48,493 research outputs found

    X-ray measurements of stresses and defects in EFG and large grained polycrystalline silicon ribbons

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    The Bond method was employed to measure the lattice parameter in an area of 0.4 mm in diameter of EFG Si-ribbons to an accuracy of + or - 0.00008 A. A Bond goniometer was built which included a goniostat with a special specimen holder to mount ribbons 1 m in length and 75 mm in width which could be rotated about two orthogonal axes, and a Leitz microscope for precision alignment of a particular area into the center of the goniostat and the small primary X-ray beam. The (321) planes were found to be parallel to the surface of the ribbons with an angular spread of about 15 deg. The poles of the (111) planes clustered about an angle of 25 deg away from the surface normal, again with a spread of 10 deg. The lattice parameter of a small piece of ribbon material was found to be a sub o = 5.43075 A. A maximum stress of 115 MPa was observed in a fractured ribbon which corresponded to the fracture stress of single crystals of Si

    Comment on ``Spin Dependent Hopping and Colossal Negative Magnetoresistance in Epitaxial Nd0.52Sr0.48MnO3Nd_{0.52}Sr_{0.48}MnO_{3} Films in Fields up to 50 T''

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    Recently Wagner et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. Vol. 81, P. 3980 (1998)] proposed that Mott's original model be modified to incorporate a hopping barrier which depends on the misorientation between the spins of electrons at the initial and the final states in an elementary process. They further claimed that using the model they can explain the observed scaling behavior-- negative-magnetoresistivity scaling proportional to the Brillouin function B\cal{B} in the ferromagnetic state and to B2{\cal{B}}^2 in the paramagnetic state. In this comment we argue that the modification needed for Mott's original model is different from that proposed by Wagner et al. and further show that our picture will successfully explain the observed scaling in the two regimes.Comment: 1 pag

    Noise measurements for various configurations of a model of a mixer nozzle externally blown flap system

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    Noise data were taken for variations to a large scale model of an externally blown flap lift augmentation system. The variations included two different mixer nozzles (7 and 8 lobes), two different wing models (2 and 3 flaps), and different lateral distances between the wing chord line and the nozzle centerline. When the seven lobe was used with the trailing flap in the 60 deg position, increasing the wing to nozzle distance had no effect on the sound level. When the eight lobe nozzle was used there was a decrease in sound level. With the 20 deg flap setting the noise level decreased when the distance was increased using either nozzle

    Biology helps to construct weighted scale free networks

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    In this work we study a simple evolutionary model of bipartite networks which its evolution is based on the duplication of nodes. Using analytical results along with numerical simulation of the model, we show that the above evolutionary model results in weighted scale free networks. Indeed we find that in the one mode picture we have weighted networks with scale free distributions for interesting quantities like the weights, the degrees and the weighted degrees of the nodes and the weights of the edges.Comment: 15 pages, 7 figures, Revte

    Antechamber facilitates loading and unloading of vacuum furnace

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    Antechamber facilitates the use of a furnace in which materials are heat treated in a high vacuum or a gas atmosphere. It has a high vacuum pumping system, a means for backfilling with a selected gas, an access door, glove ports, and a motor driven platform

    Surface tension of electrolytes: Hydrophilic and hydrophobic ions near an interface

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    We calculate the ion distributions around an interface in fluid mixtures of highly polar and less polar fluids (water and oil) for two and three ion species. We take into account the solvation and image interactions between ions and solvent. We show that hydrophilic and hydrophobic ions tend to undergo a microphase separation at an interface, giving rise to an enlarged electric double layer. We also derive a general expression for the surface tension of electrolyte systems, which contains a negative electrostatic contribution proportional to the square root of the bulk salt density. The amplitude of this square-root term is small for hydrophilic ion pairs, but is much increased for hydrophilic and hydrophobic ion pairs. For three ion species including hydrophilic and hydrophobic ions, we calculate the ion distributions to explain those obtained by x-ray reflectivity measurements.Comment: 8 figure

    Wedges, Cones, Cosmic Strings, and the Reality of Vacuum Energy

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    One of J. Stuart Dowker's most significant achievements has been to observe that the theory of diffraction by wedges developed a century ago by Sommerfeld and others provided the key to solving two problems of great interest in general-relativistic quantum field theory during the last quarter of the twentieth century: the vacuum energy associated with an infinitely thin, straight cosmic string, and (after an interchange of time with a space coordinate) the apparent vacuum energy of empty space as viewed by an accelerating observer. In a sense the string problem is more elementary than the wedge, since Sommerfeld's technique was to relate the wedge problem to that of a conical manifold by the method of images. Indeed, Minkowski space, as well as all cone and wedge problems, are related by images to an infinitely sheeted master manifold, which we call Dowker space. We review the research in this area and exhibit in detail the vacuum expectation values of the energy density and pressure of a scalar field in Dowker space and the cone and wedge spaces that result from it. We point out that the (vanishing) vacuum energy of Minkowski space results, from the point of view of Dowker space, from the quantization of angular modes, in precisely the way that the Casimir energy of a toroidal closed universe results from the quantization of Fourier modes; we hope that this understanding dispels any lingering doubts about the reality of cosmological vacuum energy.Comment: 28 pages, 16 figures. Special volume in honor of J. S. Dowke

    Evolution of Strategic Levers in Insurance Claims Management: An Industry Survey

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    This article discusses competing strategic goals and success factors in non life insurers' claims management using new and ad hoc empirical data. We structure the study of the companies' aims along the three main conflicting goals: (1) the minimization of claims volume, (2) the optimization of internal claims processes, and (3) the maximization of customer satisfaction. We analyze the insurance industry perspective through a qualitative survey carried out in Germany and Switzerland. Findings on the current and expected importance of selected topics are derived. The results shall lead to managerial implications improving industry practice and serve as a starting point for further research. Our findings are relevant for academics and practitioners beyond the two markets surveyed in the study