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    Soil plays an important role in agriculture, soil cannot be separated from soil fertility in order to obtain maximum results. Soil quality on soil fertility is determined by the interaction of a number of physical, chemical and biological soil properties. pH, c-organic, and Al are some of the quality factors of soil fertility. Evaluation of pH, c-organic, and Al content aims to find out the current conditions and what solutions must be made. The research method was carried out by taking disturbed soil samples on primary, secondary, residential, and grassland lands, then carried out soil laboratory analysis. The results showed that: actual and potential soil pH is highest on residential land. The actual pH is 7.61 and the potential is 6.75 and is classified as neutral. While the actual pH in secondary forest, primary forest, and grasslands, the soil pH ranges from 4.42-4.99 which is classified as acid and the potential pH is 3.81-4.19 and is classified as very acidic. Meanwhile, the Al+ content was relatively low for each land use, namely 1.81-5.76 cmol/kg.Tanah sangat berperan penting dalam bidang pertanian, tanah tidak lepas hubungannya dengan kesuburan tanah agar didapatkan hasil panen yang maksimal. Mutu tanah pada kesuburan tanah ditentukan oleh interaksi sejumlah sifat fisika, kimia dan biologi tanah. pH, c-organik, dan Al merupakan beberapa faktor kualitas kesuburan tanah. Evaluasi kandungan pH, c-organik, dan Al bertujuan untuk mengetahui kondisi terkini dan solusi apa yang harus dilakukan. Metode penelitian dilakukan dengan pengambilan sampel tanah secara terganggu pada lahan hutan primer, sekunder, pemukiman, dan lahan padang rumput, selanjutnya dilakukan analisis laboratorium tanah. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa: pH tanah aktual maupun potensial tertinggi berada di lahan pemukiman. pH aktual sebesar 7.61 dan potensial sebesar 6.75 dan tergolong netral. Sedangkan pH aktual di hutan sekunder, hutan primer, dan padang rumput pH tanah sekitar 4.42-4.99 tergolong masam dan pH potensial mencapai 3.81-4.19 dan tergolong sangat masam. Sedangkan kandungan Al+ tergolong rendah disetiap penggunaan lahan sebesar 1.81-5.76 cmol/kg