48 research outputs found

    Perbedaan Respon Aedes Aegypti (Linnaeus) (Diptera: Culicidae), Terhadap Paparan Anti Nyamuk Bakar Dan Bunga Keluwih (Artocarpus Camansi, Blanco)

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    The control of dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) it is important to control the vector, i.e. Aedes aegypti (Linnaeus) and Ae. albopictus (Skuse). Usually, controls of these vectors are done using chemical insecticides. Research on mosquito resistance has been done, but the impact of mosquitoes that survive after synthetic (chemical) insecticides application has not been studied. The aim of this research was to analyze the differences of fecundity, fertility and vitality rate of mosquitoes that were exposed to natural insecticides i.e with burned breadnut flowers and mosquito coils containing transflutrin and d-aletrin. Mosquito samples were taken from field eggs which were exposed with synthetic and natural insecticides. Mosquitoes that remainder alive after 24 hours exposure were mated and each group were put in 2 cages, each repetition were repeated 3 times. The mosquito eggs were observed until adult mosquitoes die. Then, the fecundity, fertility and vitality rate were compared. Based on our analysis, there were no differences on fecundity rate, between control and mosquitoes that were exposed to natural insecticides, but there were significant differences between the control and the synthetic insecticides. Natural insecticides do not increase the rate of fecundity but synthetic insecticides may increase the rate of fecundity and number of mosquitoes and causes the mosquito lifespan longer than the control and natural insecticide treatment

    Analisis Cemaran Logam Berat Merkuri pada Air dan Udang di Sungai Mandor Kecamatan Mandor Kabupaten Landak

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    Background : Mercury used in gold mining activities in the water of Mandor river in Mandor Disrict of LandakRegency may couse environmental pollution in form of the degradation of water quality and pollution to thebiota, one of them was shrimp. The shrimp living in Mandor river was predicted to be polluted with mercury, andif it was consumed, it may cause health disorders for people, especially those living near the river. This researchhad the objectives of finding out the water Hg content and shrimp Hg content in the Mandor river and finding outthe correlation of water Hg content to shrimp Hg content.Methode : This research was an observing research with the cross-sectional design. The sample collection pointswere at five points with 30 water sample and 30 shrimp samples. The used statistical test was the product mommetcorrelation test.Result : The average of water Hg content was as much as 2,15 ppb ang the average shrimp Hg content was as muchas 0,18 mg/kg. From the test result, the differences in water Hg content showed that there were differences of waterHg content in each research location (p value = 0,001); for shrimp Hg content, there were no different of resultsamong research location except in Kunyit Village and Kopiang Village that showed differences. From the resultsof correlation test, it was found that there was a correlation between water Hg content to shrimp Hg content ( pvalue = 0,047; r = 0,366). The regression result showed the regression coefficient value as much as 0,134 (p value= 0,47); the highest the water Hg content in Mandor river, therefore, the shrimp Hg content will also increase, andwater Hg content influenced on the existence of shrimp Hg content as much as 10,3%. The analysis result ofmercury pollution in Mandor River show that the downstream area has a higher Hg content compared to theupstream area, and the shrimp Hg content increases especially in Mandor Village.Keyword : Hg water, Hg shrimp, Mandor River, Landak Regenc

    Hubungan Praktik Buang Sampah, Praktik Penggunaan Insektisida, Container Index, dan Lingkungan Fisik Rumah dengan Kejadian Dbd (Studi di Empat Rumah Sakit di Kota Semarang)

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    Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) is a major public health problem in Indonesia. This disease is caused by dengue virus and transmitted by the bite of Aedes aegypti mosquitoes. Dengue has spread widely throughout Indonesia, one of them is Semarang and the surrounding area. IR DHF Semarang from 2006 to 2015 is always higher than IR DHF Central Java and IR DHF National. This research was to analyze eliminating garbage practice, the insecticide use practice, container index, and home physical environment to incidence of DHF in four hospitals in Semarang City. This type of research was an observational analytic study using case control design. The population in this study were hospitalized dengue patients period March to May 2016 in four hospitals in Semarang City and health people (neighbor\u27s dengue patients) who lived in Semarang City and Demak Regency. Samples were 18 cases and 18 controls who had a vulnerable age (children aged 0-4 years and elderly aged >46 years) by using total sampling technique. The data was analyzed with chi-square test and odds ratio calculation with 95% confidence interval. The result showed that insignificant factors were eliminating garbage practice (p=0,289), insecticide use practice (p=0,737), container index (p=1,000), presence of breeding places (p=1,000), temperature in the house (p = 1,000), and humidity in the house (p=1,000). It can be concluded that there were not significant variables to the incidence of DHF in four hospitals in Semarang City

    Upaya Peningkatan Sistem Pengelolaan Limbah Cair terhadap Efektivitas Pengolahan Limbah Cair Rumah Sakit Umum Pusat Dokter Kariadi Semarang

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    Background: Generally, hospital wastewater constitutes all matter from activity in hospital, that may contain microorganisme, poisonous and radioactive material. The aim of this research was to analyze the efforts of management system improvement to the effectiveness of wastewater treatment of Kariadi Hospital Semarang. Method: This research was an observational research with a cross sectional approach. Data was taken by three methods: observation in the area, interview, and also from the secondary data from hospital management. The data of wastewater quality was taken as a serial data from February until March 2007 for determining the quality after the program of management system improvement. A serial data of wastewater treatment waere taken from January, March, May, August until December 2006 Result: The result of this research was focused to fulfill and improve the tools for effectiveness of management and infrastructure, involving 20 kinds of jos. In the fact, only 60 % or 12 kinds of jobs can be well carried out. . The result of data analysis proved that the efforts of management system of wastewater improvement could be run effectively. Meanwhile the output of its investigation showed that temperature parameter, PH, TSS, BOD, COD, NH3-N, phosfat and E-coli concentration is still under wastewater standard stated by the government number 10, 2004. Conclusion: SWOT analytical describes that the organization favorable for Installation of tools and sanition maintance in quadran II and for the position of stabilisation/rasionalisation to support the turn around strateg

    Hubungan Faktor Lingkungan Fisik Rumah, Keberadaan Breeding Places, Perilaku Penggunaan Insektisida dengan Kejadian DBD di Kota Semarang

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    Currently dengue fever is still one of the public health problem on a global scale, national and regional levels. In 2014 there were 1,628 cases (IR = 92.43). Affecting factors of the incidence of dengue there are physical environmental factors, the existence of breeding places, the behavior of using of insecticides and stress levels. The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship between the physical environment, the presence of breeding places, the behavior of using of insecticides with the incidence of dengue in the city of Semarang and to describe the espondents\u27s stress level. This type of this research is an analytic observational with case control approach. Samples of this study are patients with DHF in March until May 2016 in Semarang. The case group were 41 respondents and the control group were 41 respondents. Data analysis using chi square test and the magnitude of the risks by using odds ratios (OR). The results showed there are no relationship between the house temperature (p = 1,000 OR = 0,488), the house humidity (p = 0.440 OR = 0.5856), the existence of breeding places (p=1,000 OR=1,000), and the behaviour of using insecticides (p = 0.258 OR = 1.860)

    Hubungan Jumlah Bakteri Patogen dalam Rumah dengan Kejadian Pneumonia pada Balita di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Ngesrep Banyumanik Semarang Tahun 2014

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    Background : Pneumonia is an acute respiratory tract infections, in which there is inflammation in the lung tissue, caused by microorganisms such as viruses, bacteria, fungi, inhaled foreign particles or irradiation. Semarang is a city with a high incidence of pneumonia, subdistrict Banyumanik is a district with a high incidence rate is 103.25 per 1000 population in 2012. Methods : This is an observasional reseach using case control design. The population in this research is 162 children under five years, using Random Sampling techniques, a sample of 70 children under five years.The data collection method in this research is the measurement by using the colony counter, lux metter, thermohygrometer, observations, questionnaires, interviews, and documentation. And data analysis in this study using chi square test and logistic regression test. Results : The results showed there was no significant relationship between the amount of bacterial pathogen in the house with incidence of pneumonia onchildren under five years with p value (0.356); OR (4.387); CI 95% (0.465-41.404) for Staphilococcus aureus, p value (0.112); OR (2.364), CI 95% (0.807-6.927) for Klebsiella pneumoniae, and p value (0.473); OR (1.410); CI 95% (0.551) for Pseudomonas aeruginosa. No significant relationship between temperature, lighting, and ventilation with the incidence of pneumonia on children under five years with p value (0.101);OR (2.522);CI 95% (0.821-7.748), p (0.614); OR (3.188); CI 95% (0.315-32.144), p (0.632); OR (0.795); CI 95% (0.311-2.034). Any relationship humidity with pneumonia the incidence of pneumonia on children under five years with p value (0.012); OR (0.265), CI 95% (0.092-0.765). Conslusion : The conclution of this reseach is a significant relationship between humidity with pneumonia on children under five years in working areas Public Health Center Ngesrep Banyumanik Semarang 2014

    Hubungan Perilaku 3m Plus Dengan Kejadian Demam Berdarah Dengue (Dbd) Di Kota Semarang (Studi Di Kota Semarang Wilayah Atas)

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    Indonesia is the second highest country of DHF's case after Thailand. Some of the cities are endemic area. Semarang City is the one of endemic area that has been started from 1994 to 2015, which is illustrated by a rising trend line. Nowadays, DHF can caused by multifactorial. Behavioral factors is the biggest factors that influence someone's health degree about 30-35%. Based on Depkes, DHF incidence of Semarang City (2015) mostly happen at the uptown region or hilly areas. By the case control design, using purposive sampling technique, this analytic observational study aims to analyze the relationship between the clean and health behavior through 3M Plus with the incidence of DHF in Semarang City. The sample are cases group, which has diagnosed with DHF and recorded in several hospitals in Semarang city, while the control groups were both done by age and sex matched. The results of 60 respondents from statistical analysis, chi square test, showed that there is no signification relation between 3M Plus behavior (p=1,000 OR=0,868) with the incidence of DHF in Semarang City. It was recommended for community to keep doing clean and health behavior, especially 3M Plus as government program, and giving more attention around the environment itself in order to always keep it clean and no potential place for Aedes aegypti breed