19 research outputs found

    Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Penentuan Pemasok Menggunakan Metode Analytical Hierarchy Process pada PT.Putera Rackindo Sejahtera

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    PT. Putera Rachindo Sejahtera is a company that produces furniture with different raw material needs as customer. the company currently has a thousand suppliers from home and abroad to meet the raw material needs. The process of selecting a supplier for raw materials using criteria such as quality, price, distance, conformity delivery, and delivery time. So it takes a long time to choose the supplier of more than one thousand suppliers that exist .To help companies shorten time supplier selection, made a decision support system application supplier determination using the method of Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). Steps being performed on the system that determines the criteria and sub-criteria. Then determine the weight of test criteria and consistency, followed by determining the range of values and weighted sub-criteria. The system generates a priority assessment of suppliers eigen vector calculation criteria with sub criteria. based eigen vector application is made and a series of trials that have been done, the application can generate reports on a supplier of raw materials. Recommendations given supplier is a supplier with the highest ranking three parts purchasing to aid in decision making

    Aplikasi Pencatatan Transaksi Keluar Masuk dan Peramalan Obat Menggunakan Single Exponential Smoothing pada Apotek Farmata

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    Apotek Farmata is a pharmacy that sells various kinds of medicinal equipment. With these drugs, consumers can find the drugs they need. The problem that is currently occurring at the Farmata Pharmacy is that the Pharmacy Admin does not know exactly how many drugs will be ordered for the following month, this has resulted in some drug requests by customers not being fulfilled because drug supplies cannot meet consumer demand. Based on the above problems, the solution offered is an application for recording drug in and out transactions which will be integrated with the Single Exponential Smoothing method. The Single Exponential Smoothing method is a method used to forecast the average drug demand data every month and is not influenced by trends or seasons. In this study, the Single Exponential Smoothing method is used because the level of error is relatively small. This is done so that the drug does not pass the expiration date. The application produced in this study is the application of recording transactions in and out of and forecasting drugs at Pharmacies Farmata using Single Exponential Smoothing. The results of application testing with black-box testing are that every function of the application is running well

    Analisis dan Perancangan User Interface Aplikasi Transaksi Pemesanan dan Pemasaran pada Kunokini Cafe & Resto Berbasis User Centered Design (UCD)

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    KUNOKINI Cafe & Resto is a food and beverage business, located at Jalan Raya Prapen No. 69 Surabaya. KUNOKINI Cafe & Resto has been marketing its business using social media. Information available on KUNOKINI Cafe & Resto's social media includes company profile, location, prices, food/beverage menus, delivery orders (delivery), and place reservations (reservations). KUNOKINI Cafe & Resto is still recording customer data that wants to make a reservation in a notebook. Resulting in customers having to wait a long time for the reservation process. Based on this description, a user interface design has been carried out and produced a website prototype using a user centered design (UCD) approach. In the process of testing the prototype using usability testing methods to develop products as a benchmark for users. From the results of testing the prototype, the average value of 79.9% means that the design can be accepted by the user

    Design of Decision Support System Application for Employee Performance Assessment Using Weighted Sum Model (Wsm) Method in PT Veloxa Viggo Inti Teknologi

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    PT. Veloxa Viggo Inti Teknologi is a telecommunication service company which requires employees who have extensive skills and insight so that in the future they can make the company grow rapidly. Employees who have broad skills and insight can influence the profits that the company gets. Therefore, managers need a decision-making system that can assist companies in assessing employees with company work standard

    Analisis Perancangan UI Ux sebagai Visualisasi Penilaian Kinerja Karyawan Birentcar Berbasis Website

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    One of the business processes carried out by company is employee performance appraisal. However, the performance appraisal system at this company is still done manually in several ways. However, the problem is that there is no website that has a display that is easily accessible for employees so that business processes do not run properly and hinder the work of employees. The right design of a website that provides information and displays that are easily accessible can help employees work related to managing employee performance information. Based on these problems, this research has conducted an analysis to increase employee interest in using websites and designing UI/UX designs as a website-based employee application visualization. A comfortable and easy-to-reach UI/UX design will attract users' interest. The User Centered Design method is a method used to design a design based on its users, namely employees and admins, which is expected to be a way out for Perusahaan to escape the problem. Evaluate the design results using usability testing with an average result of 84.5% resulting in a design that is in accordance with user needs

    Penerapan Element Gamifikasi pada Pengembangan Layanan Digital Library Berbasis Web (Studi Kasus: Man 2 Mojokerto

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    MAN 2 Mojokerto Library is located at RA Basuni No. 306 Sooko, North Daleman, Japan, Kec. Sooko, Mojokerto. This library has a large collection of textbooks and non-lessons, both in print and electronic form. The library has several services including, borrowing and returns. The library wants to apply the reading culture to the community of MAN 2 Mojokerto, and wants to develop existing services in the library because the existing services are less diverse. The solution given to the problem is to develop library services into digital libraries by applying existing gamification elements such as Challange & Quest to increase the interest in reading library by answering questions from the e-book that has been read, leaderboards are used to encourage library to be diligent in reading e-books and answering as many questions as possible by displaying the percentage of attendance and activity of the library, Point is used to encourage library to often answer questions and motivate library to come to the library to borrow books for a longer time by exchange points earned, and utilization of E-books also helps the development of digital library services. Layanan tersebut dapat diakses kapan saja tanpa terbatas ruang maupun waktu sehingga civitas sekolah dapat menggunakannya secara langsung. Selain itu layanan yang ada mendukung perpustakaan dalam menerapkan budaya membaca disekolah. Elemen-elemen gamification yang digunakan yaitu Point, Leaderboard, Challenges & Quests. Berdasarkan hasil uji coba, 46,9% jawaban siswa aplikasi ini sangat menarik, 40,6% aplikasi ini menarik, dan 12,5% aplikasi ini cukup menarik dan 50% jawaban pustakawan aplikasi ini sangat membantu dan 50% aplikasi ini membantu.layanan ini dapat membantu dan mempermudah pemustaka maupun pustakawan dalam melakukan proses membaca maupun pengelolaan data dan laporan

    Analisis dan Perancangan Antar Muka sebagai Bentuk Visualisasi Rancang Bangun Sistem Aplikasi Pengiriman Barang Berbasis Website pada CV Rizky Agung

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    CV Rizky Agung is a company engaged in the delivery of goods in the city of Surabaya by sea. Currently, the process at CV Rizky Agung has several processes, namely the delivery transaction process, transaction data recording, and the delivery of goods. In these processes assisted with the help of Microsoft Excel to record all the data. The problem that occurs in the company is that customers cannot find out information about goods in real time, quickly whether the goods have been sent or not. In the current conditions, the application of restrictions on offline transactions during the Covid-19 pandemic, all transactional transactions were transferred to the online system, thus encouraging the company to create a website-based goods delivery system. With complaints from customers when they have difficulty monitoring goods, these needs will be met through "Interface Analysis and Design as a form of Visualization of Website-based Goods Delivery Application System Design at CV Rizky Agung". The final results obtained are in the form of Interface Design and Analysis as a form of Visualization of the Website-based Goods Delivery Application System Design on CV Rizky Agung in order to know for sure the main needs of users, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic. The survey filled by respondents in this study amounted to 21 people with details of 2 couriers, 2 admins, and 17 customers. Based on the value of the survey, it will be calculated using the System Usability Scale formula which gets an average value of 80.5, which means that usability based on the data gets an acceptable or feasible assessment