10 research outputs found

    Faktor Yang Berhubungan Dengan Kejadian Hipertensi Pada Akseptor Pil KB Di Kelurahan Sumbersari Kabupaten Jember Tahun 2014 (The Associated Factors of Hypertension Occurence in Oral Contraceptives User at Sumbersari District Area in Jember Regency)

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    The hypertension is the main factor of cardiovascular disease in the world. The hypertension has various factors, one of the risk factors is oral contraceptives use in woman. Prevalence of hypertension have increased 30,73% in 2012 at Jember with a high prevalence at Sumbersari by 1519 woman with hypertension. The purpose of this study is to analyze the association between age, the duration of using oral contraceptives, type of oral contraceptives and regularity blood pressure checkup with hypertension among oral contraceptives user at Sumbersari District Area in Jember Regency in 2014. This research was cross sectional study.The sample was 70 women who use oral contraceptives in last two years. The result is presented in the table, text and analyzed by Chi-Square with the level significance 5% (á=0,05). The result showed that the average respondent with hypertension is an age 37 years old with the duration of using oral contraceptives 8 year. The most type of oral contraceptives which is used contain 0.03-0.05 mg estrogens and most of them is not regularity blood pressure checkup. There are significant associated between age and the duration of using oral contraceptives with hypertension. However, there are not significant associated between type of oral contraceptives and regularity blood pressure checkup with hypertension. Keyword: Oral Contraceptive User, Hypertensio

    Pengaruh Konseling KB Pada Ibu Hamil Trimester III terhadap Keikutsertaan KB Pasca Persalinan di Kecamatan Sukowono Kabupaten Jember (The Effects of Family Planning's Counseling Among Third Trimester Pregnancy Women to Participation of Postpartum Family P

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    Posttpartum family planning was very important to prevent unintended pregnancy. Based onthese data, Sukowono Subdistrict has lowest postpartum FP participant that was any 1 personthan another subdistrict. The low service caused by the lack of FP counseling treatmenttherefore it will impact to the increasing of unmet need. This research aims to know effects offamily planning's counseling among third trimester pregnancy women to participation ofpostpartum family planning in sukowono subdistrict, Jember District. This type of research wasquasi-experimental research with the type of Community Trial. The study was conducted inNovember 2014 until July 2015, in Sukowono Subdistrict. The total respondents were 45 peopleand the randomization ratio was 1:2 for the control and intervention groups. Result showed thatgroup that was given counseling have knowledge and attitude higher than group that was notgiven counseling The analysis results of FP counseling effect to postpartum FP participationshow experimental group percentage of respondents who participate to postpartum FP washigher than control group, and there was significant relationship between counseling treatmentand postpartum FP participation. The analysis results also showed there was no differencebetween planning and realization of postpartum FP participation in group that was given FPcounseling.Keywords: Family Planning's Counseling, Postpartum Family Plannin

    Determinan Penyakit Jantung dan Pembuluh Darah Pasien Rawat Jalan Poli Jantung dan Poli Penyakit Dalam RSD dr. Soebandi Jember (Determinants of Heart and Blood Vessel Disease at Cardiovascular and Internal Medicine Outpatients Clinic in dr. Soebandi General Hospital of Jember )

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    Heart and blood vessel disease (HBVD) is a disease that attacks heart and bloodvessels that cause disorder in these organs. Heart and blood vessel disease (HBVD) is apublic health problem and is the most leading cause of death in Indonesia. Prevalence ofHBVD have increased 15% in January up to December 2014 in dr. Soebandi generalhospital. The research is done in outpatiens at cardiovascular and internal medicineclinic in dr. Soebandi general hospital in April 2015. This research aimed to describe andanalyze the risk factors of HBVD in dr. Soebandi general hospita of Jemberl. Theresearch was conducted by case control design. An age over 55 years (p=0.03), BMIwith fat (p=0.004), alcohol consumption (p=0.015), smoking habit over 10 per day(p=0,0018), and the consumption of foods with high amount of saturated fat (p=0.0018)were significant correlated with HBVD. The highest risk factor was smoking habit withover 20 per day had a risk 15,8 times higher than non-smokers, while the lowest was theBMI with fat had a risk 3,6 times higher than normal BMI.Keywords: Risk factor, Heart and blood vessel diseas

    Pemetaan Tingkat Kerentanan Daerah terhadap Penyakit Menular (TB Paru, DBD, dan Diare) di Kabupaten Lumajang Tahun 2012 (Mapping of District Vulnerability on Communicable Diseases (Pulmonary TB, DHF, and Diarrhea) in Lumajang 2012)

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    Several types of communicable diseases such as pulmonary TB, DHF, and diarrhea have some similarity of physical environmental, socio economic, and host factors. Data related communicable diseases are needed to produce health information. Processing and presentation data about health in Lumajang is still very simple, that's only based on amount of cases distribution without any assessment with other factors such as physical environmental and human activity that have contributed to a health-related phenomena. The purposes of this research are to create synthesis thematic maps in the form of district vulnerability of communicable diseases with combining environmental and host factors. This type of research is descriptive study with variables are physical environmental (height and rainfall), social economic environment (category of family, population density rate, and total of family member), host (age, sex, and behavior), and prevalence rate of communicable diseases where obtained from secondary data. The data prensented in the form of vulnerability maps using crosstab. The result of synthesis thematic maps that subdistricts with vulnerable category of pulmonary TB are Klakah, Gucialit, Kedungjajang, Sukodono, Jatiroto, Lumajang, Yosowilangun, Kunir, Pasirian, Tempursari, Pronojiwo, Candipuro, and Pasrujambe. The subdistricts with vulnerable category of DHF are Senduro, Sukodono, Kunir, dan Rowokangkung. The subdistricts with vulnerable category of diarrhea are Senduro, Sukodono, Kunir, dan Rowokangkung. The most of subdistricts are invulnerable on communicable diseases. Keywords: Mapping, vulnerability, communicable diseases

    Gambaran Kondisi Ibu Hamil dengan Diabetes Mellitus di RSD dr. Soebandi Jember Tahun 2013-2017 (Description of Pregnant Women Condition with Diabetes Mellitus in RSD dr. Soebandi Jember on 2013-2017)

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    Abstract Diabetes Mellitus or diabetes is a chronic metabolic disease disorder caused by pancreas does not produce enough insulin or the body can’t effectively use produced insulin. In pregnant women with a family history of diabetes mellitus, the prevalence of pregnancy with diabetes mellitus is 5.1%. This research aim to determine description of pregnant women condition with diabetes mellitus in RSD dr. Soebandi Jember. This research used descriptive method with case series design. The sample size of 19 pregnant women with diabetes mellitus was selected by total sampling technique. The results showed that the high maternal age (52.6%), low education (89.5%), unemployment or housewife (89.2%), had a genetic 78.9%), BMI overweight (57.9%), glucosuria (89.5%), history of pre-eclampsia (57.9%), low parity (79%), never miscarried (84.2%). Based on the result of the research, it was concluded that maternal education, maternal job, genetic, overweight BMI, glucosuria, and history of pre-eclampsia had an effect towards the occurrence of pregnant women with diabetes mellitus, also maternal age, parity and history of miscarriage had no effect on the occurrence of pregnant women with diabetes mellitus. To raise awareness of the risks of pregnancy with diabetes mellitus can be done with screening for diabetes mellitus.  Keywords: diabetes mellitus, pregnant women, RSD dr. Soebandi. &nbsp


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    The number of Indonesia’s pilgrim in 2012 estimated 200.000 persons, in general mostly of them were oldest with many health problems. This condition, many oldest pilgrims with many health problems also happened at the pilgrims of Banyuwangi District. The research objective are identified the caracteristic (sex, age, occupatiion, education, pilgrims experince) and the health status the pilgrims at Banyuwangi District by the year 2012. Type of this research is qualitative descriptive, by used secondary data from District Health Office and Ministry of Religion of Banyuwangi District. The result of this research showed that the characteristic of the pilgrims were the woman higher than man, largest age group among 40-49 and 50-59 years old, education background were elementary and occupational background were informal worker. The oldest pilgrims have high risk status related to health condition, mostly of them have the cardivascular disease (espescialy hypertension) and the endocrinal disease (especialy obesity and Diabetes Mellitus). Key words : pilgrims, characteristic, health statu


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    At present, the world have a pandemikHIV. No one country in the world free from this infection, including Indonesia. In Indonesia, the infection has been alarming stage. If nothings done to prevent and control the spread of HIV, the next ten years, HIV infection such as sub sahara-africa, where there will be 3 of 10 people infected HIV. The Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) is a type of virus called a retrovirus and it is spreading  throughout the world include sexual contact, sharing needles, and by transmission from infected mothers to their newborns during pregnancy, labor, or breastfeeding. Purpose of this study was determine HIV risk behaviors in youth on the street in Jember district. Behavioral surveillance survey aims to monitor changes in sexual behavior and injecting risk from time to time. Target Population of Behavioral surveillance stratified by contributing to the HIV epidemic, one of which is youth aged 15 -24 years old, men and women, educated or not. This is descriptive approach with survey methods to 50 youths. The result were contained two behavioral surveillance of key indicators that have high percentage. There were heard HIV and AIDS(87,8%) and knowing to prevent HIV and AIDS using condom(98%). The recommendation is that the youth should have healthy behavior, alert to the HIV and AIDS, no sex before marriage and avoid other risky behaviors


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    Diphtheria is a reemerging disease. In Jember Regency, diphtheria cases have increased from the year 2009 with 2 cases and 2010 up to 6 cases. Positive contact of diphtheria is a potential source of infection. The objective of this research was to analyze the factors that influence the positive contacts of diphtheria. This research used cross sectional design. This research was conducted in 6 working areas of public health centers in Jember Regency. Subjects were all positive and negative contact cases based on the laboratory results in 2010  from Jember District Health Office. The sampling techniques used were proportional random sampling. The samples involved were 61 people. Data analysis used was logistic regression test with α = 0.05. The research results showed that the significant factors influencing the occurrence of positive contacts of diphtheria were age (0.042) and the closeness of contacts (0.001). Meanwhile, the factors that mostly affected the occurrence of positive contacts of diphtheria were the closeness of contacts with the risk of 12.4 times higher in one-home close contacts than those in neighborhood, school friends and playmates. The recommendations that can be given are to provide prophylaxis on all contacts of diphtheria, to use a mask at the positive contacts of diphtheria, to employ a drug-taking supervisor in the delivery of prophylactic medication, to provide additional immunization of diphtheria toxoids to the age of adolescence and adulthood, and to socialize health-record card keeping ​​. Key words: diphtheria, positive contact


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    In District of Jember almost every year appears Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever (DHF) cases, its peak happened in 2005 with 1079 cases. DHF is one of the contagious disease that need to be prevented and fought against because its could cause death and potentially be extraordinary event. To overcome this problem an effective and efficient surveillance system is needed to monitor the existence of this disease as early as possible to make prevention from its widespread. The goal of this research is to evaluate DHF epidemiologic surveillance in the Health Department of Jember District by identifying the way of conducting surveillance system, evaluating the surveillance system based on the surveillance’s attribute as well as identifying the weakness of the surveillance system. This research applies descriptive analysis method that is describing a certain situation objectively. The respondents are staffs who were responsible to handle DHF data referring to 49 Center of Public Health Service, 8 Hospitals and also 1 staff of  Jember District Health Department. The result of this research indicates that in conducting DHF surveillance system the completeness of data report is still unfit with its indicator, the flow of the reports is in line with the correct procedure, there were data compilation, analysis and data interpretation and also information desemination meanwhile there were not optimal feedback. The evaluation based on surveillance attribute indicates that DHF epidemic surveillance system is simple, representative, acceptable and flexible with Positive Predictive Value and sensitivity more tha 80%, meanwhile there were no accurate data report even thought oral report always came on time. There must be a control system in collecting data. Beside that there must be good training for the surveillance staff, for surveyor in Hospitals or Center of Public Health Service and more qualified feed back must be provided by report takers. Keywords : DHF, surveillance system, evaluatio


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    Leprosy still becomes a public health problem in Indonesia. Many affected leprosy come to the hospital when they are having a disability. Number of disabled leprosy patients for the last 3 years (2006-2008) in Kediri Leprosy Hospital are 263 (79, 22%) from 332 new leprosy patients. Leprosy is high potential to create disability, but it can be prevented by an early medical examination and a regular medical treatment. Leprosy is still becoming a big medical problem and also raising social, economic, and cultural problems. This research is aiming to analyzing influential factors towards disability levels of newly leprosy patients at the Kediri Leprosy Hospital, namely; age, sex, education, occupation, and medical record. The final result is expected to be guidance for hospital in increasing a quality of services towards leprosy patients.  This research is an analytical research. Based on the time, this research is included into retrospective research with cross sectional approach. The populations in this research are 116 newly leprosy patients with sampling 53 patients. The sample is collected with simple random sampling technique. Type of collected data is secondary data from medical record of the patients and the data are analyzed with logistic regression examination. The research shows that Age factor is constant with p=1.00 (p>0.05), Sex and Education factor do not influent to disability levels significantly with each: p=0.438 (p>0.05) and p=0.143(p>0.05). Finally, Occupation and Medical Record are significantly influencing to disability level with value each: p=0.004 (p<0.05) and p=0.004 (p<0.05). Recommendation of this research is expecting to health worker using active method to find leprosy patients through intensive contact survey program in patient families and their community to prevent number of people affected by leprosy. Key words: leprosy, new affected leprosy, disability on lepros