12 research outputs found

    Strict Liability Principle In Environmental Legal System

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    Implementation of Strict Liability Principle in environmental legal system not based on the proving aspect of the fault form factor of negligence or misconduct of intent. In addition to the legal approach, risk management considerations also underlie the problems and or environmental risks posed by various factors that is difficult and expensive to prove. The MT Natuna Sea case on 3 October 2000 spilled 40,000 tons of crude oil or 60% of the total load of 523,088 barrels, to date Indonesia has not received any compensation. The purpose of this paper is to understand the application of Strict Liability Principle in the environmental legal system. The method used is normative legal research conducted by basing to the materials of the library or secondary data. Comparative legal approach is used to find matters relating to the problem of sea oil pollution compensation claims. The results show that Indonesia as a country that has ratified CLC 1969/1992 has applied provisions on insurance obligations. Neither into the provisions of legislation nor in practice in the field. However, the application into the legislation still requires improvements, namely with compensation claims for compensation and environmental restoration costs. Keywords: insurance liability, environment, tanker, protection, marine environment

    Regulation on Flats and Its Development in Indonesia

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    The basis of the regulation regarding flats and development in Indonesia is contained in the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia, then specifically stated in Law No. 5 Year 1967 concerning the Basic Agrarian Law, Law No. 1 Year 2011 concerning Housing and Housing Settlements, Law No. 20 Year 2011 concerning Flats, and Government Regulation No. 88 Year 2014 concerning Fostering the Implementation of Housing and Settlement Areas. Because Government Regulation No. 88 Year 2014 only regulates development and its procedures, therefore in accordance with Article 118 of Law No. 20 Year 2011 for matters that have not been further regulated, the implementing regulations still used in the Law No. 16 Year 1986 concerning Flats, namely Government Regulation Number 04 Year 1988 concerning Flats. Keywords: regulation, developmen, flats, Indonesia

    The Essence of Law of Community's Participation in the Local Development Planning in Papua

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    Centralized development strategy is an example of uncertainty bureaucracy to variety of local community development and less responsive of the local community needs/interests including in the lowest level of bureaucracy – called village. The spirit and participation of the local community to develop their capacity and /or their region then cannot be done properly. Basically, the public participation has been governed in some laws such as the Law No. 25/2004, the Law No.32/2004 – has been amanded into the law No. 23/2014 concerning Local Governance. Therefore, the form of the participation as stipulated in those laws needs to use optimally either in terms of planning, implementation, or evaluation of the development in Papua. As it is known that the essense of the public particpation is because the people basically are more understand to the real problems and needs of the development that they are faced. Keywords: The essence of law, public participation, and developemnt planning

    Politik Hukum Pemberantasan Kerusakan Hutan dalam Menangani Kebakaran Hutan

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sejauh mana politik hukum pemberantasan kerusakan hutan dapat menangani kebakaran hutan, tujuan penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian normatif dengan menggunakan pendekatan perundang-undangan, pendekatan konseptual, dan pendekatan kasus. Bahan hukum primer dan sekunder diolah dan dianalisis menggunakan metode studi kepustakaan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penanganan kebakaran hutan mulai pelaksanaan peraturan sampai pada penegakan hukumnya belum maksimal yang dipengaruhi oleh penanganan kebakaran yang lambang, kurangnya koordinasi antara pemerintah pusat dan daerah, lemahnya penegakan hukum, dan lebih mengutamakan upaya represif dalam mengendalikan kebakaran hutan. Adapun upaya kebijakan hukum pemerintah dalam menanagani kebakaran hutan yaitu upaya pencegahan membuat peta rawan kebakaran dan memudahkan akses ke daerah yang rawan kebakaran, upaya pemadaman, upaya pasca kebakaran meliputi evaluasi, identifikiasi, rehabilitasi dan penegakan hukum, termuatnya larangan dan pengenaan sanksi dalam peraturan perundang-undangan, instruksi presiden dalam melibatkan semua lembaga negara, Pendekatan UU Tipikor dan pelibatan KPK dalam menangani kebakaran hutan, penggunakaan strict liability, pemberian insentif bagi perusahaan atau masyarakat yang tidak melakukan pembakaran hutan, dan perbankan hijau berupa sanski kepada pembakar hutan dengan tidak memberikan atau mengurangi kredit perusahaan

    Pappaseng as a Philosophy of Community Life in South Sulawesi

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    Pappaseng as a philosophy of community life in South Sulawesi is a form of expression that reflects cultural values that benefit life. In a Pappaseng there is a great idea, noble thoughts, valuable soul experiences, and noble considerations of good and bad qualities. The noble values in a Pappaseng are packaged well in a concept with abstract meanings so that understanding those meanings requires certain approaches. Pappaseng is interpreted as a message, advice, advice, the will of the ancestors to their children and grandchildren, including the next generation which contains instructions, mandates, and convey moral proposals and values that must be carried out in order to live well. Keywords: community, pappaseng, philosophy, South Sulawesi. DOI: 10.7176/JLPG/87-15 Publication date:July 31st 201

    Pengantar hukum lingkungan

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    xii, 268 h

    Pengantar hukum lingkungan

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    xii, 268 h

    Pengantar hukum lingkungan

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    xx, 256 hlm.: 23 c

    Pengantar hukum tataruang

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    x, 268 h

    Pengantar hukum lingkungan

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    xiv, 254 hlm. : 23 cm