346 research outputs found

    Engineered microwave control for trapped ions

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    Mutagenicity testing with transgenic mice. Part II: Comparison with the mouse spot test

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    The mouse spot test, an in vivo mutation assay, has been used to assess a number of chemicals. It is at present the only in vivo mammalian test system capable of detecting somatic gene mutations according to OECD guidelines (OECD guideline 484). It is however rather insensitive, animal consuming and expensive type of test. More recently several assays using transgenic animals have been developed. From data in the literature, the present study compares the results of in vivo testing of over twenty chemicals using the mouse spot test and compares them with results from the two transgenic mouse models with the best data base available, the lacI model (commercially available as the Big Blue(® )mouse), and the lacZ model (commercially available as the Muta™ Mouse). There was agreement in the results from the majority of substances. No differences were found in the predictability of the transgenic animal assays and the mouse spot test for carcinogenicity. However, from the limited data available, it seems that the transgenic mouse assay has several advantages over the mouse spot test and may be a suitable test system replacing the mouse spot test for detection of gene but not chromosome mutations in vivo

    Running on Empty: Of Hypopinealism and Human Seasonality

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    The pineal hormone melatonin is the natural transducer of the environmental light-dark signal to the body. Although the responsiveness to photoperiod is well-conserved in humans, only about 25 percent of the human population experiences seasonal changes in behavior. As a consequence, humans seem to have adapted-at least partly-to the seasonal changes in day length. The aim of the study was to demonstrate that the individual melatonin deficit marker DOC (degree of pineal calcification) is related to variation of seasonal phenomena in humans. Out of 3,011 patients in which cranial computer tomography (cCT) was performed for diagnostic reasons, 97 consecutive "healthy" subjects (43 female, 54 male; age 18-68 yrs, mean ± SD: 35.0 ± 13.1) were included. Exclusion criteria were pathological finding in cCT, acute/chronic illness including alcohol/drug abuse, shift work, and medication, which are known to influence melatonin excretion. The degree of pineal calcification (DOC) was semiquantitatively determined using the previously validated method. The Seasonal Pattern Assessment Questionnaire (SPAQ) was performed in a telephone interview. Twenty-six subjects fulfilled the criteria for seasonal affective disorder (SAD) or subsyndromal (S) SAD. Seasonality was more pronounced in women than in men (SPAQ seasonality score: 7.8 ± 4.0 vs. 4.9 ± 4.5; p = 0.001) and negatively and significantly associated with age (r = -0.178; p = 0.04). The subjective sleep length significantly varied between seasons (one-way repeated measures ANOVA: F = 45.75; p < 0.0001), with sleep during winter being 53 min (± 70 min) longer than during summer. Controlling for age, the total seasonality score was negatively and significantly associated with DOC (r(94) = -0.214; p = 0.036). Data confirm earlier studies with respect to distribution of seasonality with sex and age. The survival of seasonality in the sleep length of people living in an urban environment underlines functionality of the circadian timing system in modern societies. Moreover, data confirm for the first time that diminished experience of seasonality in behavior is associated with a reduced individual capacity to produce melatonin

    Vinyl chloride: still a cause for concern.

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    Vinyl chloride (VC) is both a known carcinogen and a regulated chemical, and its production capacity has almost doubled over the last 20 years, currently 27 million tons/year worldwide. According to recent reports it is still a cause for concern. VC has been found as a degradation product of chloroethylene solvents (perchloroethylene and trichloroethylene) and in landfill gas and groundwater at concentrations up to 200 mg/m(3) and 10 mg/L, respectively. Worldwide occupational exposure to VC still seems to be high in some countries (e.g., averages of approximately 1,300 mg/m(3) until 1987 in one factory), and exposure may also be high in others where VC is not regulated. By combining the most relevant epidemiologic studies from several countries, we observed a 5-fold excess of liver cancer, primarily because of a 45-fold excess risk from angiosarcoma of the liver (ASL). The number of ASL cases reported up to the end of 1998 was 197 worldwide. The average latency for ASL is 22 years. Some studies show a small excess risk for hepatocellular carcinoma, and others suggest a possible risk of brain tumors among highly exposed workers. Lung cancer, lymphomas, or leukemia do not seem to be related to VC exposure according to recent results. The mutation spectra observed in rat and human liver tumors (ASL and/or hepatocellular carcinoma) that are associated with exposure to VC are clearly distinct from those observed in sporadic liver tumors or hepatic tumors that are associated with other exposures. In rats, the substitution mutations found at A:T base pairs in the ras and p53 genes are consistent with the promutagenic properties of the DNA adduct 1,N(6)-ethenoadenine formed from VC metabolites. Risk assessments derived from animal studies seem to overestimate the actual risk of cancer when comparing estimated and reported cases of ASL

    Mutagenicity testing with transgenic mice. Part I: Comparison with the mouse bone marrow micronucleus test

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    As part of a larger literature study on transgenic animals in mutagenicity testing, test results from the transgenic mutagenicity assays (lacI model; commercially available as the Big Blue(® )mouse, and the lacZ model; commercially available as the Muta™Mouse), were compared with the results on the same substances in the more traditional mouse bone marrow micronucleus test. 39 substances were found which had been tested in the micronucleus assay and in the above transgenic mouse systems. Although, the transgenic animal mutation assay is not directly comparable with the micronucleus test, because different genetic endpoints are examined: chromosome aberration versus gene mutation, the results for the majority of substances were in agreement. Both test systems, the transgenic mouse assay and the mouse bone marrow micronucleus test, have advantages and they complement each other. However, the transgenic animal assay has some distinct advantages over the micronucleus test: it is not restricted to one target organ and detects systemic as well as local mutagenic effects

    Der Grunewald bei Berlin

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    DER GRUNEWALD BEI BERLIN Der Grunewald bei Berlin / Wahnschaffe, Felix (Public Domain) ( - ) Title page ( - ) Preface ( - ) Die Seenrinne des Grunewalds und ihre Moore / Felix, Wahnschaffe ( - ) Fig. 1 ( - ) Photograph: Fig. 2. Westufer des Grunewaldsees bei hohem Wasserstande ( - ) Photograph: Fig. 3. Westufer des ( - ) Photograph: Fig. 4. Faulschlammkalkablagerung im Schlachtensee ( - ) Photograph: Fig. 5. Nordbucht der Krummen Lanke mit Einmündung des Rienmeistertales ( - ) Photograph: Fig. 6. Erlen-Bruch in Gr. Lichterfelde ( - ) Photograph: Fig. 7. Kiefernbruchwald auf dem Zwischenmoor südl. von Paulsborn ( - ) Photograph: Fig. 8. Krüppelkiefern in Moosbulten (mit Porstbestand ( - ) Photograph: Fig. 9. Das Hochmoor nördlich vom Grunewaldsee ( - ) Die Flora des Grunewaldes / Graebner, Paul ([26]) Photograph: Fig. 10. Einzeln stehende Eichen im Kiefernforst, am Fuße mit Brennesseln ( - ) Die Tiere des Grunewalds / Dahl, Friedrich ([38]) Kultureinflüsse auf Sumpf und Moor / Potonié, Henry ([44]) ColorChart ( -

    Night-time activity forecast by season and weather in a longitudinal design:natural light effects on three years' rest-activity cycles in nursing home residents with dementia

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    Backround: Night-time agitation is a frequent symptom of dementia. It often causes nursing home admission and has been linked to circadian rhythm disturbances. A positive influence of light interventions on night-time agitation was shown in several studies. The aim of our study was to investigate whether there is a long-term association between regional weather data (as indicator for daylight availability) and 24-hour variations of motor activity. Methods: Motor activity of 20 elderly nursing home residents living with dementia was analyzed using recordings of continuously worn wrist activity monitors over a three-year period. The average recording duration was 479 206 days per participant (mean SD). Regional cloud amount and day length data from the local weather station (latitude: 52 degrees 56N) were included in the analysis to investigate their effects on several activity variables. Results: Nocturnal rest, here defined as the five consecutive hours with the least motor activity during 24 hours (L5), was the most predictable activity variable per participant. There was a significant interaction of night-time activity with day length and cloud amount (F-1,F-1174 = 4.39; p = 0.036). Night-time activity was higher on cloudy short days than on clear short days (p = 0.007), and it was also higher on cloudy short days than on cloudy long days (p = 0.032). Conclusions: The need for sufficient zeitgeber (time cue) strength during winter time, especially when days are short and skies are cloudy, is crucial for elderly people living with dementia. Activity forecast by season and weather might be a valuable approach to anticipate adequately complementary use of electrical light and thereby foster lower night-time activity

    Multilayer ion trap technology for scalable quantum computing and quantum simulation

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    We present a novel ion trap fabrication method enabling the realization of multilayer ion traps scalable to an in principle arbitrary number of metal-dielectric levels. We benchmark our method by fabricating a multilayer ion trap with integrated three-dimensional microwave circuitry. We demonstrate ion trapping and microwave control of the hyperfine states of a laser cooled 9Be+ ion held at a distance of 35 above the trap surface. This method can be used to implement large-scale ion trap arrays for scalable quantum information processing and quantum simulation