20 research outputs found


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    Integrasi manajemen mutu dan rantai pasokan memastikan bahwa semua organisasi mitra terkait dapat diukur dan ditingkatkan. Pada penelitian ini, peneliti menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan meneliti serta mengambil informasi dari suatu populasi dan sampel yang ditetapkan secara statistic sebagai acuan dalam pengambilan keputusan untuk menguji asumsi atau hipotesis. Tujuan pengujian hipotesis adalah untuk memutuskan apakah akan menolak atau menerima hipotesis yang sedang diuji. Penelitian ini dalam pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik Nonprobability Sampling. dan menggunakan teknik purposive sampling.Hipotesis yang telah di uji menggunakan analisis regresi, hasil yang di uji sangat mendukung semua variabel. Dari hasil kesimpulan yang diperoleh, penulis memberi saran dan rekomendasi untuk peneliti selanjutnya yaitu dengan menambahkan variabel Kualitas Sistem Teknologi Informasi ataupun variabel independent lain yang dapat mempengaruhi Manajemen Kualitas Rantai Pasok. Studi ini mengidentifikasi Faktor Keberhasilan Kritis untuk meningkatkan Manajemen Kualitas Rantai Pasok di bawah pengaruh perkembangan Industri 4.0. Fokus pelanggan, Manajemen kualitas pemasok, integrasi proses dan kepemimpinan merupakan faktor positif untuk peningkatan Manajemen Kualitas Rantai Pasok di Perusahaan studi kasus.

    The Effect Of Supply Chain Risk on Resilience: Mediation Role of Supply Chain Integration

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    This study aims to examine the effect of supply chain risk on supply chain resilience through the mediation of supply chain integration. A sample was collected by purposive sampling, and the data  was gathered by using an online survey for three company sectors: manufacturing, logistics, and supply chain management in Java, Indonesia. The data were analyzed with Analysis of Moment Structure structural equation modeling (AMOS-SEM) using AMOS-24. The Result shows that SCR has impact to 3 dimension of integration but only Internal integration impact positively to SCRE whereas supplier and customer integration have not any impact on SCRE. Despite that, SCR still has an effect on SCRE, mediated by SCI. It’s suggest to improve the collaboration and coordination between Supplier and Customer Integration for Resilience of  supply chain

    The Effect of Supply Chain Responsiveness, Flexibility, & Quality on Customer Development

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    This study examines the impact of supply chain responsiveness, flexibility, and quality on a firm’s ability to attract, satisfy and retain its customers. Moreover, mediating impact of logistics process responsiveness among operation system responsiveness, supplier network responsiveness, supply chain flexibility, supply chain quality, and customer development is examined as well. For this study we have used the quantitative approach, a survey-based method for data collection with a total of 155 questionnaires distributed to FMCG firms in Jakarta with 119 usable responses retrieved. The effects of supply chain responsiveness, flexibility, and quality on customer development were analyzed using partial least squares structural equation modeling (SEM-PLS). The result confirmed the positive impact of supply chain responsiveness, flexibility, and quality on customer development. The finding also showed that the operations system responsiveness, supplier network responsiveness, supply chain flexibility, and quality drive the logistics system responsiveness. Additionally, logistics process responsiveness partially mediated the effect of operations system responsiveness, supplier network responsiveness, supply chain flexibility, and supply chain quality on customer development

    The Effect of Logistics Collaboration on Logistics Performance in the Mro Industry in Indonesia

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    This study clarifies the effect of supplier selection and information sharing on logistics performance mediated by logistics collaboration in the MRO industry in Indonesia. The independent variables used in this study were supplier selection and information sharing. Meanwhile, the logistics collaboration variable is used as a mediation variable. And the dependent variable in this study is logistical performance. The sample in this study was 123 respondents from the logistics, procurement, and purchase of aircraft parts divisions at MRO companies in Indonesia using purposive sampling techniques. The data analysis model used is the Structural Equation Model (SEM). Therefore, this study examines supplier selection, information sharing, logistics collaboration, and logistics performance in the MRO industry in Indonesia. The result of this study is that there is a positive influence of supplier selection on logistics collaboration, there is a positive influence between information sharing and logistics collaboration, there is a positive influence between logistics collaboration and logistics performance, there is a positive influence between supplier selection and logistics performance, and there is no influence between information sharing and logistics performance. The indicators in this study are adjusted to the business criteria of the MRO industry itself

    Pengaruh kemampuan integrasi rantai pasokan terhadap kinerja keberlanjutan dengan manajemen rantai pasokan hijau

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh kemampuan integrasi rantai pasokan terhadap kinerja keberlanjutan dengan mediasi manajemen rantai pasokan hijau pada perusahaan pengeasan yang terdapat di Cikarang. Desain/Metodologi: Metode penarikan sampel dalam penelitian ini menggunakan probability sampling. Data yang di gunakan adalah data primer yang di peroleh dengan cara menyebarkan angket ke responden perusahaan pengemasan di Cikarang, serta data yang di gunakan berjumlah 200 sampel yang pakai untuk pengolahan data. Pengujian validitas dan reliabilitas dilakukan dengan menggunakan IBM SPSS 22 dan proses pengolahan data menggunakan IBM AMOS 24 serta pemodelan SEM di gunakan dalam penelitian ini karena sampel yang di gunakan berjumlah 200. Temuan: Dalam penelitian ini di temukan bahwa, kemampuan integrasi rantai pasokan secara langsung berpengaruh positif tehadap kinerja ekonomi dan kinerja lingkungan sedangkan kemampuan integrasi rantai pasokan berpengaruh negatif terhadap kinerja sosial, kemudian kemampuaan integrasi rantai pasokan berpengaruh positif terhadap kinerja ekonomi dan kinerja lingkungan dengan mediasi manajemen rantai pasokan hijau tetapi berpengaruh negatif terhadap kinerja sosial. Keterbatasan penelitian/implikasi: Penelitian ini hanya menggunakan 2 dimensi dari kemampuan integrasi rantai pasokan yakni integrasi internal dan integrasi eksternal

    Pengaruh Kapabilitas Analitik Big Data terhadap Kinerja Rantai Pasok dengan mediasi Ketahanan Rantai Pasok

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    Kapabilitas Analitik Big Data dinilai dapat menambah nilai pada rantai pasok perusahaan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh Kapabilitas Analitik Big Data terhadap Kinerja Rantai Pasok dengan Ketahanan Rantai Pasok sebagai mediasi. 133 responden didapatkan dari kuesioner. Metode yang digunakan adalah Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) dengan software AMOS Graphics. Temuan dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh positif Kapabilitas Analitik Big Data terhadap Kinerja Rantai Pasok dan Kapabilitas Analitik Big Data terhadap Ketahanan Rantai Pasok. Tetapi, tidak ada pengaruh dari Ketahanan Rantai Pasok terhadap Kinerja Rantai Pasok dan Ketahanan Rantai Pasok tidak mampu memediasi Kapabilitas Analitik Big Data terhadap Kinerja Rantai Pasok. Dengan penelitian ini, diharapkan perusahaan dapat memaksimalkan penerapan Big Data pada perusahaannya khususnya dalam kegiatan operasional dan rantai pasok perusahaan


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    Perguruan Tinggi merupakan organisasi yang bergerak pada bidang pendidikan dan memiliki amanat untuk menghasilkan lulusan yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan pasar. Namun, adanya Pandemi COVID-19 mempercepat pelaksanaan era revolusi industri 4.0, sehingga terjadi perubahan besar terhadap kebutuhan dari kemampuan peserta didik. Untuk itu, ketua dan sekretaris program studi dalam kepemimpinannya dibutuhkan kinerja yang baik. Program studi agar dapat merealisasi keberhasilannya, diperlukan penilaian terhadap kinerja dari ketua dan sekretaris program studinya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan indikator kinerja tugas pokok dan fungsi dari ketua dan sekretaris program studi. Metode yang digunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Adapun hasil yang diperoleh dalam penentuan indikatornya dengan memasukan seluruh aktivitas dariTri Daharma Pendidikan Tinggi yang berupa pendidikan dan pengajaran, penelitian, dan pengabdian kepada masyarakat. Keberhasilan pelaksanaan dari programnya, juga melibatkan seluruh unsur sivitas akademika, alumni, dan perusahaan pengguna jasa lulusannya. Pada era digital, telah membawa perubahan yang pesat pada kehidupan manusia, sehingga ketua dan sekretaris program studi perlu mengikuti perkembangan zaman, memiliki jaringan yang kuat, dan strategi yang jitu agar seluruh tugas dan fungsi yang diberikan kepadanya dapat memenuhi kriteria guna mencapai tujuan organisasi

    The Effect Of Supply Chain Risk on Resilience: Mediation Role of Supply Chain Integration

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    This study aims to examine the effect of supply chain risk on supply chain resilience through the mediation of supply chain integration. A sample was collected by purposive sampling, and the data was gathered by using an online survey for three company sectors: manufacturing, logistics, and supply chain management in Java, Indonesia. The data were analyzed with Analysis of Moment Structure structural equation modeling (AMOS-SEM) using AMOS-24. The Result shows that SCR has impact to 3 dimension of integration but only Internal integration impact positively to SCRE whereas supplier and customer integration have not any impact on SCRE. Despite that, SCR still has an effect on SCRE, mediated by SCI. It’s suggest to improve the collaboration and coordination between Supplier and Customer Integration for Resilience of supply chain

    Pengaruh Strategi Manajemen Rantai Pasok Terhadap Kinerja Operasional pada UMKM

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    Usaha Mikro, Kecil dan Menengah berperan sangat besar bagi perekonomian Indonesia dan secara tidak langsung mendukung perekonomian Indonesia. Berdasarkan data Kementerian Koperasi dan Usaha Mikro, Kecil dan Menengah, pada Maret 2021, jumlah UMKM di Indonesia mencapai 64,2 juta unit usaha dengan kontribusi terhadap Produk Domestik Bruto (PDB) sebesar 61,07 persen atau Rp. 8.573,89 triliun. Selain itu, UMKM mampu menyerap 97 persen dari total tenaga kerja, dan mampu menghimpun hingga 60,42 persen dari total investasi yang dilakukan di Indonesia (Kementerian Keuangan Republik Indonesia, 2021). Berbagai jenis usaha sudah mulai meningkatkan strategi supply chain management yang mereka gunakan untuk meningkatkan kinerja perusahaannya. Perusahaan berusaha meningkatkan strategi manajemen rantai pasokan untuk meningkatkan daya saing dan keberlanjutan bisnis di pasar yang sangat kompetitif ini. Beberapa strategi manajemen rantai pasokan yang digunakan, antara lain: Vendor-managed Inventory (VMI), Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Collaborative Planning, Forecasting, and Replenishment (CPFR), Warehouse Management System (WMS), dan Outsourcing.Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises play a very large role for the Indonesian economy and indirectly support the Indonesian economy. Based on data from the Ministry of Cooperatives and Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises, in March 2021, the number of MSMEs in Indonesia reached 64.2 million business units with a contribution to Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of 61.07 percent or Rp. 8,573.89 trillion. In addition, MSMEs are able to absorb 97 percent of the total workforce, and can collect up to 60.42 percent of the total investment carried out in Indonesia (Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia, 2021). Various types of businesses have begun to improve the supply chain management strategies they use to improve their company's performance. The company is trying to improve its supply chain management strategy in order to increase its competitiveness and business sustainability in this highly competitive market. Several supply chain management strategies are used, including: Vendor-managed Inventory (VMI), Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Collaborative Planning, Forecasting, and Replenishment (CPFR), Warehouse Management System (WMS), and Outsourcing

    The Effect of Supply Chain Responsiveness, Flexibility, & Quality on Customer Development

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    This study examines the impact of supply chain responsiveness, flexibility, and quality on a firm’s ability to attract, satisfy and retain its customers. Moreover, mediating impact of logistics process responsiveness among operation system responsiveness, supplier network responsiveness, supply chain flexibility, supply chain quality, and customer development is examined as well. For this study we have used the quantitative approach, a survey-based method for data collection with a total of 155 questionnaires distributed to FMCG firms in Jakarta with 119 usable responses retrieved. The effects of supply chain responsiveness, flexibility, and quality on customer development were analyzed using partial least squares structural equation modeling (SEM-PLS). The result confirmed the positive impact of supply chain responsiveness, flexibility, and quality on customer development. The finding also showed that the operations system responsiveness, supplier network responsiveness, supply chain flexibility, and quality drive the logistics system responsiveness. Additionally, logistics process responsiveness partially mediated the effect of operations system responsiveness, supplier network responsiveness, supply chain flexibility, and supply chain quality on customer development