where both mating types exist. The sexual reproduction may produce progenies that are more virulent than their parents. Therefore, it is important to minimize distribution of planting materials contaminated with the different matting types into a certain location to prevent new strain of P. capsici. Attempts to control the disease have been conducted with focusing on technologies that is eco-friendly, cheap and simple (easy to be handled and adopted by farmers). The eco-friendly technologies included improving cultural practices, application of biological control agents, and fungicide is applied when necessary. An initial effort to find resistant or tolerant black pepper varieties had also been studied. Integrated pest management (IPM) by combining those available technologies will not eradicate P. capsici totally, but it will reduce the population of the fungus to a certain level that lessens the damage or yield lost. Implementation of the IPM includes increasing plants vigor through conducting proper planting activities followed by suppressing of fungal population through incorporating of biological control agent, such as Trichoderma; while fungicide application is the last resort, as well as improving farmers knowledge various technical trainings. To maximize the IPM implementation by farmers, it requires active participation from all involved stakeholders, government official services and researchers

    Virulensi Phytophthora Capsici Asal Lada terhadap Piper Spp.

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    Lada telah dibudidayakan secara luas di Indonesia dan sebagian besar diusahakan oleh petani bermodal kecil. Salah satu kendala dalam budi daya lada di Indonesia ialah penyakit busuk pangkal batang lada yang disebabkan oleh Phytophthora capsici. Salah satu USAha pengendalian yang dianggap efektif ialah menggunakan varietas tahan, tetapi keragaman genetik lada budi daya sempit. Hal ini merupakan kendala dalam program perbaikan varietas. Untuk itu perlu dicari sumber gen ketahanan dari spesies lainnya, yaitu Piper betle, P. colubrinum, P. cubeba, P. hispidum, dan P. retrofractum; sedang P. nigrum digunakan sebagai pembanding. Inokulasi dilakukan dengan cara meletakkan potongan hifa P. capsici pada permukaan bawah daun ketiga dan keempat dari masing-masing Piper spp. Sebanyak 50 isolat P. capsici asal lada yang diperoleh dari berbagai lokasi digunakan dalam penelitian. Daun yang telah diinokulasi diinkubasi pada kotak yang dijaga kelembabannya pada suhu kamar. Luas nekrosa yang terbentuk diukur 72 jam setelah inokulasi. Data luas nekrosa dianalisis secara statitistik untuk melihat ketahanan masing-masing Piper spp. terhadap isolat P. capsici yang digunakan. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa P. betle, P. cubeba, dan P. retrofractum terdapat dalam kelompok yang sama dengan P. nigrum, sedangkan P. colubrinum dan P. hispidum terdapat pada kelompok yang lain. Hasil analisis menunjukkan, 50 isolat P. capsici yang digunakan terbagi ke dalam tiga kelompok, yaitu kelompok yang dapat menyerang semua Piper spp., kelompok yang efektif menyerang P. betle, P. cubeba, P. retrofractum, dan P. nigrum; serta kelompok yang efektif menyerang P. colubrinum dan P. hispidum. Data pengujian menunjukkan adanya variasi virulensi yang luas pada P. capsici dan tidak semua Piper spp. berpotensi digunakan sebagai sumber ketahanan

    Pengembangan Varietas Unggul Lada Tahan Penyakit Busuk Pangkal Batang yang di Sebabkan oleh Phytophthora Capsici

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    Lada (Piper nigrum) merupakan tanaman rempah yang dibudidayakan banyak petani di Indonesia. Produktivitas lada Indonesia relatif rendah, selain karena fluktuasi harga sehingga petani kesulitan memelihara kebun dengan baik, juga akibat serangan penyakit busuk pangkal batang (BPB) yang disebabkan oleh jamur Phytophthora capsici. Untuk mengurangi kerugian hasil akibat serangan BPB, perlu dilakukan pengembangan tanaman lada tahan BPB berdaya hasil tinggi disertai dengan sistem budi daya yang efisien. Namun, pengembangan varietas lada tahan BPB menghadapi masalah sempitnya keragaman genetik lada dan adanya variasi virulensi P. capsici. Upaya mendapatkan lada tahan BPB telah dilakukan melalui persilangan intraspesies maupun antarspesies Piper spp., tetapi masih perlu dilanjutkan untuk mendapatkan varietas lada tahan BPB dan berdaya hasil tinggi. Sebaran geografis P. capsici yang luas dan adanya variasi virulensi pada populasi P. capsici menyebabkan komponen pengendalian BPB yang lain perlu terus diperbaiki. Upaya ini penting untuk mendukung budi daya lada tahan BPB dan kelangsungan produksi lada nasional

    Pseudocercospora Liebenbergii Penyebab Penyakit Bercak Daun Tanaman Akar Tikus

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    Pseudocercospora liebenbergii the cause of leaf spot disease on Rauwolfta serpentinaThe experiments wee conducted at Reseach Institute for Spice and Medicinal Crops, rom Ocober 1995 o March 19%. The objective of the experiments wee to identify the causal agent of leaf spot disease on Rauwofia serpentina and some ecobiological aspects. The expeiments were divided into two steps. The first step was observation on the disease intensity and identification of the causal agent. The second step was testing the effect of temperature and light on the mycelia growth and the germination of conidia, and the survival of conidia at diferent ranges of elative humidity. The results showed that the pathogenic of leaf spot disease is Pseudocercospora liebenbergii, newly eported pathogenic fungus in Indonesia. The fungus infected leaf only. The disease intensity ranged between 0-85%/plant with the average 22.23%. The first symptoms i.e. light spots wee observed 2-3 weeks after the inoculation. Stroma wee found on the upper and botom of the oldest spots The optimum temperatue for fungal growth ranged between 20-28°C. Continuous light was able o induce the growth of aerial mycelia but failed against the fungal rate. The germination of conidia occured at temperature between 20-32°C with an optimum of 24°C. Conidia on the surface of the oldest leaf spots were still viable ater the leaves wee incubated for 48 hours at 55% elative humidity