4 research outputs found


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    ABSTRAKKampus STIP YAPI BONE menjalin kerjasama (MoU) dalam program pendampingan petani dan kegiatan lapangan mahasiswa untuk banyak berbaur kepada masyarakat secara berkelanjutan melakukan penelitian di Pusat Pelatihan Pertanian dan Pedesaan Swadaya (P4S) Wanua Lampoko Kabupaten Bone. Mitra kerjasama pada kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah Kelompok P4S Wanua Lampoko, mereka memiliki petani yang terampil. Adapun tujuan dilakukan kegiatan pengabdian ini yaitu untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan petani tentang pengembangan  pertanian  organik  dalam  mendukung  ketahanan  pangan dan meningkatkan perekonomian petani. Permasalahan utama kelompok tani, yaitu masih terbatasnya pengetahuan dan praktek cerdas dalam melakukan inovasi terhadap perkembangan pasar dimana mayoritas masyarakat belum mengetahui penanganan secara cepat tepat akan produksi sawi organik yang menghasilkan kualitas jaminan mutu sawi yang dihasilkan sesuai standar keamanan mutu dan dengan harga yang cukup baik. Dalam mengatasi permasalahan tersebut, maka pihak akdemisi dapat menjalankan tridarma perguruan tinggi terkait di bidang pendidikan yaitu memberikan informasi dari hasil-hasil riset yang telah dijalankan selama ini. Pengabdian kepada masyarakat adalah tanggung jawab bersama mitra P4S Wanua Lampoko, memegang amanah dalam menjalankan penyuluhan kepada petani dengan rangkaian pelatihan penjualan, pengembangan bisnis hingga pendampingan peningkatan kapasitas kepada masyarakat dalam sistem penyuluhan dimana pemahaman informasi dapat tersampaikan dengan baik, secara berkelanjutan melalui penerapan standar sistem penjaminan mutu. Kata kunci: komoditas hortikultura; sawi; p4s wanua lampoko; sulawesi selatan ABSTRACTThe YAPI BONE STIP Campus has collaborated (MoU) in a farmer assistance program and student field activities to mingle a lot with the community on an ongoing basis conducting research at the Wanua Lampoko Self-Help Agriculture and Rural Training Center (P4S), Bone Regency. The collaborative partner in this community service activity is the P4S Wanua Lampoko Group, they have skilled farmers. Counseling on marketing strategies in business development by private universities (PTS) STIP YAPI BONE, by farmers in Lampoko village to develop product business information. The main problem of farmer groups, namely the limited knowledge and smart practices in innovating on market developments. The efforts of STIP YAPI BONE students are involved in building student capacity in conducting research, as well as strategies to expand the marketing area of mustard greens and produce the best agricultural technology with strategies for mainstreaming smart practices, which can be realized immediately with group independent smallholders. The majority of people do not know about the fast and precise handling of organic mustard production which produces quality assurance of mustard greens produced according to quality safety standards and at a fairly good price. In overcoming these problems, academics can carry out the tridarma of related tertiary institutions in the field of education, namely providing information from research results that have been carried out so far. Community service is a joint responsibility of P4S Wanua Lampoko partners, holding the mandate in carrying out counseling to farmers with a series of sales training, business development to capacity building assistance to the community in an extension system where understanding of information can be conveyed properly, in a sustainable manner through the implementation of a standard guarantee system quality. Keywords: horticultural commodities; mustard; p4s wanua lampoko; south sulawes

    Fish fauna of the Batetangnga River, West Sulawesi, Indonesia

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    Batetangnga River is one of the rivers in West Sulawesi and is well known as an ecotourism area. This preliminary study was performed to reveal fish fauna in the Batetangnga River, West Sulawesi. Ichthyofauna research was conducted in April and May 2021 at two stations in Batetangnga River, namely Rawa Bangun and Butute’neng. During the study period, a total of 14 species belonging to 9 families were identified. No endemic species were found in the study area. Native fish species such as Stiphodon semoni, Butis butis, Glossogobius sp., Glossogobius aereus, Stiphodon sp., Giuris sp, Atule sp. Ambassis miops, Ambassis interrupta, Microphis sp. were recorded. Four alien fishes species were documented i.e. Aplocheilus panchax, Poecilia reticulata, Anabas testudineus, and Oreochromis niloticus. Freshwater fish exploration and efforts to control alien fishes species in west Sulawesi are essential things to be done shortly