34 research outputs found

    Biogas Filter Based on Local Natural Zeolite Materials

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    UPT BPPTK LIPI has created a biogas filter tool to improve the purity of methane in the biogas. The device shaped cylindrical tube containing absorbent materials which based on local natural zeolite of Indonesia. The absorbent has been activated and modified with other materials. This absorbtion material has multi-adsorption capacity for almost impurities gas of biogas. The biogas filter increase methane content of biogas for 5-20%. The biogas filter improve the biogas\u27s performance such as increasing methane contents, increasing heating value, reduction of odors, reduction of corrosion potential, increasing the efficiency and stability of the generator

    Validity and Reliability Fatigue Severity Scale in Patients with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) in Indonesia

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    Background: Fatigue is one symptom of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE), which has an important effect on the quality of life. Fatigue Severity Scale (FSS)is one parameter fatigue symptom in SLE. The purpose of this study was to determine the validity and reliabilitybetween FSS with duration of ilness and disease activity of SLE patients in Indonesia.Methods: FSS performed on 40 patients with SLE. FSS original English version has been converted-translated into Indonesian version by a team of RheumatologyImmunology Medical Faculty of Brawijaya University. Reliability determined by Cronbach's Alpha values (>0.6). Validity was determined by the value of Corrected Item-Total Correlation which each item was a valid question if below value of Cronbach's Alpha.Results: The reliability value was determined by Cronbach's Alpha values (>0.6) in which the SLE patients in this study had a Cronbach's Alpha value of 0.946. Value of Corrected Item-Total Correlation overall under Cronbach's Alpha value (range = 0.684-0.859) which indicates that each item was a valid question. There were correlation between the FSS Indonesian version with disease duration (p = 0.000) as well as the value of r = 0.581, with SLEDAI (p = 0.000) with a value of r = 0.833. Conclusion: FSS in Indonesian version has a good reliability and validity and can be used by clinicians andother researchers to assess the condition of fatigue in SLE patients in Indonesia

    Correlation Between Anti-cyclic Citrullinated Peptide Antibodies and the Severity of Clinical Manifestation, Laboratory Manifestation, and Radiological Joint Destruction in Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients

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    Background. The second generation anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide test (CCP2) displays sensitivity comparable to that of rheumatoid factor (RF) (approximately 80%) but with superior specificity (98%) . Several observations have indicated that early rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients with positive anti-CCP may develop a more erosive disease than those without anti-CCP.Objective. The purpose of this cross-sectional study was to investigate the correlation between anti-CCP antibodies and clinical and laboratory parameters and radiological joint destruction in RA patients.Methods. We studied 31 patients with RA fulfilling the 1987 revised criteria of American College of Rheumatology in Rheumatology Clinic of Saiful Anwar General Hospital, Malang, Indonesia. Clinical parameters were collected such as age, sex, visual analog scale,disease duration and diseases activity score (DAS28-3(CRP)). Laboratory parameters were WBC, hemoglobin, platelet count, erythrocyte sedimentation rate, and Creactive protein. Analyzed autoantibody profiles were RF and anti-CCP (ELISA methode). Radiological jointdestruction was evaluated from bilateral postero-anterior manus x ray (Sharp score).Results. Anti-CCP antibodies were detected in 48.4% of RA patients with mean antibody concentration was 291.24±143.67 (range 16-523.8) units. Anti CCP level was significantly correlated with duration of RA (month) (p=0.04, r=0.371), RF level (p=0.002, r=0.542) andSharp score (p=0.048, r=0.358), but was not significantly correlated with other clinical and laboratory parameters.Conclusion. Anti-CCP level was correlated with duration of disease, RF, and Sharp score

    Optimization of Concentration and EM4 Augmentation for Improving Bio-Gas Productivity From Jatropha Curcas Linn Capsule Husk

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    Most literature suggests that two-phase digestion is more efficient than single-phase. The series of two-phase digestion studies have been conducted from 2011 to 2013 at the research farm of PT Bumimas Ekapersada, West Java, Indonesia. This paper reports on a research on optimation of concentration and augmentation of EM-4 (effective microorganism-4), a local commercial decomposer, as efforts to stabilize a biogas technology which made ​​from husk capsules of Jatropha curcas Linn (DH-JcL). The studies of increasing organic loading rate (OLR) for the two-phase digestion was conducted to improve efficiency. The concentration variable studied was 1: 8 (1 part DH-JCL and 8 parts water), compared to 1: 12 as a control. The augmentation treatment is the addition of EM-4 by 5% (v/v). It was also examined the augmentation of F2-EM4 (150 times duplication of EM-4) due to cost consideration. The studies were conducted in the laboratory which using a liter and two liters of glass digester and glass wool as immobilized growth. The results of this study support the previous studies: the optimum concentration was 1: 8, EM-4 was able to increase biogas production in two-phase digestion, yet biogas production decrease at single-phase. F2-EM4's ability to support production of biogas were equivalent to that of EM-4

    Thermal Efficiency and Emission Characteristics of a Diesel-hydrogen Dual Fuel CI Engine at Various Loads Condition

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    Efforts to find alternative fuels and reduce emissions of CI engines have been conducted, one of which is the use of diesel hydrogen dual fuel. One of the goals of using hydrogen in dual-fuel combustion systems is to reduce particulate emissions and increase engine power. This study investigates the thermal efficiency and emission characteristics of a diesel-hydrogen dual fuel CI engine at various loads condition. The hydrogen was used as a secondary fuel in a single cylinder 667 cm3 diesel engine. The hydrogen was supplied to intake manifold by fumigation method, and diesel was injected directly into the combustion chamber. The results show that the performance test yielding an increase around 10% in the value of thermal efficiency of diesel engines with the addition of hydrogen either at 2000 or 2500 rpm. Meanwhile, emission analyses show that the addition of hydrogen at 2000 and 2500 rpm lead to the decrease of NOx value up to 43%. Furthermore, the smokeless emissions around 0% per kWh were occurred by hydrogen addition at 2000 and 2500 rpm of engine speeds with load operation under 20 Nm

    Numerical Investigation of Vortex Ring Ground Plane Interactions

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    Komparasi Metode Machine Learning Dan Metode Non Machine Learning Untuk Estimasi Usaha Perangkat Lunak

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    Estimasi USAha adalah proses yang sangat penting dalam kesuksesan pelaksanaan suatu proyek perangkat lunak. Memilih metode estimasi yang sesuai dengan proyek yang akan dikerjakan diperlukan pemahaman yang jelas tentang metode-metode estimasi USAha yang salah satunya mengetahui kelemahan dan kelebihan dari masing - masing metode tersebut. Dalam penelitian ini dikaji dua kelompok besar metode estimasi biaya perangkat lunak yakni metode machine learning dan metode non machine learning untuk mengetahui metode mana yang paling baik. Pada penelitian pertama mengunakan metode machine learning dapat kita ketahui bahwa K-NN(k-nearnest neigbhors) mempunyai nilai RSME yang paling baik. Pada penelitian Kedua mengunakan metode non machine learning Dari hasil tersebut dapat kita ketahui bahwa FP (fungsion point ) mempunyai nilai RSME yang paling baik. Pada Penelitian Ketiga diantara metode machine learning dan non machine learning didapatkan K-NN yang mempunyai nilai RSME yang paling baik. Pada penelitian Keempat penambahan seleksi atribut forward selection mendapatkan hasil yang paling baik untuk digunakan pada estimasi USAha perangkat lunak

    Studi Refleksi Gelombang Menggunakan Model Breakwater Tipe Dinding Berpori dengan Pemodelan Fisik 2-D

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    Pemecah gelombang mempunyai fungsi untuk mereduksi gelombang dan melindungi garis pantaidari hamparan ombak. Gelombang yang merambak mengenai suatu bangunan pemecahgelombang, sebagian energinya akan diteruskan (transmisi), sebagian energinya dipantulkan(refleksi), dan sebagian energinya akan dihancurkan (disipasi). Hal tersebut melatar belakangipenelitian “Studi Refleksi Menggunakan Model Breakwater Tipe Dinding Berpori denganPemodelan Fisik 2-D”. Variabel yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah, Tinggi gelombangdatang (Hi), Tinggi gelombang pantul (Hr), Ketinggian muka air tenang (d), Panjang gelombang(L), Koefisien Refleksi (Kr). Hubungan koefisien korelasi dan determinasi model breakwater yangdihasilkan berada pada range 59%-79% dan termasuk hubungan yang baik. Data yang dihasilkanyaitu berupa hubungan antara luasan lubang dengan koefisien refleksi yang dimana kofisienrefleksi terbesar dan terkecil dihasilkan pada model empat dan satu dengan angka kr, 0,3436 dan0,2373

    Peruraian Anaerobik Termofilik Limbah Vinasse : Pengaruh Zeolit Alam Teraktivasi Asam dan Basa terhadap Performa Proses

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    Vinasse merupakan limbah produksi bioetanol dengan kadar chemical oxygen demand (COD) tinggi dan dapat diolah melalui Peruraian anaerobik untuk menghasilkan biogas. Optimasi proses dapat dilakukan pada kondisi termofilik (55°C) dengan penambahan zeolit alam terkativasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menginvestigasi efek zeolit alam terkativasi asam dan basa terhadap performa proses Peruraian anaerobik termofilik vinasse. Proses aktivasi zeolit alam diawali dengan perendaman selama 24 jam pada larutan asam klorida (HCl) 3 M atau natrium hidroksida (NaOH) 3 M, dilanjutkan pengeringan dan kalsinasi. Selanjutnya zeolit alam tanpa aktivasi (NZ), teraktivasi asam (NZA), dan teraktivasi basa (NZB) ditambahkan pada proses Peruraian anaerobik termofilik limbah vinasse secara batch dengan inokulum digested vinasse yang diperoleh dari reaktor skala laboratorium. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penambahan NZB mempercepat puncak produksi gas metana (hari ke9) dibanding NZ (hari ke-12), sedangkan pada NZA tidak terdapat produksi gas metana. Hal ini disebabkan oleh perbedaan pH cairan. Penambahan NZB menyebabkan pH berada pada kisaran nilai optimum sedangkan NZA menyebabkan hasil sebaliknya. Hasil methane yield NZB juga menunjukkan hasil lebih tinggi yakni 84.37 mL-CH4/g-sCOD removal dibanding NZ 73.94 dan NZA 0.07. Oleh karena itu, direkomendasikan penambahan zeolite teraktivasi basa untuk meningkatkan performa process Peruraian anaerobik termofilik limbah vinasse